February 2016 Mamas!!

I was thinking the same she was due same day as me hope everything is ok x
Hi Feb mummies, how are you all doing? I still have a few weeks to go and finally start maternity leave next week- thank goodness! Baby not engaged yet- is there anything I should do to make that happen or is it ok?

Hope you're all really well!
Good luck all you feb mums, hope noones waiting too long x
In still waiting! Was due on Wed. Feeling thoroughly pissed off, especially as my daughter arrived at 39 weeks so convinced myself this one would be early too!
Hey ladies, I'm 38 weeks today - still going for regular checks at the hospital, got another one tomorrow, but so far everything ok.

Hope everyone else is alright and congratulations to those of you who already have your gorgeous new babies
I'm 37 weeks and baby is not engaged too. Apparently any position that opens your pelvis will help engage baby - deep squats or breast stroke or sitting on a birthing ball with your knees wide apart.

Baby is now getting quite heavy and struggling to move or sleep! Looking forward to her being born soon I hope!!
I'm not engaged either. And I've got a really horrible cold so sleeping is even more impossible than it already was... Ugh. Was due to work to the end of this week but think I'll have to stop now. Was I mad for trying to work so long anyway? I'm 37 weeks. Hope your baby hurries up Hellywelly!
I'm also 37 weeks, and don't think baby is fully engaged but midwife said s/he was starting to at 36 weeks - I don't think it reflects on how long you've got until labour though as some people drop just hours before.

I'm getting so impatient now, but I have to keep reminding myself that I will never be child-less again so to make the most of it, get lots of sleep and relaxation etc.

Hats off to you Ruby, I stopped work ages ago. I hope it means you have built up the stamina to go through an easier labour.
Lol thanks Molly- I'm glad to finally be off now!
Any news Hellywelly?
Loving that we are all having our babies at last :-)
Well, I'm now 8 days overdue with a large breech and unfortunately time has run out - I'm off for an elective section tomorrow ladies! So either way I'll have a pink or blue bundle by tomorrow afternoon! Bit gutted about the section and the restrictions afterwards, especially after such a great natural birth with my daughter, but the most important thing is that baby gets here safe and sound. Just repacking my hospital bag as obviously I'll have a longer stay in now than anticipated. I'll let you know how I get on!
Good luck hellywelly, sorry that you are not getting the birth you wanted but at least you will be cuddling your baby by tomorrow! :)

So it's my due date tomorrow & unless a miracle occurs I would put my house on going overdue (no signs of evicting the premises from this baby!). I can actually cope with going overdue, but the 'anything happening?) txts have ALREADY begun and I am at risk of really offending people/putting my phone down the toilet! Agggghhhh! Rant over :D lol!
On Monday I put a status on Facebook that just said "still here, still pregnant - just thought I'd save you the 10p on the text". It's stopped most of the messages!!! The ones who have been stupid enough to text I've sent a very sarcastic reply to...
Haha I love the Facebook status!

I fear I'll skip sarcastic & go straight to aggressive lol! I went the full 2 weeks over last time - I cannot cope with ppl for another 2 weeks :wall2:

Best of luck for tomorrow, wishing you a very speedy recovery & lots of lovely cuddles!
Thinking of you Hellywelly and hope you have a really quick recovery.
Love the Facebook status!
Sorry to hear you're not having the natural birth you would have liked hellywelly, but wishing you all the luck today, and remember you'll be cuddling, feeding and bonding with your baba soon!

Fingers crossed for you too Cait, you never know... You could be in the 5% of people that actually have their babies on their due date!

I've been getting very painful period like pain in my lower abdomen, enough to take my breath away. Not tightenings as such, but like the flutters you get in early pregnancy but painful, along side shooting pains up my vagina to the middle of my tummy. Any ideas? Is it supposed to hurt when babies head is engaging? Because that's kind of what it feels like.

I can't believe it's mid-feb and we're all having our babies, it still doesn't feel real.
I'm still here Molly, not holding out for the due date birth haha! Period pains & braxton hicks but nothing exciting to report :/

I've just spent so much money on more baby & post-birth clothes that I don't need in a sulk lol!
Hello ladies - I'm 39+2 now and still no sign of labour yet. Got another appointment on Monday for a hopefully final growth scan and checking fluid etc and then hopefully will meet my little girl shortly after. They have offered me a sweep at that appointment so will probably take it and hope it sets things off!!

How's everyone else doing? Whose left cooking?
Baby Evelyn born 11/2/16 at 37 weeks and 4 days! Labour from waters breaking to birth was only 3 hours!! Now just trying to get the hang of breast feeding!!
I also have a baby born on 11.02.16!! Poppy May arrived as a natural vaginal breech birth on Thu eve, escaping my c sec booked for fri morning by 12 hours! She weighed 8lbs 15oz and arrived after a two and a half hour labour - we'd only been in hospital an hour! I had quite an audience with her being a vaginal breech delivery but it all went well and we are doing really well. Not sure if she is easier than my first or I am just more relaxed and aware of what is going to happen, either way it doesn't seem as tough as last time!
Congratulations ladies, so pleased for you both, and wow to that vaginal breech birth!!!

Think over lost my plug this evening, getting a few dull aches in my back but I'm not reading much into it right now. Hoping if things do kick off that I'll know before my husband needs to leave for work tomorrow as he's got a meeting 2 hours from home!! Bloody typical it's the only day he's not close to home.

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