February testing thread 2019

My hopes for me are massively up. I’m feeling extremely positive and sure that I know this will be the month. I know I am setting myself up for a fail but I can’t control it.
Not normally this positive about it all. I hope i’m right.
That’s great, I’m keeping everything crossed for you xx
Does anyone else kind of dread getting close to when AFs due? I’m due on tue and I really don’t think I’m pregnant this month. I’ve tested already and it’s been negative (as expected cause it’s too early) but I just can’t face AF or another negative. I should have been 8 months pregnant just now but I’m not even pregnant again yet x
I always feel like this two. It upsets me that I should have a 6 month old or be 8mths to.
I think it’s natural.
Doesn’t mean it’s easy tho. Ttc feels harder and longer to me
Cycle Day 34 and BFN for me again. I’m so confused my body is playing tricks on me. I’ve not had a cycle this long since I last got pregnant and then had a MC.
I’m just wondering if anyone has had any experience of irregular cycles? Sometimes they’re 28 day’s and then I get this one... I’m thinking of going to my GP to see if I can find out why they’re all over the place but before I do I just wondered if anyone had any experience of this? Thanks x
I don’t feel very hopeful this month. I think I know when I ovulated and I managed to bd the day before and the day after (just incase I was wrong) but straight after ovulation my boobs always feel big and tender ...it’s happened again. I’m 4-5 dpo.
This cycle I don’t seem to have any spots (yet) and I’m bloated earlier than usual tho.
Getting really tired and down about ttc.
Cycle Day 34 and BFN for me again. I’m so confused my body is playing tricks on me. I’ve not had a cycle this long since I last got pregnant and then had a MC.
I’m just wondering if anyone has had any experience of irregular cycles? Sometimes they’re 28 day’s and then I get this one... I’m thinking of going to my GP to see if I can find out why they’re all over the place but before I do I just wondered if anyone had any experience of this? Thanks x
Mine can be irregular on the shorter side but in my experience gps don’t know to much. Sorry about the bfn! Xxx
Cycle Day 34 and BFN for me again. I’m so confused my body is playing tricks on me. I’ve not had a cycle this long since I last got pregnant and then had a MC.
I’m just wondering if anyone has had any experience of irregular cycles? Sometimes they’re 28 day’s and then I get this one... I’m thinking of going to my GP to see if I can find out why they’re all over the place but before I do I just wondered if anyone had any experience of this? Thanks x

Mine are very irregular ranging from 28 days to 67 in the past year but I have pcos.

How long have you been off bc? My friends periods took 18 months to become regular again for no reason, it just a while for them to settle down after contraception.
Mine are very irregular ranging from 28 days to 67 in the past year but I have pcos.

How long have you been off bc? My friends periods took 18 months to become regular again for no reason, it just a while for them to settle down after contraception.
I came off bc in May last year. Maybe that’s it then? It’s just so frustrating...
Hi guys. Can you please add me on the list? I'm new here and this is my first month TTC. I'll be testing on the 12th.
So only 2 more sleeps till testing time eek .
Still feeling the pressure and the dull ache. The pressure does sort of feel like there is a pulling to it aswell but very subtle like when you have a very dull bladder so you can feel the weight of it sort of tugging at you it kind of feels like that but I don't have a full bladder because I'm peeing a good bit.
I slept really well last night so feeling refreshed today. We are off out later to go bowling with friends so that should be fun
So only 2 more sleeps till testing time eek .
Still feeling the pressure and the dull ache. The pressure does sort of feel like there is a pulling to it aswell but very subtle like when you have a very dull bladder so you can feel the weight of it sort of tugging at you it kind of feels like that but I don't have a full bladder because I'm peeing a good bit.
I slept really well last night so feeling refreshed today. We are off out later to go bowling with friends so that should be fun

hi vintageling good luck! been too busy and stuff to even think about possibility im pregnant today!! haha :)
Just done another and there is a pink line but it doesn’t look like a neat line if you know what I mean? Don’t trust it at all.

I don’t think I like these ICs maybe need a better test x

Boots sell them or Superdrug I believe. I normally get them off amazon. Sometimes do good deals xx

I was going to order from amazon but prob wouldn’t be here in time for fmu.

I’m gonna pop to a boots and get some x
That line looks completely gone now.

Honestly if I’m not pregnant this month I’m not testing early next month cause I’m driving myself mad!!! X

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