Update number I've lost count.......
Going on from last night... Andrea's pain got quite bad last night. She went from paracetemol to codine to gas and air with the option of pethadine which was refused..
andrea was examined twice and there was still no change to the neck of the womb or cervix. The doctor last night said he would only do another exam if she felt the need to push.
Well after a rocky start on the gas and air Andrea soon got into the swing of it. Wasn't long before she was giggling and telling me her eye lids looked like half moons. As you can guess she had a good sleep from around 2am till 6.30am with a 5 min wake up. All in all was good sleep for both of us.
Andrea dozed on and off during the morning and after seeing the doctor was allowed back to the ward.
Back on the ward and she had her old bed back, a little snooze and a trip out to the shop to me. I nearly fell asleep on the bed again too, but stopped myself as not to get caught by the midwifes this time.
Andrea started to bleed again and the doctors decided to move her back to delivery for an examination and monitoring. Doctors estimate she has lost around 35ml of blood. Still no change to cervix.
We were told to leave anything we didn't need on the ward, yes and has had a room upgrade when she gets back to the ward. Side room with ensuite, get in !
Now were in delivery playing the waiting game. As always will have to wait and see.
As always everyone has been informed that Andrea has moved again. The ward know, delivery of course, a couple of doctors, the nicu and they even rang the consultant on call who was at home.
Oh and. We have company of graffe. He is the first teddy we bought for Ellie, and's sister packed him in a bag for us. He's had a word with Ellie through and's belly button to tell her to stay putt lol
Just as I was about to post this the head midwife is making me a coffee and says if I stay again tonight she will get me a reclining chair.
Will update when more info or something kicks off.