ear piercing, what age?

My sister wanted to get Ezzie's ears pierced for her bday in january, I was just like NO! I mean each to their own but I feel a lil sad when I see lil girls with ear piercings too grown up, Ezzie can have them done as soon as she wants them tho as I had mine done at bout 6 and hated it lol, I now have had several piercing including 3 facial and 2 body lol. each to their own xXx
My daughters 5 and still hasn't asked to get them done.
I was 9 when I had mine done and will wait till DD is around that age too x
I got my girls ears pierced the day before Xmas eve they've been wanting it done for ages so I gave it a few months to let them decide properly.. My eldest wants make up and high shoes etc to be more grown up an I won't allow that so I gave in with the ears to make her feel more grown up without dressing her up etc.. As mean as it sounds I was hoping she would cry when she had it done so my 4 yr old wouldn't want it done as she has a phobia of needles and in my opinion too young, but she didn't lol so I let her have it done too.. My mil wanted me to get lilyanna done too but I said no she needs to be able to make her own mind up and I couldn't do it to a newborn!
Everyone has their own opinion but mine is to let them decide themselves understanding it hurts and needs cleaning etc..
Paige will need to be out of primary school. I had mine done as a treat from primary to secondary school and I loved it. Made me feel all grown up.
I agree, I don't think it looks nice on young girls at all. even if they are old enough to ask, at say 6, I would still
Not allow it. If they asked for McDonald's every day and chocolate for breakfast I would also not allow it.
when the child is old enough to say ' i want my ears pierced' , and understands what it means.
my little girl says she never wants it done, because it will hurt lol x
What does macdonalds have to do with ear piercing?
People were saying when he child asked for it, they would give it. I was suggesting that's not the best parenting tactic....
People were saying when he child asked for it, they would give it. I was suggesting that's not the best parenting tactic....

I think most people were saying that within reason! I say each to their own, live and let live :) I don't care if other peoples children have their ears pierced young, I wouldn't do it but that's me and my child. It's no ones business really. In the grand scheme of things it doesn't really matter.
People were saying when he child asked for it, they would give it. I was suggesting that's not the best parenting tactic....

Erm I think each to their own! If that's what someone chooses to do, who are you to say that their choice for their child might not be 'the best parenting tactic'? No that might not be for you, but my DD was 4, she looked after them herself and understood what it meant and I'm a bloody good mummy with great 'parenting tactics'! I probably wouldn't do some things you do but I wouldn't judge you for them and I certainly wouldn't question your parenting style.
I'm not saying in relation to ear piercing, I'm sure young kids can look after them. I saw saying a more general thing about whatever your kid asks for. Maybe I read other posts wrong, it kind of sounded like well if my kid asks for it, they can have it. I'm sUre in reality more thought goes into it than that. Im also sure mos people wOul agree that if our child gets everything they ask for, it's not ideal. But, obviously if as a parent you decide that your kid can have their ears pierced and look after them, then you have not just mindlessly given them what they want. I'm not really making Much sense, but I know what I meant!
I agree with most. Definitely not before they had chosen to have it done, don't think that decision should be made for a child. Also once they had asked for it to be done, I would make sure they understood what that entailed! x
when I say old enough to ask for it . I mean old enough to be able to have a choice iykwim ? I wouldnt pierce a child's ears who cant speak for themselves . Thats not to say I would give my children everything they ask for I would certianly make sure they understandd the responsibility involved with a piercing and that it will hurt x
Just want to add my 4 year old reminds me every morning and night to clean her ears yet she crus a bit each time and it stings a bit..
Thats so sweet :) she sounds really responsible .
I'm going to let my daughter have hers done (if she wants )just before the summer hols next year, she will be just turned 11 then. Then she has the summer hols to get them happy before senior school incase she has to take them out at school for anything , pe etc.

She hasn't asked yet mind you, so not had that conversation tho. I only wear studs ,unless going out, so maybee she hasn't seen it as a big thing yet.

My mum made me wait till 16, which was cruel as all my freinds had them done earlier and I felt left out, untrendy etc. By the time I was 16 , my mum took me , and after I had them done, I stood up and fainted, it had been 5/6 years of anticipation................. hence why my daughter can have them done earlier!!
I was 4/5 when I asked for mine done. I remember taking care of mine.

I dont have a daughter but I'd wait until they asked and could understand what they were asking for. Actually that goes for AJ too :lol: Boys can get their ears pierced too.

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