Fiona (sunshinestars) is in labour!!!! UPDATED

Thinking of you and hoping things go well, whatever happens!

We've all got our fingers crossed for you.

Thankd for all your concerns...

Juts a quick update now, finally roz rung me at 1 o clock this morning, fiona was 5 cm's dilated at 12 when they checked but hadnt had contractions for an hour, then they stopped.

They are keeping her at leeds until possiblibly tomorrow or wednesday to keep an eye on what happens and see if she can close up, then they want her at grimsby for a few days to rest i think, fiona wants to come home cos she is so stuborn
Fiona's dad is going up to see her today wish i could go but the kids need me
Fiona will be fine she is strong really, she has overcome so much stress with this pregnancy already i wish it was over now.. its unreal

that is it really, baby had stayed put for now so my fingers are tightly crossed he will stay a bit longer
Fingers crossed they have managed to stop labour!

thinking of you at this stressful time. Shame Fiona's dad could not baby sit so you can be with her
topbird they offered but he is going to collect roz, then im going up there when they get back, fiona will only be on her own for 4 hours or so... then we can both come home together hopefully and be at grimsby, at least if she at grimsby i can stay there with the kids, they are missing there mummy so much

I am going to leeds on the 5 pm train :o
well, that sounds like a definite step in the right direction, I'd say every minute the baby stays indoors is a bonus. :)
I hope you get to see her soon. :hug:
I'm so glad to read Fiona is stable and the contractions have stopped. *Fingers crossed* the rest will do her good and she'll be allowed home soon.

Mark and Fiona, you're in my thoughts and i pray your little boy hangs on in his mommys tummy for a little while longer.

Love to you both xx :hug:

I am so glad things have stopped for her hope he stays put for at least a few more months
only just seen this... really hope all goes well for you both and the LO

I've not been online for a bit so just looked at this straight away. I really hope everything works out ok for you, Fiona & Bailey. Lots of cuddles being sent to you all :hug:
wow i havent been on much over the wknd and missed all this,
really hope that things are going well and bailey stays put for a little while longer at least.

thinking of you all :hug:
:hug: thinking of both of you and hope baby stays put :)

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