February 2016 Mamas!!

If you have the energy I'd go Mollythemama just take it easy and try not to over do it... Im trying to stay active but have little energy to do anything other than sleep and eat lol
Yeah I think I might do, the activity might help induce me. :) hopefully!

Any babies yet?? How are we all?

I was sick in the night last night and had terrible tummy ache (sort of felt like BM pain) - I was hoping this was a sign of upcoming labour, like the 'clear out' - wishful thinking again, but that's all I got!
No baby here..40+5 today saw mw yesterday baby is not engaged at all which she said is very unusual at this stage..I'm booked for induction next week Wednesday..Molly if u have the energy go for it I went shopping all day last Sunday which was my due day..
Oh really Lubka? My friend said she didn't engage until moments before going into labour so hopefully that'll happen for you before your induction. I bet you're getting impatient now, hang in there, girl!
It's all gone quiet.

How's it going Ruby? We've not heard from you in a few days! Baby yet?
Hi girls!!! So sorry for being quiet- I've been really busy because.... My baby is here! George was born on Thursday- had my home birth and it was incredible. I really hope yours come soon too. I had absolutely no warning whatsoever then suddenly it all kicked off with contractions really close together. No show, no BHs, no sudden renewed nesting urge- just full-on labour all of a sudden!

I'm totally in love. Holding him now as I type this- I haven't really slept yet though!

Fingers crossed you all have a nice easy labour!!! xxxxxx
Aww congratulations Ruby!! And you avoided the leap day :)
So glad to hear you had such a beautiful home birth as desired.
Enjoy your cuddles.

Still no sign here, but you've given me reassurance about not having any pre labour symptoms, it could just happen. I'm officially past the due date now so feeling a bit disappointed, but only selfishly because I just want to meet the little one!
Our little boy (Lennon) was also born on Thurs Ruby! Congratulations :D

I had a lovely (water) birth too- Thursday must have been a good day to give birth lol!

Hope you last Feb ladies get your babies soon X
Congrats Ruby and Caitd89!!! No news here..41 weeks today still hoping for baby before induction on Wednesday..enjoy your cuddles hope I have some good news soon x
Congrats ruby and cait89 hope u an ur babies are doing well xx
Congratulations Caitd!! Love the name Lennon (after John? ;)) Enjoy baby cuddles xxxx

Just me and you now, Lukba? And maybe Dmjh? X
Congratulations so glade u both had good labours ... I'm still waiting for my little man, 41 weeks today starting to get down and grumpy now as been in slow labour for two weeks and still no real sign of him coming just want to hold my little man and getting fed up with everyone asking everyday if u had baby yet...anyone else feel like this ?
Yes ME!!! 41weeks today too..so it is 3 of us left I think, me, Molly and you DMJH..I have sweep booked for tomorrow but thinking not to go ahead just in case it works it is 29th tomorrow I am not sure if that will be the best birth day, however on the other hand it will definitely be a special birth day..induction on wednesday if nothing..do you have inductions booked too ladies? if yes, how you feel about it?
I know, it's not fair :( I'm getting so impatient. But you ladies are bound to have yours before me, I'm only 1 day 'late'. Lots of my friends have guessed it's gonna be a leap baby though so hopefully it'll come tomorrow. Yeah not the best birthday but definitely a special one - they can have a big blow out birthday party every 4 years!!

Dmjh, feel exactly the same.... so annoying when people keep asking.
No induction booked yet, Lubka. But it seems like loads of women go into labour naturally just before induction. It's as though their mind sends signals to their body saying "no I don't want an induction!!".
Don't fear induction ladies, I was induced last Weds (term +12) and had read every horror story on the internet lol.

In fact I got exactly the natural, active water birth that I wanted - just with 2 gels chucked in for good measure :D

With my first DS I went into labour spontaneously but ended up with loads of medical intervention!! So it actually resulted in a better labour for me.

Yes Molly, we are Beatles (and Oasis) fans and really loved the name and how uncommon it was :D
Glad Its not just me, getting stressed out... I was booked in for induction on 25th but my hospital are really busy right now and they keep putting it on hold....which guess isn't helping my mood but just trying to stay positive
Thanks ladies- he's absolutely adorable. I really hope you all get to have your babies REALLY soon- will be looking out for your announcements! Xxxxx
Anyone else still pregnant?? I am! I have my induction booked in for a week today.

Feb mama no more.
Oh Molly :-( I really hope it happens really soon and that it goes really well for you- it's sooo hard, this last stage- I know all you want is to be holding your baby! Thinking of you- GOOD LUCK! Xxx

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