February 2016 Mamas!!

Thx ruby hopefully it goes quick for you! The last 2 weeks have dragged for me! Must be with being so close to the end! Kaz I don't know why I cry it's like I just had enough ergh! Also I'm so sore on my bones down there I do have SPD so have no doubt it's that but this week it's stepped up a lot ouchy sometimes feels like baby is trying to get out
Hello girls, how's everyone doing? It's almost February- yayyy! I really hope I will be a bit early and not have to wait until March- I'm so desperate to get on and be a mummy now! Feeling so tired but I think that's normal. Suzanne you're so close now- not surprised you're feeling emotional- so exciting!
Yep baby Azra born at 4.44am this morning I'm done in but she is beautiful weighing in at 8lb 15oz just gas and air no stitches
it all happened very quick was in bed at 2 lol I'm whacked now tho xxx
CONGRATULATIONS! She's absolutely perfect and her name is beautiful! Well done you! Very quick labour then- is she your first baby as well? So happy for you!
Congratulations Suzanne- beautiful! Tea, toast and a well deserved kip for you! Enjoy your new bundle :D
Aww Susanne, Congratulations! She's gorgeous! Well done and take lots of rest with cuddles in between xxx
Congrats Susanne!! Beautiful pink bundle!! Hope you kick off a few more of us this weekend!!
Thanks everyone! She's beautiful I can't stop staring at her. I'm going home in a couple of hours so can't wait to get settled! Baby dust to all this weekend come on Feb babies
Hi lovely february mummies!

I had my baby Isabella on 26th January at 23.15, 8.8lbs and very tall. Just been home for 2 days now. I went in for induction the night of 25th, it did not work, I wasnt dilating, after 12 hours cervix was dilated only 3 cm, than they managed to brake waters with 3rd attempt. After that i had excess bleeding and very painful contractions. Managed to get infection... Things started to not look well. Maybe in another post about that. Baby was stuck with cord around neck, she had changed position as well (says transvers in a paperwork) but the worst thing - my uterus was about to burst! OB said she was scared to put her hand in, uterus was see through, so they used (i think its called ) forceps or something else to get her out. It took very long time to sew me up. But little munchkin is absolutely georgous, she is such a princess!! Very good on a boob, strong as well, lifting her head and whole body up on her arms!! Picture following next;-)
Massive congratulations to you Inga :D

Hope you are recovering well.
Congratulations Inga, small photo but she looks so sweet and peaceful! Enjoy cuddles xxx
Such lovely news- congratulations Inga! How are you feeling now? Sounds like a traumatic birth but I'm so glad it was ok- Isabella is absolutely beautiful. Hope you're recovering well xx
Congrats Inga! Another beautiful pink bundle! So sorry to hear what a rough time you had - hope you feel better soon. X
Does anyone know how MrsHttc is? Haven't heard from her in ages! Hope all is okay.

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