Flopsybunny's neverending labour!

Oh flopsy, I feel your pain after my super long early labour! I hope things speed up for you soon! Its horrible being sore and nothing seems to be progressing! Make sure you rest if you possibly can!

Good luck!

Exciting!!!!! :)

x x x x

It is horrible pinky! :( I just don't know what's going on. Worried things are going to stop then get waves of agonising back pains. I haven't gone back to hospital yet and my MW was really unhelpful just saying "oh it could be days - from your notes you're not dilated anywhere near enough yet". That doesn't help me! It has been nearly 22 hours!

Going back in to hospital now! Pains are really bad but baby is very quiet!!

Good luck Flopsy,hope it goes faster from now on..xx
Hope all is going well Flopsy and LO makes an appearance soon! x x
Well it doesn't look like a due date baby after all for me. The MW says I am having a long latent phase that may last another 24 hours or so. All these pains are doing very little and baby is lying awkwardly facing sideways. I am in a lot of pain when I get these contractions and it is so disheartening to think that nothing much is happening. Still at least I know it is early labour!

sweetheart I went through the same thing with Aoibheann , I know its important to keep moving and bouncing but if you can get some rest make sure you do . It'll make the pushing stage easier , and if you have any appitite have lots of carbs to give you energy for later on :hugs: your doing really well xx
ah at least u know things are moving, but prepare yourself for along one just incase, my latent phase went on 4 7days and they ended up inducing me 8 days over as nothing was happening! (im sure your hospital are nicer than mine tho and wont leave you that long, never heard of it anywhere else!!) try and get as much rest as u can. x
Oh Flopsy, really hope it doesn't go on for too long for you hun! x
How annoying for you hun, I hope that things get moving soon hun :hug: xx

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