Now that we have been seen by a consultant re today's scan I thought I would update...
There was only one pocket of fluid, which measured just over 1cm but he said she should make more as the placenta is working to 100%.
The placenta is still low but not covering the OS as was previously thought so unless baby becomes distressed during delivery I won't need a c-section.
Ellie has grown another 68 grams in the week since our last scan
which is an excellent sign that she is coping well.
Bleeding is most likely coming from the bottom edge of the placenta, could be much worse.
And basically once I have stopped bleeding for 24 hours I can go home
I hope that happens really soon because I'm going mad here! JP has to leave tonight to go back to work and won't be able to come until atleast Wednesday. Plus by the time he gets here it will be end of visiting hours
I miss my children so much that I don't feel like a mummy anymore
it might sound silly but that's how it makes me feel when I can't be there for them. I have only seen them for a few hours here and there in the last week as we live so far away and I have spent a lot of time on delivery suite.
BUT... I have to keep positive because the most important person right now is Elliebump and she needs her mummy to be relaxed and happy
I am so proud of my little girl for hanging on against the odds and even putting on weight despite the odds.
Andrea xx