Here we go again!!! Stupid cheapie tests teasing me!!

looks like the dye has run, but there is a pink line there defo, hope this is it for you hun. xx
Thanks girls!! That's what I thought cherry and nurse... The dye had run all over the first half but ther is a line under it.. So Im not convinced at all! I'm so scared to do another test incase my dream shatters!!!
Do another cheapie if you have one Hun, that test is a bit scratched so maybe that's why the dye is a bit squiffy?

I know the feeling hunny, i was so scared about testing again this morning, i hardly slept last night.
Really hope this is for you hunny x x

Ye hun, no harm in doing another cheapie, at least you will know either way

hope this is it for you hun, you deserve it after the few months of nearly lines you have had

Oh man.....I was soooo convinced last month and got all your hopes up! Dont want to do it again to you but I do see a line !! :dance: Symptoms also sounding really good - I got cramps like AF was coming but just not the same, kinda different, to the side and OMG boobs - ouch!! My DH decided to have a nibble and I near hit the bloody roof :rotfl:
Wait intil morning honey and crack open the FR - I have everything crossed for you
The line does look pink...but looks smudged too, so just incase the dye has ran don't build your hopes up. It is looking good though :) FX xxx
Any news today Louize? Looks promising, hope this is it for you. :) x x
Hey Tracey!! Haha you don't half make me giggle!! How are you?
I know what you mean about the OH and the nipple! My OH did it last night to me and he nearly got a black eye lol!
Ohh I kno I do need to pee on another! I am so scared!! Shall I go home on my dinner and do another?
Miss J ? Sorry I'm abit confused - this is today's update :S
How are you feeling Hun? You had any word from your Docs? I kno you said tuesday but I fort I'd ask incase you had rang them.

I think you should do another yeah :) Remember its not morning urine so it is not as accurate xxx
oooh I def see something hon!! Have everything crossed for you this is your bfp!

:test: x x x
... Could it be???!!!????!!!!!!
This is from just now!! I didn't even have to wait and got this!!!
I didn't even need a wee lol I just forced myself! I'm sat at my desk nearly choking on my dinner lol!!
WOW thats def a BFP hun!!!!

AAAAAHHHH so excited for you!!

Ooohhh, definetly do your fr in the morning hunny, ive got a good feeling about this :) x x

I just had a sneaky look at the new test in my bag and it has gone a tad darker.. I really hope these are not playing tricks on me like last month!! I'm going to do a FR tomorrow morning! No doubt if I hold my wee long enough tonight I'll do another cheapie.
I'm shaking!!!!
Works going to bloody drag now!
Thanks for all your kind words girls I really appreciate it !

I am so excited for you, defo FR tomor, and if that gives you some hope too, a CB digi the day after, have everything crossed that this is the news you have been waiting for x

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