Flopsybunny's neverending labour!

ahw flopsy - hope things start to speed up soon for you... x x x
sweetheart I went through the same thing with Aoibheann , I know its important to keep moving and bouncing but if you can get some rest make sure you do . It'll make the pushing stage easier , and if you have any appitite have lots of carbs to give you energy for later on :hugs: your doing really well xx

Totally agree with this, I was so tired I was delirious and regretted walking about so much. I was also very hungry. When they put me on the drip I wasn't allowed to eat, wish I'd eaten more in the latent phase x x x x

Getting really bad back pains still. They are about 7 mins apart. They are so bad the last one just had me on the floor and crying with the pain and the tiredness. I also have constant pinkish discharge. Is that normal? I'm hoping its a sign I may have started to dilate more. I'm going to start recording the contractions again to check the spacing and length.

DH cooked a huge meal for me which I finished. And I am now going to keep picking. I am going to cook some pasta to let go cold to keep in the fridge to just grab little bits of to eat. If I can get off the sofa. As soon as I stand I am struck down with a pain.

Flopsy - hope you are doing ok hun. Hope things keep going and speed up for you. Keep us informed of what hosp say if you ring again
Good luck
You're doing so well hun.
Bless your DH too.
Wishing you lots of luck, hurry up baby! xxx
If your discharge gets heavier with blood i would phone them. Really hope things speed up hun. xxx
Well done so far.... My labour was back to back for 36 hours..... 2 lots Morphine followed by gas and air. Got epidural eventually for 8 hours. Hope you can do it better than me, keep on all 4s if you can to keep pressure off back. All the best honey xx
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Hang in there girly, u know it'll be more than worth it :hug: hoping I wake up to read that bubs is here xxx
Sounds like you are doing fabulously Hun stick in there and you will be cuddling your little girl soon which will make it all worth it xx
OMG! I am in pain!!! Just had red blood in the bits of plug I just lost so phoned the hospital. The MW says it is probably a good sign - that it is probably a sign of the cervix having opened a bit more and the blood vessels having torn. I hope so - these contractions are painful. Lasting between 40 seconds and 60 seconds. I feel tired.

Oh she is definitely worth it. I hope all is ok with her - I just want her healthy. I am just concerned that after much more hours of this I will be too out of it with tiredness to feel in control.

I know I am going to be a shouter in established labour too now - judging by the involuntary moans that are coming from me with these contractions. I have to actually make a concious effort not to moan or shout.

Just moan or shout if that's what you feel you need to do hun! Huge hugs! It's hard when it goes on for ages!
Will be thinking of you when.I'm up doing the night feed!

Things seem to be speeding up now hun, stay strong, your little girl will be here in no time.
And scream and shout all you like, you won't experience this again for a long time to come xxx
I am not coping very well :( Its so painful I am crying with each contraction and they are getting quite close again

Oh Flopsy, I hope you're ok! I think you have done so well to still be at home throughout this pain! Are you planning on going to hospital any time soon? You can always opt for the epidural and it will allow you some relief and resting time!
Would a bath help? Thinking of you xxx
Contractions are intense and 5 mins apart so went to hospital - hardly any change!! MW says I am 2 -3 cm dilated. She gave me another sweep and pains have been stronger since. I have been lent a TENS machine and chose to go home again to try and rest. Kept the TENS on for a bit but I couldn't relax with the wires so have taken it off for now. My pains are agony now and I really feel like I'm not coping well. I feel sick and exhausted. They offered me pethidine but I said I didn't want it...I kind of wish I had now. She said if this carries on for too much longer, they are going to rupture the membranes and may be looking into why labour isn't becoming established.

I just don't know what to do - I feel dreadful!

Awwww hun you're in the best hands.
Try to get some rest if you can and perhaps a nice bath?
LO in your arms is getting closer each time hun just remember that. xxx

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