February 2016 Mamas!!

Had my 28 week appointment in Wednesday! Bloods and measuring spot on at 28 inches! But urine came back with +2 glucose in it she was nt worried and said if next urine sample in 3 weeks has it it ll be another gtt! So we ll see!
Almost done for Xmas too the parents to buy for few more bits and bobs got half wrapped aswell !
Got everything for baby to just need to decorate daughters room as eventually baby will be sharing with her! I'll get round to that at some point lol x
I can come & play in tri-3 now :cheer: and as if to welcome me on my way I'm
Currently lay in the bath having tightenings.... lol!

Hope all you ladies are well!

On a serious note, where has the time actually gone :shock: I was ridiculously prepared first time round, this time I'm far too lazy & laid back, the baby will be going in the top drawer!!
Welcome Caitd!
How's the tightenings? I've been suffering with these on and off for over a month! Although they seem to have calmed down a bit this week.

I can't stop cleaning!!!
Thanks Elle!
Yep same as really, probs over the last few weeks, they come and go but they blumming hurt, I don't know who lied & said they were just 'uncomfortable' haha!
Oh bless you, I am a fellow OCD cleaner, storage boxes are my thing this week! I'll probably have redecorated the whole house before baby arrives lol!
Hey all how's everyone? I've been getting the tightenings not everyday but when I get them they are quite frequent!

Just thought I'd also share the scan pic of our little beauty too
Ah wow. The scan pic is amazing. Do you know pink or blue?

My tightening are so bizarre. I'm Sure it depends on what I have eaten. Had loads this eve. And they start just on one side. Starting to feel 'heavily pregnant' now!! Finish work in 3 weeks which is amazing.
Ah yeah we are team pink! Our second girl! A bit excited 30 weeks Monday woooo!
I thought mine started if I got a bit stressed lol seems to calm down when I lie down and rest!
I know the feeling I feel so heavy now got a hell of a waddle haha and I'm finished work in 4 weeks woooooo cannot wait! Feel like work is slowly killing me lol! 19 working days to go equalling 4 weeks x
Ahhhh we have the same due date :) we are team pink also :)

Have you got any names?

I'm trying not to waddle but it's not working!!

How often does your little one get hiccups!?
Yeah my husband is Turkish so we are going for a Turkish name easy to pronounce and spell! We played it safe with 1st daughter she is Ela Aleyna (spelt the Turkish way) our 2nd will be called Azra we love it! Do u have names? It's difficult is nt it but I find it quite lovely to refer to her by name now even Ela calls her by her name lol!
She hiccups really often actually it's so cute and can feel her move so easy now when I touch bump it's lush!
Ah they are really pretty names. We are undecided at the moment and just can't agree. Think I'm going to wait until she is born and see who she looks like! Or I'm sure something will pop up and it'll fall into place.

My lil one hiccups so much. Seems like every time she wakes up she will or when I start eating and drinking! I think she gets really frustrated by it!
Have you got everything ready for her?
Thanks! I'm sure once you see her you will know her name hun!
Yes we are all sorted I think anyway! I always find something to buy haha! Xmas has took over at the moment tho hoping to get a few things in sale but if she came early we have all the necessities x
Woohoo I'm officially here from tomorrow. See you girls in the morning
I don't know if I'm prepared or not. It's our first and sure I've got essentials but don't know for def!! Need a checklist!
Yay!! And congrats to all my other due date buddies.

I'm sure you'll be fine Elle - just read stuff and you'll be fine - all they really need is somewhere to sleep, clothes to wear and nappies and milk! I'm sure those of us that have already got one can help if need be. I'd like to say I feel more organised this time but I'd be lying!
Yay pumpkin welcome officially to the 3rd!!

We are off to buy a Moses basket and a few other bits today. Def have enough clothes, brought some nappies and wipes, also got a pram at my mums. I think I'm more organised than I think bit just want everything to be perfect for her. I'm going to try and breastfeed and have brought a pump and milk bags. Also bottles just incase we don't get on with it. Xx
Sounds like your well on your way to being sorted. I've bought a perfect prep machine for this time. I breast fed my son for 12 weeks and then switched to formula due to some issues so thought I'd buy one as hey make formula to drinkable temp straight away which is good. There's an offer on at Amazon where if you are an Amazon family member you get 25% off tommee tippee feeding items, so ended up getting it for £52 which I thought was a great deal. If I don't use it I'll just sell it on new in box I'm sure someone will want it for that price.

I just need to sort out how many clothes I've got of what ages as I'm not really sure what I've got so far and no doubt will have too much of one size and not enough of the other. Otherwise think we are all set as I kept lots from my little boy
Golly what a busy day!!
We finally have finished the nursery I think. Brought Moses basket and stand plus changing mat.

You got a great deal on your prep machine!! I've seen them selling for more then that second hand!!
What a gorgeous scan Suzanne! Welcome over pumpkin, what a fab deal on the prep machine!! I've just gone for the bottle warmer but that's cos I'm realllyyyy hoping to feed this time, even if only for a couple of months!

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