Have I just re-started my 2WW?!

Hi Tanya,

My docs have been really good as my PCOS is on record, and I think when I saw my doc a few weeks ago he would have given me Clomiphene then and there had I asked for it. I'm going to see if I get a more 'normal' cycle this month and find out what the blood tests and scan show. Then I think I'll go and see him again and try the clomiphene for a few months. I'm trying not to calculate exact DPO and symptom spot at the mo as I don't want to get my hopes up again. My last cycle was nearly 90 days!

I hope your docs are good and understanding. I'm also 34 so I guess my doc sees I'm heading toward that not-so-magical age of 35 when you apparently become a 'geriatric parent'. Lovely. Not!

Good luck xx
Investigative scan on Thurs and then appointment with my preferred GP on 19th. He should have both the blood test and scan results by then. I'm going to ask him for Clomid at that appointment and just quit beating about the bush. In the meantime, I'm still hoping :S
All the best Jacq23; I'm still surprised at the stories I hear from women where GP's are not supportive. Good to hear yours is, good luck with the clomid. xxx
Well apparently my hormone levels were normal on my blood tests and I had those done on CD18 (they said CD17 was optimum). I had my TV scan today and the sonographer said I had a uterus which is tipped back (not been told that before but having read up on it apparently it can happen after you've had a baby so maybe that's why?). She also said my right ovary looked multi-cystic. I thought I had PCOS as I was told a fair few years ago after a TV ultrasound. I have heard that having a baby can improve PCOS and 'pop' some of the cysts but maybe I don't actually have PCOS.

But if not that then WTH is going on?!! Almost 6 months TTC, had really strong positives on OPKs, bloods are normal and DS was conceived in 2 months of trying.


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