Due in September

My CM is creamy/watery too . However just now I'm getting sharp pains in my lady bits. I've had to come on my lunch sit down. Felt bit wet tmi but made me go too low to check
I had them sharp pains the other night i think i wrote them on here. Takes you by surprise doesnt it.
Of course i bloody went on google to check and anything brown is old and you should only worry if its red so jut going to stay positive. It probably is nothing but this 1st trimester is full of constant worry!!!
Has anyone else experienced painful kneecaps and sometime pains in the groin like the veins im the groin?
Has anyone else experienced painful kneecaps and sometime pains in the groin like the veins im the groin?
I have had cramp like pain in the backs of my leg that last for like seconds. I think its our hormones and the blood pumping around the body that is causing all the weird pains. x
Afternoon ladies!

I am clearly a POAS addict, I ran out of pregnancy tests and ordered more because I need to see the digi progress but they don’t arrive until tomorrow so to fend off the urge to see a line I used an opk which I knew from previous pregnancies show blazing positives when you’re pregnant. So I got a lovely line to keep me going until tomorrow

I’m exhausted today and just feeling a little bit crappy but at the same time pleased I feel a bit crappy!

Don’t worry about the mad stabbing pains some of you are getting it’s all perfectly normal! I also have plenty of creamy/watery cm.
Afternoon ladies!

I am clearly a POAS addict, I ran out of pregnancy tests and ordered more because I need to see the digi progress but they don’t arrive until tomorrow so to fend off the urge to see a line I used an opk which I knew from previous pregnancies show blazing positives when you’re pregnant. So I got a lovely line to keep me going until tomorrow

I’m exhausted today and just feeling a little bit crappy but at the same time pleased I feel a bit crappy!

Don’t worry about the mad stabbing pains some of you are getting it’s all perfectly normal! I also have plenty of creamy/watery cm.
Great that the OPK gave you a good line. I have 1 FRER and 1 digi left but thinking of buying
more so I can do 1 a week right up until my scan. I have never been a poas addict but I have turned into one. It just helps me not panic so must.
i love it when I feel a cramp or if I feel sick, as weird as that sounds lol.
Great about the CM, I am getting it every time I wipe xx
Hahaha I’m the same, am having a mad wave of nausea right now and jumped out of my seat and excitedly told my husband ‘I feel sick!’ And he looked at me like I was crazy. Also this evening a very weird pain around my belly button slightly to the left almost feels like someone has poked me really hard and it’s bruised or like a pulled muscle. Weird.
Morning ladies so i started panicking last night had a slight pain, dull ache on my left side near to my groin so started trying to poke it to see if i could locate it which ofcourse made it worse lol convinced myself it wasnt a gd sign n that im having another ectopic and completly stressed myself out. Woke up today and feel fine lol
Morning ladies so i started panicking last night had a slight pain, dull ache on my left side near to my groin so started trying to poke it to see if i could locate it which ofcourse made it worse lol convinced myself it wasnt a gd sign n that im having another ectopic and completly stressed myself out. Woke up today and feel fine lol
Oh Hazel, I hope the pain has gone away now. This 1st trimester isn’t fun is it. I feel like my anxiety is through the roof and I don’t really suffer with it but I feel like I am going crazy atm.
The midwife rung me last night to ask me a few questions and to book me in for bloods and the 1st midwife appointment. Will be hoping to get that through the post very soon.
How many weeks are you now Hazel? Xx
Morning chattychar, yes its completly gone today my anxiety is through the roof any slight pain or twitch i feel i start panicking lol i cnt say the first trimester is fun! Im 4 weeks and 5 days
Good morning ladies, thread hopping here.
First of all, huge congratulations to all the new bfp's in here. While my pregnancy is about to finish, it's exciting seeing all these new journeys starting.

Anyway, just thought I give you a little relief with your symptoms
Cramping is totally normal, it freaks you out hut totally normal. Dont forget from the moment you're pregnant your body starts changing, especially if it's your first pregnancy.
You'll start looking *pregnant* soon, which us just a bloat for now. Again, nothing to worry about.
Nausea is a strange thing, some people will be hit by it from as early as 5 weeks, sick day and night and others can go the whole pregnancy without as much a twinge in the tummy.
I personally used to be sick as a dog during pregnancy, however this one now I only ever felt nauseated and that's it. Very unusual but just shows that every pregnancy is different.
Your cm is nothing to worry as long there is no bright red colour in it. Even light pink is alright.
I know how hard it is, but embrace the time being pregnant. With all the aches pains and pee trips, it will be over so fast.
I wish you all the best of luck from the bottom of my heart, have a healthy and happy pregnancy ladies
Good morning ladies, thread hopping here.
First of all, huge congratulations to all the new bfp's in here. While my pregnancy is about to finish, it's exciting seeing all these new journeys starting.

Anyway, just thought I give you a little relief with your symptoms
Cramping is totally normal, it freaks you out hut totally normal. Dont forget from the moment you're pregnant your body starts changing, especially if it's your first pregnancy.
You'll start looking *pregnant* soon, which us just a bloat for now. Again, nothing to worry about.
Nausea is a strange thing, some people will be hit by it from as early as 5 weeks, sick day and night and others can go the whole pregnancy without as much a twinge in the tummy.
I personally used to be sick as a dog during pregnancy, however this one now I only ever felt nauseated and that's it. Very unusual but just shows that every pregnancy is different.
Your cm is nothing to worry as long there is no bright red colour in it. Even light pink is alright.
I know how hard it is, but embrace the time being pregnant. With all the aches pains and pee trips, it will be over so fast.
I wish you all the best of luck from the bottom of my heart, have a healthy and happy pregnancy ladies
Thank you for your advice @vampysgirl, much appreciated and good luck with labour and the birth of your bubba <3 xx
Best of luck with the last hurdle vampsgirl. Thanks for all the advice <3
Well this morning I felt nauseous again food to the rescue lol il be size off a house maybe end off this pregnancy lol

This morning I also decided to pee on a stick I used the digi and I got my 3+. So happy about that. So that's me I'm done testing and im not driving myself silly no more.

Well this morning I felt nauseous again food to the rescue lol il be size off a house maybe end off this pregnancy lol

This morning I also decided to pee on a stick I used the digi and I got my 3+. So happy about that. So that's me I'm done testing and im not driving myself silly no more.

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Yayyyyy so happy you got 3+ @TTC no2
I felt awful this morning when i got out of bed, the nausea came and went very quickly though thank god. I am not one for eating early in the mornings but am making myself eat one weetabix it definitely helps.
Are you off of hot drinks? i use to love a cuppa in the mornings now i don't like the thought of it. How strange. xx
Yay so happy for u @TTC no2. Well i feel fine this morning lol just feel extra hungry even though i just ate and a little sick but not much at all. My breasts are definitely very sore though
I'd pass out if never ate brekkie in the mornings. Always need cereal and piece toast. Still have my morning cuppa tea and sometimes I have a latte during work.. that not everyday though. At home I wouldn't take coffee at all. Does anyone know if that's too much caffeine?
I'd pass out if never ate brekkie in the mornings. Always need cereal and piece toast. Still have my morning cuppa tea and sometimes I have a latte during work.. that not everyday though. At home I wouldn't take coffee at all. Does anyone know if that's too much caffeine?
I think they say that 1 coffee in the morning and 1 in the evening is fine. Maybe btry and get some decaff coffee if you feel like you really need one? xx
Yea I'll switch to decaf will get some later.

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