February 2016 Mamas!!

Hi everyone after being induced on Wednesday I gave birth to our georgeous son yesterday (Friday) . I had all possible pain reliefs as it was an agony and taking too long to get to 10 cm bt we got there at the end and the baby was nearly 4.5 kg when born gave birth with the vacuum thing help at the end and have some stitches down there bt it was well worth it good luck Molly u will b mum soon x
Congrats well done you - 4.5kg my goodness ur a hero i was bad enough with a 3.2kg birth weight lol xx
Congratulations Lubka! :) You must have been so past your due date and so fed up! I am sorry to hear that you didn't have the best birth, but so glad to hear that you have a happy, healthy (and big) baby boy! Enjoy cuddles, and hopefully I can join you in motherhood soon haha!! X
Thank u everyone I'm sure u will good luck and all the best will check every day here how u doing and good news will b coming soon enjoy every minute of it it's all worth the pain x
Hi everyone I was induced on Tuesday and after a horabile labour that end up in an emergency c secteon... My little man was born wensday 3rd at 3:15... Weighing 8lb 14 .... We both was allowed home Saturday after a bumpy start but were both recovring nicely at home now...he's so worth everything :)
Dmjh, congratulations! So sorry to hear you didn't have an easy birth, but at least you're home now with your little boy :) xx
Congrats Lubka & Dmjh! Wow, big babies- well done you! Wishing you both a speedy recovery xxx
Finally!! I've had a baby :) had a beautiful baby girl named Elke at 1.30 this morning, I went into labour naturally just hours before my induction was planned! Yay!
Yippeeeee!!! Have been waiting for your news- well done!!!! Gorgeous name and I'm so glad you avoided being induced! Congratulations and enjoy these magical first days! Xxxxxx
Congrats Molly, thread hopping but I know you've been waiting ages, big hugs x
Congrats Molly!! Saw you had posted so couldn't resist hoping over! Fantastic news!! Xx
Thank you so much! I never thought the day would actually come haha! And I never had to have the induction, and had the water birth I wished for :) (still, an agonising 21 hour labour and a weird positioned baby) but so so worth it. :)
I guess I belong with you girls now... Was due on the 26th of April, but due to severe pre-eclampsia had an emergency c-section on the 25th of February... My son Christopher was born at 12:23. He was 1.52gr after two weeks in NICU, now he has been moved to the special care nursery and seems to be doing fantastic :) https://imgur.com/wRrZZY5
Oh wow, congratulations and thanks for joining us! It must have been a hard couple of weeks- how are you doing? Wishing you and your beautiful little boy all the best xxxx
I'm doing OK... Spending a lot of time in the hospital and trying to juggle that with expressing and taking care of everything... Had some trouble with BF but it seems to be picking up now

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