Fiona (sunshinestars) is in labour!!!! UPDATED


I hope you hear from them soon! Stay possitive its all you can do :hug:
Hope your little one stays in there for little while longer xxx
Oh I wasn't online last night (had visitors) and come on this morning to this. Do give her our love and just rembember that at 24+ weeks the window of viability opens up meaning that most babies born on/after 24 weeks can with intensive care survive against what ever odds doctors give. Their bodies are fully formed by 24 weeks is more a question of getting them to gain weight and loose a little of their organ immaturity. Thinking of you both, let us know if there is anything we can do :hug:
hope Fiona is doing OK and they manage to stop labour, or the baby is delivered without complications! :pray: :hug:
:cry: im so sorry she has gone into labour. hopefully they will be able to stop it for now.

:hug: hugs to you, fiona, and family
Was really hoping to log on and Mark updated us with they managed to stop labour! Everything crossed things are going ok :hug:
Only just seen this........your in my thoughts, I hope all is well :hug: :hug: :hug:
Just seen this thread. I really hope everything turns out well for both of you and the little one. I'm sure he'll be viable if the birth goes ahead.

Thinking of you.

Mark you and Fiona and baby Bailey are in my thoughts and prayers I really hope they can keep him where he is for a little bit longer.
Thinking of you all xxxx

Please keep us updated.

Valentine xxx
Thinking of you all, keeping my fingers firmly crossed :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Really hope everything is going ok for you all.......... fingers crossed ! :hug:
hi mark :wave:

omg 24weeks i hope they stop your lil one coming its too early :O

i will read down for more info and edit this one if need be :P

hoope their both fine *fingers crossed*

so sorry for u that u cant be at the birth :hug:

i know there was a baby in usa born at 20weeks or 21weeks and one in uk born around 21-22weeks and they doing fine. but id want mine not to come yet. hopefully baby takes after me , comes on time :)
Have replied in off topic post but really hope everything is ok :hug:

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