Trying not to get my hopes up too much, I’ve seen many a mark like this on one steps so I know not to count this as even the start of a bfp yet! I’ll know if and when I do get a genuine bfp.
but yesterday on CD 10/11 I had some pink bleeding after sex then all last night I just felt ‘off’! And this morning I woke up to what felt like period cramps but I’m not due on til Wednesday and cramps this early aren’t normal for me. I have sore boobs but always do 3/4 days before AF so not looking into them!
can’t help but wonder if I did implant yesterday and maybe my bfp is coming! I keep telling myself at least if AF arrives I’ve got my HSG booked in so this won’t be a bad cycle to get AF. But omg I am praying this is it!!!
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