February 2016 Mamas!!

Exciting! Congrats Sophie & Hellywelly- sounds like you are both total superstars &
I hope you're recovering well & enjoying your little girls! Pumpkin best of luck- hope your hubby can keep an eye on his phone!!!
I'm 38 + 1 so still some time to go for me....
Congratulations Sophie and Hellywelly!!! So exciting :) Can't believe we're finally here.

I'll be 39 weeks on Saturday, no sign for me yet. I'm in full nesting mode though, I am just cleaning like crazy and don't want to leave the house. I also feel more energetic today than ever.
Congratulations Sophie and hellyewelly x
Well I'm still here, no further sign of impending labour. I have another sweep booked for tomorrow afternoon and I'm planning to walk there and back so hopefully something will happen after that
Fingers crossed Pumpkin!
Is anyone else struggling to get about? I have such terrible pains in my groin / pelvis- midwife says it's ligaments but it's so painful!
Yeah I know what you mean about the groin/pelvis pain Ruby, feels like baby is headbutting me down there and just fidgeting so much (more so at night time?) - it causes great shooting pains. Apparently it can mean they're pushing on your nerves which causes the shocking pain. Not sure if this is the same as what you're experiencing though? My belly just feels like it's having a fit sometimes.

Also, I am aware this sounds quite ridiculous and perhaps just hippie trivia, but at my NCT class, the teacher said that there are lots more ladies giving birth in the labour ward during a full moon. I did some research into it, and apparently the pressure caused by the moon's effect on the water inside the sac can help it to burst. I don't know if it necessarily targets labour and birth, but it certainly helps your waters to break which may help things to speed along. Well, just to let you know - it's a full moon on Monday! Worth a try? Haha.
Wow lots of babies born 11th congrats hellywelly an sophie i also had my baby on the 11th merida jenny was born rather quick and unwxpected at 01.04 weighing 7lb 3 but of a hairy ride but so worth it but thats it im having no more got ma two girls our family is complete xx
Pleased to say I had my baby girl yesterday - we've named her Olivia (middle name is still tbc) got home yesterday as well which was fab. She's a tiny 6lb 1oz - pretty much exactly the same weight as her brother was.

So pleased to have her here fit and well our family now also complete. Feels rather sad that I won't experience pregnancy again though
Oh congratulations not a lot of use left now :)
When are you due Dmjh? I couldn't see you on the list :) or just me being blind?
Oh wow! Congrats Kaz & Pumpkin! Amazing news :-) so pleased you have lovely healthy babies. I want mine to hurry up now!
Interesting about the full moon Molly!!! So maybe Monday will be our day... Would be fab if so as I am soooo uncomfortable now! Saw midwife today though and baby is engaged which is good. Hope we don't all have to wait too much longer!
With my first I went into labour and gave birth around the full moon - it was an exceptionally busy evening as well for the birthing team at the hospital. This time round there was hardly anyone there when I got there!!
Was there a full moon on the 11th as the night I was in hospital they had to shut the labour ward for two hours they were that busy.
I don't think so? It was a new moon on the 8th and full moon isn't till Monday
Monday is a full moon, they're only once a month! I've read if you rub your belly clockwise at the moon your waters are going to break, I'm going to do it! Why the heck not? Haha, I was going to walk down to the beach and do it as well.

Had my 'baby shower' today... At 39weeks!!! Was more of a get together with friends and family before we become parents, but i feel so so emotional and exhausted. Turned out to be about 30 of us, everyone got quite drunk (including OH!!), came back to ours, outstayed their welcome and now the house I've been making clean and spotless all week is a total mess. I just broke down in tears, I'm so upset. I just want my sofa bound life back in my clean home waiting for baba to arrive.

On the plus side, I did see some old friends that I had missed, and people traveled from far too see us and brought us lovely gifts.

Just need sleep I think.
Congrats all ladies who already had their babies, it's my due date today and no sign of this little man coming out..mollythe mama I think it's just us two left now lol..anyway hoping for the sweep and the full moon tomorrow to work..
I'm still here too! Still a week and a day to go for me- I bet I'll be a march mummy...! Xx
I'm due today Mollythemama but no signs of him coming as of yet.. Had two failed sweeps last week and been 2cm dilated sense Monday :( but keeping my fingers crossed won't be much longer now feeling so uncomfortable now just want to meet my little man x
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