what would you do?


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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Loooking for some mothers advice :D

When ever i give Harley a spoon feed Dior wants to do it.
and i spend the whole time saying "no" i feel really sorry for her and feel nasty not letting her get involved.
so should i let her give him lil spoons every now and then while im sitting there helping?

my worry is if i let her she will think she can always feed him and when Dior was 6weeks old and my brother was 3. i used to let him help untill one day i wasnt looking he thought it would be ok to give her a sweet and she stopped breathing untill the paramedics dislodged the sweet. i still hate even talking about that day :(

so should i carry on bringing Dior up that she never feeds harley and only mummy does???

if you think i should then i will stick to it and not even let her have a go to shut her up, as she will think she can all the time?

or should i let her help when im there????

HELP ME!!!!!
I'd let her help you, but try to make it clear that she must only feed Harley when you are there, she'll soon learn, i would also give her her own spoon to do it with then if she mises his mouth you can swoop in to feed him.

She'll probably get bored after a while, it's only novelty value at the minute

let us know how you get on
jo said:
I'd let her help you, but try to make it clear that she must only feed Harley when you are there, she'll soon learn, i would also give her her own spoon to do it with then if she mises his mouth you can swoop in to feed him.

She'll probably get bored after a while, it's only novelty value at the minute

let us know how you get on

ok il try it, she is so rough though she trys to feed me if i dont open my mouth she rams it in.

just pray she never does it when im not around! iv caught her trying to give him a lil stone before. i shouted "no thats naughty" she sat there and broke her heart then i felt bad as she was prob only trying to play with him :cry:

its so hard when she is to young to understand any thing
Aww it must be so hard for you hun, i really don't know how you do it,Emily is always wanting to pick Jack up and she is old enough to understand me when i tell her no, but she does it when i am out of the room :wall:

am terrified of her dropping him, so i got to give her bit more freedom with him when i am in the room.

Don't know what to suggset though with Dior being so young, as there is only so much she can understand :?
it is hard cause al they want to do is help and play with them and big "the big sis" but Dior is way to rough
Bless her she just doesn't understand, she is still a baby herself isn't she
She'll soon learn to play nice when Harley starts grabbing her hair and face!!!

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