February 2016 Mamas!!

Hello ladies,

I'm feeling very deflated and quite upset after my midwife appointment today.

I was meant to be on iron tablet for the last 3 weeks and she and the gp obviously have not communicated and no one let me know! That's very disappointing. No wonder I've been so tired!!

She measured my bump, there has been a big jump from my last appointment. I am 31+4 today and measuring 33. At my last appointment I was bang on the chart. She has requested an emergency scan for me.

Any ideas why this could be?

She also told me off again for choosing not to have my flu jab!
mollythemama I had to a gtt when I was 20 week and was supposed to re due at 28 weeks... It's to see if you have gestional diabetes. Test is nice but its worth doing just in case you have it..I end up having it.. I had to fast from 10pm the night before so no food and only sips of water...they take your blood ...then i Had to drink a glucose solution (tast like crap lol) ...then they re due your bloods after two hours of test.. Hope that helps
I'm not on iron tablets but I've known people before that have.

The scan will just be to check measurements and everything's looking ok. Try not to worry too much about the measurement - I replied to your other thread - it's kind of rubbish tbh - I measured spot on each time last time and my little boy came out small so now I'm having growth scans at 32 and 36 weeks as a precaution.
I wouldn't worry too much about measurements Elle, mine were like a roller coaster last time lol! They don't tend to be very accurate either as pumpkin has said. Nice opp to see the baby again though hey!

I have the worst period pains this afternoon :/ I did tackle a huge food shop by myself earlier though so have probably overdone it doh!! :(
I started my iron yesterday and I feel totally rubbish today. I think it must be them. Yuk yuk yuk!

Yeah thank you ladies, I think she over reacted and panicked me. Feeling calmer about that today.

Oh cait that's no good... Have a bath and put your feet up xx
Iv had to start them this week, got to take 3 tables a day which kind of sucks but I'm really ok at moment... No side effects but hurd can cause sickness and stomach up set :(
I think they can make you constipated so make sure you think about foods that will balance that out.

My experience is that despite trying to help a lot of midwives or doctors etc.
Seem to do a very good job of freaking people out. I spend a lot of time researching things now and take everything they say with a pinch of salt.
I asked my mw about gestational diabetes and she said they only test for it if diabetes is in your family or if you're displaying other symptoms (bump measuring too small, being breathless, probably more things but she didn't go on!)- this could be a regional thing but I don't think they check for it as a matter of course.

I had my 28w appt yesterday- she measured my bump (it was a bit big but she said that was fine) and took blood (said this would be my last blood test- it was just to measure blood count and blood group I think), as well as usual urine and blood pressure.

She didn't say anything about iron tablets- if I needed to take them would that come up on my blood test?
they would start iron tablets if you are found to be anaemic on your blood test or if your iron stores are low :)
Thanks Sophie- I'll wait to hear then. Ugh I'm so tired today and it's only Monday!!
Do any of you ladies need a bump buddy or would like to b my bump buddy xx
I think they can make you constipated so make sure you think about foods that will balance that out.

My experience is that despite trying to help a lot of midwives or doctors etc.
Seem to do a very good job of freaking people out. I spend a lot of time researching things now and take everything they say with a pinch of salt.

I totally agree with you!! They are very quick to just say what is wrong and then leave you to it!! Got my scan tomorrow morning but feeling much more relaxed about it. Saw gp today and spoke bout the heart palpitations I've been getting during braxton hicks.. She has prescribed gaviscon like as much as I can stomach. It's so vile tho!! My iron levels weren't even that low, the midwife made it seem I had none in my blood!!

What's a 'bump buddy'!?
Its someone that can update forum wen u go into labour if ur not able to do it urself xx
Had a pretty rough day today - felt woozy and tired this morning, now feel even more bunged up and queasy this evening.

Hope the rest of you ladies are coping better
That's rubbish pumpkin. Hope you have a good nights sleep and feel right as rain in the morning xx
Hi all
When I had my 28 week blood test, my iron came back as slightly low (should be between 120 and 160, and mine was 115) and because I had already told my midwife that I've been feeling shattered and really breathless, she told me to go see my GP to get iron tablets. Anyway, the doctor wouldn't give them to me! Said my pregnacare max should be enough. So I've gone and bought some Spatone from Boots and going to ask the midwife when I see her again next week.

I haven't been offered the diabetes test.....I guess it is if you are displaying symptoms or have it in your family? Or maybe depends on the hospital?

I have to have an anaesthetic review today as I have slipped discs and disc degeneration. Imagine it is in case I need a C-Section?? Has anyone had one?

Had my 28 week MW appt today, I had to drink 275ml Lucozade an hour before for gestational diabetes blood test. My BMI is under 30, there is no history of diabetes in my family and it's my first pregnancy...but she said it's simply a regional thing and possibly Brighton will phase it out. She also said it's a stupid test, but she has to do it. She says that if you get a positive result, you have to go to hospital for further tests and 95% of those women are fine.

MW didn't even mention iron.....
Hope you're feeling better Pumpkin. :(

What are your thoughts on the whooping cough vaccine?

Lucky that's strange that the doc wouldn't give you iron tablets. Good if you can avoid taking them tho. I, being vegetarian, have always sworn by floradix. You can get that in boots now, gives you a lovely little boost if you're feeling tired and things.

I had a growth scan today after the mw freaked the other day coz I'd had a spurt! Seems her measurements were off or she measured in correct. Baby is def on the bigger side but plotting fine on a customised chart now. They did mention to me that due to baby being big they may want to test for diabetes, I have opted out of this. I have shown no signs and no family history. It would be another thing to stress about.

Molly I had the whooping cough vaccine simply as I knew someone who's baby had whooping cough. She was really poorly and it meant she couldn't breast feed. I opted out of the flu jab however.

The mw I saw today at the hospital was lovely and she reminded me a couple of times that everything they offer us is optional and as the expectant mother inform choices should always be embraced. Medics tend to push these things on to us and quite often it is to tick their boxes and get their numbers right
Floradix sounds like a great tip- thanks! Can anyone take it? I've been wondering about my iron levels as I've subconsciously become more and more vegetarian as my pregnancy has progressed. But my 28w bloods have come back fine so that's good! I'm having whooping cough vaccine on Friday but have also decided against the flu jab. My midwife said the same as yours Elle, that everything is our choice- I appreciated being reminded of that as it can be easy to go with the flow- my doctor was really pushy about the flu jab a few weeks ago and it really annoyed me!

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