Here we go again!!! Stupid cheapie tests teasing me!!

Hahaha!!! Just belch in his face! That'll teach him to drink on a school night lol x

Muhahahahahaha just drink pickle juicer instead of ur brew! Add a touch of garlic and your poor OH won't know whats hit him! Xx

Such great thinking & I'll have sooooo many seats to myself on the bus & train tomorrow morning to :yay:

FX for you!!
I did another test as AF still hasnt arrived (and is now 4 days late) and i got a line in the result window...
Too bad it was going horizontal instead of vertical though!
Good luck with the fr. I see lines on all your pics. I really hope this is it!

Knell cheese.....oh and together with pickled onions....oh no keep me away from kitchen!
That last test looks just like my early ones!!!! I can't wait for you to test in the morning!!!

Lots and lots of :dust:
I know 2 people that don't like cheese. I could actually eat it by the block!! All sorts of cheese, mmmmmh.
Will stop hi-jacking thread with talk of cheese :eh:

You have no idea how tempted I am to go and take a huge bite out of the cheese in my fridge right now. I live on the stuff...could easily eat my entire daily calorie allowance of cheese on a sandwich for lunch!
Im thread stalking, i cant wait to see your fr this morning hunny :fx: x x

Hey girls how are you all?
AF due today and nothing!! Cervix is in the wrong position so I know it won't be today. I havnt had an achy thighs or period pains that I usual get when it's due either.
Well I did a FR at about 9pm last night and it was diddly squat negative! So I didn't bother doing a FR this morning just another cheapie.
I can't really see anything tbh..
What you all think?

Mmmmm......I've tried to get the pic up but my iPhone playing silly buggers at the mo!!!

Maybe hold out from testing for a couple of days as still sounds fab that your not feeling witchy

I think I can see it Hun, how does it look in real life, is it fainter than yesterday?

Fx for you..

Good idea kezza I'm going to do that!
Hey maybe, ther is a line but it takes alot of squinting and turning it around in different lighting to see! It's definitely alot fainter than yesterdays! I checked the two I did yesterday this morning and they have both gone pretty dark!! I have also researched that second morning urine is the best one to use as people got better lines with this... Judging from yesterdays tests they was second morning urine and third and I got ok'ish lines.. Today's FMU Is rubbish!!!!

Or they are just playing games AGAIN!!!! xx

If AF still not arrived in a couple of days & you have enough cheapies maybe do a lil experiment with 1st, 2nd & 3rd MU

Remember everyones hormones are different & are better at different times of day as well

Like the OPKs, you aren't supposed to do with FMU but if some girls hadn't of used that they wouldn't if caught their surge

That a good idea Kezza, I don't get dark lines on the OPKs in the afternoon only FMU so everyone is different.

Louise, there's a good thread from a girl called Shauna who got darker tests in the afternoon, and she used the cheapies like you, I'll find it and bump it up...


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