ear Piercing.. babies

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im a fan of letting Dior nibble on any thing she loves all different food, my 4yr old brother was a nightmare at the age of 18months he would only have 3months old jars as he didnt no any different. different textures freaked him out,

Diors fav is ginger breadmen from gregs she hasnt had a sasuage roll yet but thats because she will get her self in to much of a mess lol then she looks a scally wag round town but she does have mc Donalds at the weekend chicken nuggets at chips. but then again she is 10months. she loves feeding her self very independant lol

i was told by my hv that babys should be eating what the rest of the family eat by about the age of 1??

is this right??? does any one no???
I'm not sure hun, but please expain gregs? Is it a make of babies/childrens foods??
It's a high street bakery chain - used to be called birketts around here. They do the best donut fingers and chicken / mayo sarnies in the world.

Tracy xx
wen u c a baby in its pushchair and its got a sausage roll in its hands sucking on it..
Can't say I have ever seen a baby with a sausage roll in it's hand!! :?

It's all food in my opinion. I'd prefer to give my kid bakery food than maccy d's
Sami - I'll explain in context!

lauramum01 said:
Now Greggs sausage rolls, there is something I have an issue with!

I was agreeing with Laura that I see loads of young babies eating sausage rolls (which happen to be wrapped in Greggs paper bags) in their pushchairs - even at 9am! Each to their own what people feed their kids but these wee babies don't look like they can even chew! (it was an observation not having a go at what people feed their kids).

It wasn't an issue about Gregg's quality of food etc.

Tracy - yes Greggs chicken sandwiches are out of this world!

39 + 2
That's what I said it's all food in my opinion, but not for babies......
Don't think anyone will ever agree on how kids should be brought up/fed/dressed/etc - we're all to bloody opinionated!! :lol:

Mmmmm I want a sausgae roll now lol
Sami, these things are greasy. I eat one occasionally but its heavy on the tum and Ive seen wee kids going past a Greggs screaming 'Sausage Roll' Its a bit of a joke, my dad always says he is taking Jess for a sausage roll while Im at work. I would happily give Jess McNuggets once in a while.

Jess is 19 months and kind of eats what we eat but i add salt once its on the big peoples plate. She will still have a jar a coupe of times a week because sometimes I want to eat a enchilada or a spicy pizza etc and she cant eat these things. Im happy for her to have jars still as long as its combined with things we eat too but I would get a blender even if its just to chop it a wee bit. To be honest though, at 1 I think we were mainly on the jars.

Take care
I take back my bakery food over maccy d's comment then - but I still want evidence (I'm bloody starving :wink: )

Well I agree that the sausage rolls are salty! I don't like the way Mcdonalds put salt on all the fries either.

The good thing about both of these places is they can be a godsend to a busy mom one in a while and when the child is old enough.

I would never say NEVER to treat a child to a Mcdonalds, BUT some kids I see in there are too young, and I HATE to see overweight kids in there too.
Who'd have thought we could have a debate about sausage rolls :lol:
they are sooooo adictive but unfortuanutl since i was preg with dior i have never touched meat urghhhhhh god knows but the fort of what im realy eating makes me heave :( i used to love a good old big mc
Im not coming down to Milton Keynes with a sausage roll. :D

Urchin, I couldnt get in my local greggs with a pram, there is nothing that scarier than people on their lunch hour wanting a big softie and wee grannies wanting their brown sliced loaf. I darent try! I have to wait till Im on my own.
Skidoo said:
See also Paradysso's thread about baby pictures - turned into a right set to!!

hey dont bring me into this please.... i know your always out to pick a fight with me, but not this time lol

any ways my opinion... MY MUM IS FROM Hungary and there they pierce the babies ears before they even leave the hospital after birth, but with every thing new going on the babies dont really even notice.

i dont agree with it from personal experience, i had mine done when i was a baby, and when i was of age to go out playing i had my ear rings ripped out more then once, and that bloody hurts

alana will have her done, when she comes to me and asks for them to be done.
paradysso.. just noticed your ticker, u ttc? so soon after your baby?
lol ok just wondering if there is any one else out there as mad as me?
im starting to worry now i wont cope
i wud be ttc if i had my way lol but we just decided to move house and stuff so not at the minute
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