Another update ......
Going on from Andrea's earlier update a lot has happened since.
The pain eased off and she was moved onto the antenatal ward around 11 am ish. Andrea slept a little and she had very relaxing bath.
The little angels came about 3pm (visiting time). Was lovely to see them, it really made Andrea smile. Bad thing is that she probably won't see the kids till next weekend due to school and my work and due to the fact I can't legally drive yet.
Halfway through visiting a pediatric doctor came to see us to talk through what medical help we should expect a 26+ week old baby to need. He was really nice and answered our questions as much as he could. Nothing is set in stone as they are unable to tell what help baby needs until she gets here. He also arranged for us to look at the nicu unit.
About the unit.... It is smaller than I expected to be. We started off in the cot room which is for babys waiting to go home.. Then onto the hdu and finally icu where Ellie will be should she make an appearence. I'm really glad I went in as I don't think it will be that scary should we be there.
Tea on the ward consisted of curry, curry or salad. Off to the chippy I went. Once we had eaten it was time for a nap. Curtains round the bed and soon enough we had both nodded off. Over an hour later Andrea was awoken by a sound known by no other name than snoring. Yes JP was fast asleep on Andrea's hospital bed snoring like a trooper. Lol.
Not long after Andrea started getting pains. The midwife was informed and after a feel d her tummy sent her back to delivery. That's where we are now.
Since being in delivery we have a pain relief plan from the consultant and doctor. She has been examined and is not dilating. She is in a fair bit of pain at the moment.
The midwife is trying to get me to leave and to go home and sleep. I'm told that they will be transfering her back to the ward. I don't believe that for a second and have told the midwife ill only go if she is transfered to the ward. I don't care about me, but if she needs me I'm an hour atleast away if I go home.
That's it for now, will update in the morning probably