Scan just over an hour away.
In my head I'm expecting the dates to match my own and def not my lmp. I'm thinking I'm 6+3 or maybe day or 2 forward due to implantation was quite early (thinking this to the brown spotting I had at 6dpo) if I'm told I'm less than that i will be bit worried. I'm so sure on the dates and it's backed up with Ovusense and FF.
Really hope see heartbeat too. Fingers crossed I have a grower in there.
Going to soon find out if im still a September mummy to be
Fingers crossed for you hopefully you see your little bundle of joy. Try not to worry too much about your ovulation date as mine were inacurate to. I was using natural cycles and according to that i am 5 weeks and 2 days today but when i had my early scan last week thursday the nurse said according to my measurements i was actually ahead which makes me 6 weeks and 2 days today