February 2016 Mamas!!

Oh good luck Dmjh!

I still have until Saturday, and Ruby is even after that! I feel I'm going to be a March mummy too, Ruby.

I don't really mind when s/he comes, I know it'll be at some point within the next few weeks so there's no point wishing away the final days of total independence :)
I wish I was more patient- I'm so desperate to have the baby now! And I'm still officially a week early so if I go overdue I'm going to be really frustrated. Sorry for tmi but is anyone else finding their bowel movements are much more frequent now? It's like my body clears itself out every day- I'm wondering if this is a sign..!
Fingers crossed for your full moon theory Molly!
Good luck everyone- it's nice there are still 4 of us waiting- I was worried I'd be all on my own by now!
thank you mollythemama, no change today, had a sweep earlier and induction booked for 2.3., still hoping for baby before..another sweep for thursday baby is not engaged at all so it is a waiting game now I guess..trying to relax and chill while I can..good luck everyone hope we meet our babies soon..xxx
How's everyone feeling? Any signs? I've got a continuous tummy ache today but I bet it's not baby-related. I still feel like I'm ages away. Never mind...! Hope you're all ok! Xx
So, the full moon theory didn't work...

Not feeling like labour is imminent at all! I have had tummy aches also, kind of feels like pulled muscles.
I've had a reduction in movement so went to get monitored just in case, but all was well and healthy, and baby was kicking just as it should. I think it's just harder to feel at the moment because there's less space in there!

I have my first sweep booked in for next Monday, but considering cancelling it as I find the idea of it quite invasive. I'm also always reading about people having failed sweeps (apparently it only works 3/10), so not really sure I want to go through all of that for nothing. Baby will come when it's ready, no??
Molly, so interesting that you had less movement as I did too- felt quite worried sun/mon and wondered if I should get myself monitored but every time I started to think about doing something about it the baby moved!! Just not as much as normal- maybe due to a lack of space- much better now so maybe my tummy's been given another good stretch. I'm so glad everything's ok with you and that you got some reassurance. As I'm home birthing I don't feel very connected with my local hospital (only been there for my 2 scans) and my midwife is always really calming if I ring her but I sometimes find it difficult to believe her when I'm having anxious moments. I'm suddenly feeling a bit worried about everything and would love to have my baby safely in my arms asap!

Like you I'm unsure about sweeps- I think I'm going to avoid if I can- as you say baby will come when ready. I just hope we get ours soon!!!
Iv had three sweeps in last week and half and none of them have furthered my slow labour along just made me feel even more uncomfortable down below just thought I'd share my experience of them don't think they do much if baby not ready to come their not ready lol
I think it must be down to less space. The same happened to me... As soon as I was strapped up, baby started kicking! I swear they know. If you feel anxious at all about movements then I would call Triage at the hospital and see if they suggest you come in for monitoring. I'm sure it'll be totally fine but even it's just to put your mind at ease, I think it's worth it. But as you said, you're getting more kicks now anyway so I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. :)

I am the same with recent anxiety, I just want to hold my baby so I know s/he's okay. When it's in the tummy there's just no way of telling!

As for the sweep, someone posted this on the March thread that I thought was interesting.... http://www.the-mule.com/2013/04/overdue-desperate-to-avoid-induction.html?m=1 I'm cancelling my sweep tomorrow!!
Hey ladies, keeping my fingers crossed you all go into labour soon.

I was very dubious about having a sweep too, in fact I actually turned two down as I was offered them at 37 and 38 weeks. I eventually decided to have one at 39 weeks. I didn't actually find it that bad, the doctor (as I was in hospital having a growth/fluid and blood flow scan) did have some difficulty reaching but I was 1cm dilated so she was able to successfully do it. I think it did do something for me as my plug went the following day and then after abit of encouragement (dtd with hubby) I went into labour 2 1/2 days later.

I haven't read the article but the thing with sweeps is that they are a form of intervention and it can lead to further interventions as a result. They can accidentally break your waters which obviously means they then want to monitor you more closely etc etc.

It's definitely worth reading up about before you opt for it as its not necessarily as risk free as they make out
Read the article and loved it difently true...wish ID read it earlier... I'm a ftm and not sure if it's just me or if others feel same but think as my pregnancys got further along i got fixated on the magic due date, that will change everything and when it came and went... It was so disheartening... Then stick the 20 daily texts, call email of friends and family on top asking the same stuiped questions .. Can start to feel like a let down and that's something wrong but babies come when thier ready not by a date on your hospital notes and know amount of eating pineapple will help lol
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Great article- thanks for posting. I think I'm going to avoid intervention too if I can. I'm not even due yet but am already so impatient- I really need to chill. But I'm totally with you Molly- I want to be holding my baby in the knowledge that everything's fine! Dmjh I hope you get to meet yours soon!
Pumpkin so lovely to see you here and thanks for sharing about your sweeps- how's it all going?!
I had a sweep in the Friday before Poppy arrived the following Thu - I was 1cm dilated but it did nothing for me. I'm a big believer that babies come when they are ready. I did nothing with my first daughter and she arrived at 39 weeks, I tried a few things with Poppy and she was 8 days late! They are a law unto themselves!
Just wanted to say induction was totally horrendous and i would totally refuse it again if i had another baby (which i wont due to my experience)! X
Thanks ladies. I cancelled mine, it was scheduled for Monday. I didn't really feel like the midwife gave me much choice she just kind of assumed I wanted one and I went along with it. So glad I cancelled it now.
Of course, many women go into labour shortly after having a sweep, but surely they're due to go into labour any day anyway?
Hope you're doing well Pumpkin and Hellywelly! :)

Still no signs here and I'm due on Saturday. Apparently you take after your mother (not sure how true this is), she had my brother a few days late, me a week late and my other brother on the day. So, could be worse I guess!
Oh also with labour pains/duration (I am hoping that this isn't true). My mum was in labour with my brother for 48 hours and 24 with me. Fingers crossed that that's a myth!
We're both doing well thanks. She's currently asleep on my lap - just waiting for her to fall into a deeper sleep before I put her in her crib and have a nap myself.
Her cord fell off today as well thank god as it was getting pretty honky.

My labour was only 12 hours - hard work but totally worth it!
Aww you're making me so broody Pumpkin!

I just want to hold my little baby now, almost there... I've been having way more painful wriggles today - does that mean anything? Or am I just wishful thinking?

I have tickets for Veg Fest this weekend and I am not sure whether to go. Saturday is my due date, and I think most sane people would stay at home but I feel like it might help to take my mind off things. But at the same time, I don't want it to delay labour. I have the energy and stamina - I just can't decide whether it's a good idea or not.
^^ Any advice from people who have recently given birth? Were you relaxing on your last few days before labour or were you out and about and active?

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