ear Piercing.. babies

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Wow Dionne! i think this may be the most popular post on the whole forum...ever!
Im glad it has calmed a little, personally im not keen on ear peircing for babies, but each to your own.
As for McD's...ive craved it whilst preg!! not the chicken tho, sure i found an abcess last time i had a chick sandwich (blughhhhhhhh) My OH son HATES chips!! he has the carrot sticks if we go to McD's (rarely)
There are many many other ways to give kids a treat apart from taking them to MuckDonalds and if they never ate there, they'd never miss it.

Did none of the MuckD eating/feeding mums see the Spurlock film 'SuperSize Me'? I mean that was extreme, the guy ate nothing but MuckDs 3 times a day for 30 days, but jeez did his health suffer. Took him a year to get back in shape afterwards. His doctor was worried for his health as his liver was so enlarged and he became impotent from the saturated fat blocking his arteries.

Likewise - did you not see what kind of crap goes into chicken nuggets on 'Jamie's School Dinners'?

So, personally, I don't see any merit to eating cheap hamburgers / chicken nuggets / extruded potato pieces or giving them to little kids. The same goes for greasy sausage rolls! When they're older they'll probably want to go 'cos their friends do, but there's no way I'd encourage my child to eat that crap.
i can honestly say its pathetic...

il happily treat my lil girl....
i agree with you dionne when we was little we had a treat of going to maccyds or burger king it was simply a treat because we went once in a blue moon so it was fun and exciting to eat in there and get a toy!

i also agree on getting babies ears done at an early age i dont know anybody that doesnt have them done and i wish my mum had done mine before 3 yrs old too if i have a little girl i will be getting hers done around 6months to a yr old as long as u look after them i dont see the problem and if ur baby didnt like them when they could express there opinions then let them take it out what harm is it doing?
i let my kids have a mac D's now and again, as long as its not all the time and they eat good healthy dinners inbetween then i dont see the prob, i will do the same with Coby when he is a toddler.
Blimey - from ear piercing to sausage rolls to mcdonalds!! We do like to rant about things don't we!!! :lol: :lol:

Personally I hate to see those babies/toddlers hanging from the sausage roll! :shock: I know just what you mean! It doesn't take much to get organised before you leave to house and make sure you have something healthy in your bag to save you stopping off for sausage rolls and such like. And toddlers in Mcd's encouraged to dip nuggets into ketchup - even more salt!!!! Personally, I actually do quite like McD's for myself if I'm in a rush in town, but my daughter didn't have one till she was at least 4. And then that was only because a friend had a birthday party there. If we are in town together and we get hungry now, I ask what she wants and she usually opts for a Subway with all the salad, or we have a lovely shop in Leicester called Croques, and in the summer, she opts for here and a salad box to take away then sit on the grass near the fountain in the town hall square. Much better than stinky macdonalds!!! :lol:

Although........ saying all this (and here's where I really stick a spanner in the works!!!), I'm sure I'm not the only person over 30 who can remember some of the junk I was fed as a kid and I'm okay!!! :lol: My mum thought she had to disguise fruit in order to get me to eat it!! Raw rhubard dipped in a bowl of sugar, toffee/chocolate apples, banana's and cream, in fact all fruit with cream!!! My mum's favorite meal was the fattiest cut of the pork belly, cooked till crisp and served with roast potatoes cooked in lard!! Our chip pan (I don't even own a deep fat fryer now) was filled with lard!!! :shock: That's how you knew it was hot enough to cook the chips - all the fat had melted!!! :lol: And we were filled up with fizzy sugary drinks that we made ourselves 15 times a day with the soda stream!! My mum also used to work for Rowntrees and we had a cupboard full of chocolate and sweets and could help ourselves whenever we wanted.

I've tried to bring my daughter up eating healthily, and she is really good. She loves all fruit, yogurts and home cooked food. Of course she likes chocolate and sweets like everyone, but doesn't eat them everyday. She would much rather have an apple.
Macdonalds is shite food, theres no getting away from it but the main thing that stops me eating there is the fact that I don't want my food prepared and served to me by the local 15 year old spotty, thieving, drug taking, crap gold wearing, (probably pregnant) dirty chavs.

stick that in your controversial pipes and smoke it.

Lou :)
lou said:
Macdonalds is shite food, theres no getting away from it but the main thing that stops me eating there is the fact that I don't want my food prepared and served to me by the local 15 year old spotty, thieving, drug taking, crap gold wearing, (probably pregnant) dirty chavs.

stick that in your controversial pipes and smoke it.

Lou :)

Oh Lou, that has made me PMSL!!!! That's gotta be the best comment on this thread so far!! :lol: :lol:
Lou, thats a bit unfair about McDonalds employees. Some yes, but not all of them.

I think unless like one person posted you make your food from 100% natural and fresh food, you cannot be sure what you are eating. I dont because I dont have the time and I dont think its neccesary unless there is an allergy issue. There was a programme on where a family had to eat everything 100% fresh for a week, not additives or anything and it would surprise you what had additives.
lol I did have a little giggle as I composed that post ;)

seriously another thing I don't understand is why people use food as a treat for children? Food is a necessity. Isaac will be getting a toy or book or an activity of some sort as a treat, not food and especially not food prepared by the local 15 year spotty,....ok ok i've made my point. And whats wrong with just good old fashioned praise for good behaviour? I see all the time girls bribing their children while out shopping with the promise of a macdonalds if they are well behaved. I'd say don't drag your child round the shops with you and expect it to be quiet while you que for your toiletries in wilkos. Problem solved!

anyone agree?

Lou :)
oh my god it really is mad seeing other ppls views....

some of u "older women" really do need to get with it..

not all off u..

but some of u.

especially the coment about mc ds workers.

u think u r a better mum because u sit at home n boil ya veg, its sad, me n my daughter go out chill av a mcy Ds

eat chocolate she likes her cheese quavers!
I wouldnt bribe my child with a McDonalds but I might bribe my husband.

Does anyone put sugar on their french toast?

What is Wilkos?
Whats French Toast Laura?

Wilkos (A.K.A. Wilkinsons) - a shop that sells everything from paint to dogfood!!
think this post is getting a bit out of hand now.

I wouldn't mind my kid having a mcD every so often - me and hubby have one so y not kid too.

though me and hubby r having a debate bout if kid should be allowed chocolate - as his mum Never gave him sweets till he was around 12 yrs old, and would swap any sweet presents for dried fruit - (which i have heard is just as bad as chocolate) i don't think you can stop them having chocolate .. i alway had it but in moderation. i have fillings - but my hubby doesn't ...

there are so many ideas out there its a case of trial and error. and learning!
lol just told my partner to go on the forum and read all theses post this was his email back to me!!!!!

Oh and tell these lot who get chufties bout making 100% home made meals it’s a fact that they prob have more chemicals in than an equivelant baby food.

A recent survey has shown due to the high rulees etc monitoring the making of baby foods all of the fruit veg etc must be of a certain high standard that is not set for normal fruit n veg we buy. Some vegetables, including carrots, beets, turnips, collard greens, spinach and broccoli, may contain high amounts of nitrates, naturally occurring chemicals that can cause anemia in babies aswell as other forms of chemicals used in the processes from manure, growing agents cleaning agents and the way theyre handled.. Baby food companies must test for nitrates and other chemicals in these vegetables before they can be used to make baby food.

So all the ladies that think theyre the better mum for making their kids eat homemade should get off their high horse
French toast is egg and milk whisked together. Then a bit of bread is soaked in the mix then fried on each side for a few mo's in the pan till each side is lightly fried. Very very nice.

There is nothing wrong macdonalds, quavers or chocolate as long as its in moderation. Im sure Jess realises that she gets a better deal with grapes rather than crisps because with grapes she can eat as many of them as she likes but a packet of quavers they are limited. We still have quavers though (i lurvve them).

Its getting a bit tense in here again....
Aahhh, eggy bread!!!! Mmmmmm, love it! Not sure about the sugar though :? , although I don't have a sweet tooth at all. Don't have sugar in hot drinks, on cereal (could never understand this) or anything. My dad puts sugar on strawberries which I think are one of the sweetest fruit there is!!

I think we should all learn a phrase after reading these comments, and that is.....

"Each to their own"
i am using some bottled food and generally making my own because its damn cheaper!

I think freaks is a bit harsh - at the end of the day we all have babies who we care about and would doing just about anythink to keep from harm. We are ALL trying to do the best thing for them and the only way we know how. we're all learning.

So lets stop slagging each other off... we've all got babies best interests at heart.
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