ears pierced

alice won't have hers done until she is ready and understands it all.

I had mine done at 4.

I don't think young babies look 'right' with them, but i respect mothers decisions to have them done. I just expect my decision not to have them done till my daughter is ready to be respected

was it really 13 pages worth!!!!!! i can remember the gist of it :lol:

Just out of interest - is there a minimum age for most places to do them anyway? :think:
It's a tradition in those countries, if I was living there I probably wouldn't get them done and I probably be thought of as strange but yes some people get them done. All I was doing was looking at it from a different viewpoint instead of the tired answers.

Here having a toddler on reins is deemed 'socially unacceptable'. Controlled crying is child abuse in some people's eyes, nevermind bottlefeeding.
I don't think anyone was looking down their noses at anyone babsi?!
My Mum had my ears pierced for my first birthday. I do think it looks pretty but personally I couldn't sit there and watch my baby have it done. If I had a little girl I would wait until they were old enough to ask to have it done and then take them.
My Auntie took me and had mine done when I was about 4, my Mum didn't know until after :lol: I personally love piercings, but wouldn't have any done on my children, simply because it's strictly aesthetic in my opinion, culture, and LO's are beautiful enough untouched :)
I'm with most of you on this one, i'm not going to have Soph's ear pierced, she can gt them done when she is old enough to decide for herself.

Although my MIL has said she's going to get it done, but i have warned Sam she better not.
I dont personaly like seeing babies with earings in - thier babies, and should be left as babies! (ie not young little 'women')
All babies are beautiful and do not need accsesories. (i dont like ANY jewlery on babies - incl. braclets/chains)
Thats my oppinion tho - thats all. Its no righter or wronger then somonelses.
I read a few pages of the old thread and i think ALOT of people where completly harsh and disgusting - like they are right, full stop. Again such narrow mindness :wall: :wall: like somone else pointed out earier - in other cultures its very inportant to have peircings in children ect and have been doing it for thousands of years, who am i (or anyone else) to say 'oh sorry but it wrong!' :roll:

I wanted my ears peiced from the age of about 8. My dad said to me 'when your 2 digits i can have them done if i still wanted them' (ie 10)
I did, and got them done. I dont remember pain or anything.

(i later (at 17) got my nose peirced and my dad didnt speak to me for months lmao)
Charlie had hers done last year when she was 9 and thankfully they closed up as i really wasn't too happy about having it done but she knew the implications and paid for it herself and as all her friends had it done i did feel like the big bad mommy for not letting her, she had them redone for her 10th birthday and they also closed up as she is allergic to gold so shes now resigned to the fact she can't have them done :)
I'm another mother who can't stand to see babies and young toddlers all "blinged up" but living in a high ethnic area i see it all the time, makes me sad to be honest as the poor children are constantly catching earrings and bracelets in the playground and coming out "damaged" :|

i voted 0-1 i have kiaras done but thats just a personal choice if she dont want them when shes older they can be taken out.
She only cried for a moment then was fine and shes so used to them now she dont even touch them .
I love seeing babies and toddlers with pierced ears :D

*saulino* said:

i voted 0-1 i have kiaras done but thats just a personal choice if she dont want them when shes older they can be taken out.
She only cried for a moment then was fine and shes so used to them now she dont even touch them .
I love seeing babies and toddlers with pierced ears :D


I agree with you there Katrina!
I had my ears pierced at 18months and im soo grateful I did :) I didnt remember the pain and I love them!
babsi said:
You know if any of the people that don't agree with it were living in Spain/South America you would be getting upset every time you go out, there near enough every little baby girl's ear's are pierced in the hospital after the birth. I had a friend from Chile and she was one of the nicest, responsible mother's you could meet and she had her little's girls done because of tradition and she said the earring's are just another part of the body when they are done so young. Studs are ok, hoops are dangerous.

I have enough things to worry about than looking down my nose at other parenting choices.

If I had a girl, I honestly don't know what I would do, more than likely she probably wouldn't have them done but I am not going to say it is right or wrong or say it is disgusting.

Just another view why some baby girl's have them done. Not everything is black and white.

THIS IS TRUE!!!!! Here in Spain all little girls have their ears pierced at birth so they can tell the difference between the sexes.... I think its the human equivalent of doctoring your dog's tail.. only doing it to your child, but that's just my personal feeling. I don't look down if a parent decides to do it, thats their choice, but I wouldn't because I don't think it's right to go attacking a baby's body, for the sake of tradition or fashion...Our bodies are our bodies, and such decisions as ear piercing should be left to the owner of the ears. .

I can remember how guilty I felt just letting Tia have her vaccinations, and those were important...I would have felt terrible just to make her suffer pain at such a young age for fashion....because earrings have never been anything more than a fashion statement. They don't serve any other purpose, its not like you can hang buckets of water from them.

Tia's been allowed to choose from the age of 6... I ask her if she wants her ears pierced.. She says no. Not yet..and that's just fine... But if any of those doctors or midwives even think about touching my next little girls ears and punch ruddy great holes in them, I swear I'll sue.. !!!
Urchin said:
Some people might remember the last time this topic came up, but the original thread I'm referring to is from Feb 06

Here it is if anyone feels brave enough to read all 13 pages of it!

http://www.pregnancyforum.co.uk/forum/v ... 31&start=0
:rotfl: welll funny

I didnt know Dionne could get so stressed

haha dear o dear that was a good read although i do remember original i never got involved i think i just sed my comment n left

which is still the same I dont like it, babies look horrible with pierced ears, leave it up to them to decide, and im 1 for piercings so theer u go
if ur child really wants it done they will ahve to bear the pain like i do with mine lol

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