Some women shouldnt be allowed babies!

I saw one in Asda on a cold day, the poor little baby was only wearing a vest :shock:

My mum practically had to drag me away before I started a fight.

I also saw (in Asda again) a tiny baby with a bag of chips :shock: .Again, my mum had to drag me away

It makes me so mad :evil:
i just dont understand how some people can be so nasty.
with food ect i dont let it bother me as long as the baby is clean and happy. but a freezing cold or boiling hot baby cant be happy, and they cant tell mummy....

i seen a new born before in one of those stick buggys (strollers)
with just a rumper suit on, no cosey toes, blanket or hat :shock: . i was doing late night christmas shopping. :shock:
new borns shouldnt even be in them buggies
yep and the mum was all wrapped up :x

i dont like seeing mums smoking while pushing a pram and seeing all the smoke go over the baby
It's not so much the food the baby was eating it was the fact that she could of choked and they were covered in chip spice, it's certainly not good for them, it was a tiny baby, about 5/6 months old
wasnt a dig at your comment hun, just saying what bugs me and what dont

ok the worse thing i have ever heard of, i wasnt there as if i was i would have defo punched some one. my sister is 14 she was out with all her friends hanging round outside megabowl one of my sisters friends brought her 1yr old lil brother down to see them it was about 9pm some of the lads were drinking and my sis said they were putting cider on the babies dummy and laughing
I saw a similar incident at the weekend, it must have been a 2-3wk old baby in it travel system, no sunscreen, no hood nothing with direct sunlight!!! and theres ewan with sunscreen, hood up and a parasol, he couldn't see where he was going!

Then a couple of weeks ago we were traveling in the car and i saw a mum, toddler (approx 4yrs old) and baby (in Push chair) going along the road, toddler was pushing the pram, needless to say she couldn't see where she was going, and mum was walking on the far side AWAY from all the traffic with the toddler and buggy near the traffic (talking main road here vvv busy!) and i could see the toddler pushing the buggy towards the end of the curb! (girl couldn't see) and i saw the buggy go top the curb and tip over, the mum grabbed the buggy ,and then gave the toddler such a slap, i was FURIOUS! the poor girl couldn't see where she was pushing, the mum should have been nearest the road.
I felt so sorry for the little girl. ( i surprized my self as i'm not ususally maternal!!) What an idiot of a mother though!
dionne said:
wasnt a dig at your comment hun, just saying what bugs me and what dont

Oh I know you weren't hun
I can't stand the thought of a baby suffering and not being able to tell anyone about it :( it's just so awful and upsetting!!
aww poor kids :evil: :evil: :evil: its just plain nasty.
i have to say bayley has been in his nappy and only his nappy this afternoon in town but with about an inch of suncream lol
luv b x
I'm impressed that you managed to keep your temper Dionne! I'm not sure I would have been so restrained. That poor child. :(

I was at a friends on Sunday, they had a BBQ in the garden and there was about 15 of us. Some other friends came and brought their 5 week old daughter, Phoebe. The baby was awake, but happily gurgling in her pram in the shade. Well, the woman who's house it was did no more than go and pick her out of the pram and sit with her in the direct sunlight (about 3pm), then lit a fag!!!! :shock: I could see Phoebe's mum's eyes go wide, but she is so quiet, she couldn't say anything. So I tactfully walked over and said 'Oh lovely, you're out your pram now. Let me take her and I'll see if my LO wakes up when I'm holding her'. I removed her from her arms and went and sat in the shade with her. Her mum came and thanked me later when she had the chance. And the woman who did this already has 3 kids under 8, so she should know better!!!!! Grrrrr, it makes me mad! :twisted:
really some people should be sterilised and banned from having kids!
i'm sorry dionne but things like this should be classed as child abuse, because basically she is abusing her child. you shouldnt let your child burn.

I am bi-racial and have never experienced sunburn. kieran is really dark and never burns but i put lotion on him. Joshua is as white as snow and he has never burnt and Liam is quite light so we always make sure he has lotion on.

cant you get third degree burns from sun exposure.

plus tesco has lotion £2.64 a bottle that has won awards. no excuse for being skint, i bet that fat cow can afford to stuff her face with fast food but she will always say "oh i cant afford sun lotion" makes me so mad :x
I bought some more factor 50 today buy one get one free. (at boots if anyone is interested)
There really is no excuse.
i have the soltan one for matthew factor 50 and it has a five star rating that was buy one get one free, some people only care about themselves if you have a baby you should bloodly well look after it theres no excuse
one of the children in nursery came in with this massive blister on her cheek and i mean massive and it was a sunburn!!! mom is really paranoid about sunburns because she has a friend with skin cancer...and it turns out dad took her to the beach and forgot to put cream on her...wasnt him been nasty it was a mistake as he usually always does..anyways this was like a week ago and mom said she still wasnt talking to him!! i bet she was fuming at him for ages!

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