February testing thread 2019

So sorry you two. And how insensitive Iris, I think I would have snapped at her too!
This is me too! Af arrived and I’ve got a stinking cold so I’m sat at my work desk with lemsip and a hot water bottle.

2 people brought in babies today and one of the girls said ‘aren’t you trying yet?’ I snapped and said ‘yes for 2 years with 3 losses. I don’t know what came over me! I wouldn’t normally say something like that!
Aww I really don’t blame you. It can
Get too much. Plus people as
You all agree and know just shouldn’t ask. X
Does anyone else kind of dread getting close to when AFs due? I’m due on tue and I really don’t think I’m pregnant this month. I’ve tested already and it’s been negative (as expected cause it’s too early) but I just can’t face AF or another negative. I should have been 8 months pregnant just now but I’m not even pregnant again yet x
Does anyone else kind of dread getting close to when AFs due? I’m due on tue and I really don’t think I’m pregnant this month. I’ve tested already and it’s been negative (as expected cause it’s too early) but I just can’t face AF or another negative. I should have been 8 months pregnant just now but I’m not even pregnant again yet x

hi rainbow your at more or less same af time as me.. ill be either feb 13 or feb 14 (yayyy valentines day).. i think same i think my baby would be x old etc.. just gotta try not think like that.
i dont feel pregnant either, i have spouts of nausea but really??? we all know 2ww is a mind f*k and it all ends up being nothing! so whats point in going ooooh.... nausea...... yessss

(we planned a cinema night next week options were tue or wed and i was like.. tue.! i wont be depressed tuesday). ridiculous huh
hi rainbow your at more or less same af time as me.. ill be either feb 13 or feb 14 (yayyy valentines day).. i think same i think my baby would be x old etc.. just gotta try not think like that.
i dont feel pregnant either, i have spouts of nausea but really??? we all know 2ww is a mind f*k and it all ends up being nothing! so whats point in going ooooh.... nausea...... yessss

(we planned a cinema night next week options were tue or wed and i was like.. tue.! i wont be depressed tuesday). ridiculous huh

Yep around same time then! My first mc happened on Valentine’s Day. My best friend got pregnant right after my latest mc so I’m always gonna be reminded of where I would have been unfortunately, she’s getting ready to finish for maternity, I would have been too but no such luck.

The only sign I’ve ever had of pregnancy before a test and that I’ve had every time is really sensitive boobs, moreso than normal AF boobs, I don’t have that this time so not feeling hopeful.

You never know though so we’ll see!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you xx
Yep around same time then! My first mc happened on Valentine’s Day. My best friend got pregnant right after my latest mc so I’m always gonna be reminded of where I would have been unfortunately, she’s getting ready to finish for maternity, I would have been too but no such luck.

The only sign I’ve ever had of pregnancy before a test and that I’ve had every time is really sensitive boobs, moreso than normal AF boobs, I don’t have that this time so not feeling hopeful.

You never know though so we’ll see!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you xx

Thank you and you too. Bubba dust for us both huh!? :)
really feel for you rainbow, i know they say happens when happens and meant to be etc..
hopefully we will get to this time next week no af! be awesome
Yep around same time then! My first mc happened on Valentine’s Day. My best friend got pregnant right after my latest mc so I’m always gonna be reminded of where I would have been unfortunately, she’s getting ready to finish for maternity, I would have been too but no such luck.

The only sign I’ve ever had of pregnancy before a test and that I’ve had every time is really sensitive boobs, moreso than normal AF boobs, I don’t have that this time so not feeling hopeful.

You never know though so we’ll see!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you xx
I’m the same hun. I should have been getting ready to go off maternity leave myself too soon with a little one due around the end of March/beginning of April but it wasn’t meant to be but I can’t help but thinking about where I should be if my 1st pregnancy had stuck. I know I’m going to be a mess around that time too if we aren’t pregnant by then :-( life can be so cruel at times x
Thank you and you too. Bubba dust for us both huh!? :)
really feel for you rainbow, i know they say happens when happens and meant to be etc..
hopefully we will get to this time next week no af! be awesome
When do you plan to test? I’m trying to hold off but I have absolutely no willpower x
I’m the same hun. I should have been getting ready to go off maternity leave myself too soon with a little one due around the end of March/beginning of April but it wasn’t meant to be but I can’t help but thinking about where I should be if my 1st pregnancy had stuck. I know I’m going to be a mess around that time too if we aren’t pregnant by then :-( life can be so cruel at times x

I’m sorry sjf, life really can be cruel, you’re right. I think it’s natural to think about where you would have been, when you get pregnant you start to think of all of these milestones and you don’t just forget them after a loss.

I’m keeping everything crossed for you x
I’m the same hun. I should have been getting ready to go off maternity leave myself too soon with a little one due around the end of March/beginning of April but it wasn’t meant to be but I can’t help but thinking about where I should be if my 1st pregnancy had stuck. I know I’m going to be a mess around that time too if we aren’t pregnant by then :-( life can be so cruel at times x

its really horrible, i couldnt celebrate our wedding anniversary because it marked "1 year" husband didnt get it but i was like it just reminds me & i do not! need it. so we didnt do anything outta the norm for the day.
I would have been due September 2018 had i caught straight away and omg i really thought i would.. straight away.. i can still remember first time i found out hadnt.. absolutely broke down, i found myself in January thinking i wonder what day it was a year ago that this happened etc.. stupid!
When do you plan to test? I’m trying to hold off but I have absolutely no willpower x

i cant test.. haha. im leaving it til 18th feb! crazy right? if i am pregnant ill be pregnant and no af etc... i would love nothing more then to find out that day, its really weird like where ill be etc.. just find it a really super day to find out and a forever memorable one even more so then usual
i cant test.. haha. im leaving it til 18th feb! crazy right? if i am pregnant ill be pregnant and no af etc... i would love nothing more then to find out that day, its really weird like where ill be etc.. just find it a really super day to find out and a forever memorable one even more so then usual

I have to start progesterone the day I get a a positive and thyroid meds so don’t want to hold off too long just incase x
I have to start progesterone the day I get a a positive and thyroid meds so don’t want to hold off too long just incase x

oh i see.. is that because you have low progesterone? how did they diagnose that? sorry i was recently made to think mine are too low..
oh i see.. is that because you have low progesterone? how did they diagnose that? sorry i was recently made to think mine are too low..
No sorry, they didn’t check my progesterone. Just said I should take it as it won’t do any harm but may do good x
Hope everyone is doing okay. I am so sorry to those who have not gotten their BFP yet. I have been praying for everyone here. <3

Well we missed the window I believe for this month ..I mean no intimacy anywhere around it...none since last cycle. But at this point I just am hopeful for my period to be normal and come again when it should and to keep on TTC.
I dread AF and I haven't had a loss but it's just so awful when AF arrives it's like having my dreams dashed and having to start over. So I have to give my head abit of a wobble but to be fair my other half really does understand how I feel so I always get a hug and he always says I'm sorry then proceeds without being asked to get me the hot water bottle and snacks
Hope everyone is doing okay. I am so sorry to those who have not gotten their BFP yet. I have been praying for everyone here. <3

Well we missed the window I believe for this month ..I mean no intimacy anywhere around it...none since last cycle. But at this point I just am hopeful for my period to be normal and come again when it should and to keep on TTC.
Sending hugs it's awful when that happens isn't it I turn into abit of a grumpy cow and have to have a word with myself when we don't manage to get bd in at the right time
Sending hugs it's awful when that happens isn't it I turn into abit of a grumpy cow and have to have a word with myself when we don't manage to get bd in at the right time
Yeah I am trying not to be bummed about it and just be optimistic for the next cycle :)

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