February Testing Thread

Thanks tootsie! Been having lots of symptoms, but then again that might not mean anything :pray:
melissa5317 said:
Well, you can officially take me off this list as it's now impossible to test in Feb, but HOPEFULLY I'll have a date for March soon!!! :pray:
:hug: :hug:

ditto though
I need to amend my test date to 28th Feb please. This might be a tad too early but I am hoping that I may get an early BFP. I will be 13 DPO then. Thanks x
Well I was very bad :oops: and tested early BFN :( :doh:
But I think I am actually only 11dpo :oops: :oops: and still got lots of symptoms, especially the AF cramps which I've been having for 10 days!! I only ever get AF cramps a couple of hours before I'm about to come on. So...... am gonna be a good girl and actually wait for my real test date. :pray: :pray: :pray:
Cyprus, so sorry af got you babe :hug:

Spaceangel all changed, best of luck being the last tester in Feb, make it a BFP please :pray:

Flowerchild, think you may of tested to early babe, good luck over the next couple of days :pray:
Think you better count me out :( :(
Still no af but tested again this morning at 11 days late and still got a BFN!!!! So stupid cycle is just missing again - so fed up :wall:
AF arrived today! Wooooop wooooop (i know i shouldn't be happy but at least now i can start TTC properly!)

Woooooooop wooooooop on to the March testing thread!

Amile, hope things sort them selves out soon hun :hug:

Louise and BB, good luck for next month :hug:

SassyRS, well done, congratulations :cheer:
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Am supposed to test today, but I'll test tomorrow instead.
Maybe...I think... :think: ok I will :wink:

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