Had my Nuchal Scan - Healthy baby - Yayyy (PICS on POST 11 page 1)

awwwwww great news and brilliant scan photos!!! congrats hun xxxxx
Congrats JJ, im so glad that everything is going well xxx
so happy for you jj, when and how you going to tell the children?
Glad everything went well. Great piccies too...

Just a little tip, fresh orange juice before the scan wakes the baby up and gets them moving :)
awww so cute Glad the scan went well. I creid when I saw those scan pics, tears of joy though lol.

Well done!!!!
thats brill congrats jj lovely pics xxx
Oh wow JJ congrats I hope we have such a successful visit tomorrow we are sooo nervous. I dont think I will sleep xx
Omg jj that's amazing. Yesssss tell the world!!!! What did your kids say??

I love the last pic, so clear. :hug: so happy for you, you must be so happy x
Omg jj that's amazing. Yesssss tell the world!!!! What did your kids say??

I love the last pic, so clear. :hug: so happy for you, you must be so happy x

Hi PP, thanks for that - Well I still haven't told them yet!
I rang my mum to tell her the good news, and then we talked about the 14 days wait for
the downs risk to come back and she couldn't believe I was going to tell the kids today, and said as I don't really show I should tell them when we know or if hick risk after we know babys is ok. I tried to tell her that even Amniocentesis etc an't be done till 16 weeks , so I said I can't keep hiding it forever, there comes a time, when I need to tell them, and bring them along fokr the journey, phone call left me doubting it, been hiding pregnancy and last pregnancy at work too since Jan so, it feels forever, and no I don't know what to do.

Can you believe you mum can impose so many of there ideas on you at my age!!
I am going to think on it for a while and see, hubby was no help, he says tell them when I think it's right, I just don't want to upset them, as I don't think I could do this all again if something wrong, I am prob worrying fork nothing, that's all I have done ths pregnancy!. Mum really took the edge of my day!
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Would it make a difference if the risk turned out to be high? X
Would it make a difference if the risk turned out to be high? X

I am afraid , (and don't hate me for this anwser), it would

I have thought long and hard about this, and I don't think either of us could cope with a downs baby, and it's not fair on my other kids either. I know they can be the most lovely contented little things, but it's a life commitment, I just don't know if I can do it.

I would have to know for sure, if risk came back high , but that would take time, I will be 37 in two weeks too, so my risk could be higher

Scan said neck fluid was within normall range, but they combine that with blood test looking fork two chemicals and then add your age in there to give a risk, only 85 percent accurate tho
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Would it make a difference if the risk turned out to be high? X

I am afraid , (and don't hate me for this anwser), it would

I have thought long and hard about this, and I don't think either of us could cope with a downs baby, and it's not fair on my other kids either. I know they can be the most lovely contented little things, but it's a life commitment, I just don't know if I can do it.

I would have to know for sure, if risk came back high , but that would take time, I will be 37 in two weeks too, so my risk could be higher

Scan said neck fluid was within normall range, but they combine that with blood test looking fork two chemicals and then add your age in there to give a risk, only 85 percent accurate tho

Maybe in that case you should wait? I dunno. It would be too difficult to explain all that to your kids. So would it be 16 weeks you could tell them? Not long to go then :)
Thanks for listening to my rant PP, yes if all good and low risk you get a letter back by the end of 14 days, so could tell them at 15 weeks if low risk, you get a phone cal quicker if high risk and then would be way beyond that, if high risk, you get a meeting with antenatel apparently and dicuss options and then you can do nothing, have a cvs or a amnio, both have risks okf MC but I know the amnio says 100 percent accurate, so could take a while.

I am on holiday in two weeks and come back on my bday so hope to see a lovely letter on the mat by then
YAY!!!! Fab pics, you must be over the moon! I am off this afternoon for my dating scan, cacking it but I am sure all will be good, must stay positive and all that! X

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