Nuchal Scan *Today* Aaarrgghh! **pics added**

Hey M2A! Congrats hunny, your pics are so clear! ......Am pleased to say mine went well too, all looks normal and I've been put forward by a week and 3 days so am off to tri-2! lol! It's crazy but am so relieved! Gonna post my own thread now! So happy :-) :-):-)
hey m2a congratulations fabulous pics and I'm so pleased for you xxxx
Thank you ladies :)
Thats great news mum2b410, ive just posted on your thread, cant wait to see the pics. Think ive got a few amendments to make on our tri-1 rolecall :) x x

Great pictures! I'm really pleased it all went well for you. Did you take Adam in the end? It's great when they don't do what the sonographer wants, made me laugh that they can be difficult before even being born! Mine kept moving it's head into difficult positions to get the measurements or turning it's back to us lol! That's good your back to October, I'm hoping mine will be 3 days late and be born on Halloween!

I did take Adam in the end Sarah and he was so good. My OH said he knew exactly what he was doing with saying he wanted Adam there. As he knew if my little man was there i wouldnt get all worked up and upset like I normally do before scans. And I have to say it worked :) It was lovely to enjoy the experiance as a family, even if Adam keeps lifting his top up asking where his baby is lol x x


So happy for you, the pics are great, I'm going to add a prediction and say girl :lol:

Now you can relax a bit hun

Thanks Jomc, Pinkymum and Samsgirl :)
OH was trying to see if there was any bits while she was scanning me as there was a seperate screen for viewing, but OH said he could see, I did tell him was too early but he was still looking.
You are the first person to take a guess Pinkymum, OH said hes unsure x x
Great pictures! I'm really pleased it all went well for you. Did you take Adam in the end? It's great when they don't do what the sonographer wants, made me laugh that they can be difficult before even being born! Mine kept moving it's head into difficult positions to get the measurements or turning it's back to us lol! That's good your back to October, I'm hoping mine will be 3 days late and be born on Halloween!

I did take Adam in the end Sarah and he was so good. My OH said he knew exactly what he was doing with saying he wanted Adam there. As he knew if my little man was there i wouldnt get all worked up and upset like I normally do before scans. And I have to say it worked :) It was lovely to enjoy the experiance as a family, even if Adam keeps lifting his top up asking where his baby is lol x x

Ha ha, children are so funny, how cute asking where his baby is! My SIL little cousin visited her 3 days after her baby was born and asked her if she had another baby still in her tummy as her tummy was still big!
ahw fantastic news and lovely pics! really pleased for you x x x
i think girl too m2a and congratulations and bless your LO my ds lift his top up and moves his belly in and out lol
Congrats M2A, so exciting to see pictures of your cute LO all snuggled up! xx
Thats great news hun, so glad your scan went well. You're scan photos are lovely and now we're only a few days apart with out EDD, how exciting!!
Thank you for all your lovely posts :) Im still on cloud 9 and found myself waking up at 1am this morning staring at the pics. I even felt brave enough to announch it on fb, so everyone now knows im pregnant :) x x

ha can't believe you woke up bless you! saw your announcement on fb.. good for you. made me laugh about your OH having an ulterier motive for taking Adam but that is so true about how you are a different person when your little one is there!!! Good for him! I'm so pleased it all went well.. bet it will fly by now til your next scan.

Are you going to find out what it is or keep it a surprise? I had a private scan at 18 weeks where they told me we're having another girl but that seems like so long ago now i don't quite know whether to believe it or not! Can't wait now!

Take care and catch up soon.. theresa x x x
Couldnt believe it when OH told me, I was thinking why I didnt realise what he was up to, but Im glad he did as I would of been a nervous wreck, running after Adam, answering all his inquizative questions and having to share my water before we went in took my mind off worrying :)
It was like I woke up to check it was real and hadnt disappeared, heres me thinking I was going to sleep like a baby last night!
We never found out with Adam so we have decided we are going to with this one, we are going to book a private sexing scan about 16weeks just to make sure everything is ok in there between yesterday and my 20week scan on 14th June.
Im sure the sonographer was right and your having another little princess, I never post but keep looking out for updates on my ladies that are due very soon and I cant wait to see some labour stories :) x x

Congrats M2A.... they are lovely photos.... I think I would be the same as you in not sleeping that night thinking was that real... :-)

I am getting so excited and scared about mine tomorrow. Unfortunately there is no child coming along to distract me from the nerves...

Will have to have aq closer look at the photos to give a prediction. Although am sure I don't know a thing abot these things. :-)

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