February testing thread 2019

That line looks completely gone now.

Honestly if I’m not pregnant this month I’m not testing early next month cause I’m driving myself mad!!! X
That’s odd. Maybes it’s a dodgy batch. Doesn’t help you at all. Still got fingers crossed for you x
hi vintageling good luck! been too busy and stuff to even think about possibility im pregnant today!! haha :)
I just totally can't ignore this feeling of pressure though it's really weird and just so majorly obvious
I've had a week of negatives, and still no af. Officially two days late. Officially confused. Not even questionable negatives, they're like so white they practically glow. Not even a hint of a 'maybe' line. My periods have been so regular since my mc in October.
Rainbow I accidentally clicked on the April 2019 due thread the other day and saw everyone talking about which buggies they got and they've started packing their hospital bags and stuff. I've been in a bit of a slump emotionally this week. I really thought I'd be pregnant again by now :(
I've had a week of negatives, and still no af. Officially two days late. Officially confused. Not even questionable negatives, they're like so white they practically glow. Not even a hint of a 'maybe' line. My periods have been so regular since my mc in October.
Rainbow I accidentally clicked on the April 2019 due thread the other day and saw everyone talking about which buggies they got and they've started packing their hospital bags and stuff. I've been in a bit of a slump emotionally this week. I really thought I'd be pregnant again by now :(
I’m only a day/two late for AF with negatives since Wednesday and I’m going insane already so I really feel your pain! I’m also the same with stark white BFNs too :-( keep going back to check to see if there’s a hint but none. I was in a March/April 2019 mummy thread from my 1st BFP and I went through it the other day... really hope I get my sticky BFP before what should have been my due date otherwise I’m not sure how I’d cope. Always here if you need a chat. Feel like we (sadly) might be going through the same things and emotions at the moment xx
The other half has asked me to test tomorrow morning because he won't be here Monday morning he is in work early so by time I get up he will be gone to work.
Had a great time bowling tonight but my goodness had the weirdest stitch type pain it wasn't an actual stitch but same sort of place as we were walking to get back in the train home never had that before only ever get them if I'm running
I've had a week of negatives, and still no af. Officially two days late. Officially confused. Not even questionable negatives, they're like so white they practically glow. Not even a hint of a 'maybe' line. My periods have been so regular since my mc in October.
Rainbow I accidentally clicked on the April 2019 due thread the other day and saw everyone talking about which buggies they got and they've started packing their hospital bags and stuff. I've been in a bit of a slump emotionally this week. I really thought I'd be pregnant again by now :(
Sending huge hugs
I’m only a day/two late for AF with negatives since Wednesday and I’m going insane already so I really feel your pain! I’m also the same with stark white BFNs too :-( keep going back to check to see if there’s a hint but none. I was in a March/April 2019 mummy thread from my 1st BFP and I went through it the other day... really hope I get my sticky BFP before what should have been my due date otherwise I’m not sure how I’d cope. Always here if you need a chat. Feel like we (sadly) might be going through the same things and emotions at the moment xx
Isnt it the worst when you keep on going back to check. :| It seems like im looking at them every hour at least twice to see if anything has changed even though you would only question yourself whether its an evap or a faint line if something does change. I'm crossing my fingers for you xx
Got Bfn this morning it's not letting me uploads pictures but it's a bfn
Sorry Vintageline. Never know could be too early but ya know. Sorry & hugs & good luck for next one!
Thanks hun. I know when I ovulated so today is literally a day early I should get AF tomorrow but I've had none of my normal AF symptoms
Got Bfn this morning it's not letting me uploads pictures but it's a bfn

Sorry vintageling. We aren’t out until AF shows, I could have sworn I was pregnant by how sore my boobs are, never happens to me before AF but all bfn so kind of lost hope. Haven’t even bothered to test today x
Vintageling, you still could be a bit out on the date if the egg took longer to implant. It could be there keeping the progesterone up but not implanted enough to get the hcg going. Fingers crossed AF stays away!
Thanks ladies still just totally gutted I hate seeing bfns and I my tested because my other half asked me to ( not blaming him at all) I've asked my friend to cover for me at training today because I just don't want to be around other people because I don't have my normal patient nice me around me right now
Sorry for your BFN Vintage but I'll echo everyone else in saying it could just be a shy bean, don't give up all hope yet xx
I couldn't help myself and tested today but it was my second pee and not the first. And I didn't see any line at all. I'm at 12dpo and am expecting my period on the 12th (in 2 days).

Do you think theres still hope? :(

I'm still not getting any period symptoms. I am getting a few mild cramps but I had that when I was pregnant with baby #1, so it still does not mean I'm getting my period for sure.

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