** Due in February 2018 **

I had GTT last time despite having a BMI of 20. Can't remember why I had it but it wasn't that awful. I hate needles as well, and it's a boring couple of hours but better to be safe xxx

My booking in is in 1 week and I am guaranteeing i have that too. I'm 32 and my bmi sucks. I lost 2.5 stone before I got pregnant but it just wasn't enough

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I'm having waves of nausea too and i'm always feeling hungry; although my boobs are less sore now. It's got me over-thinking and causing unneccessary anxiety.

I don't know much about GTT and BMI really. Could you eat more healthily and try to work out before the baby bump gets in the way of things? Easier said than done though, i know how hard it is.

I've thought about buying a doppler, but at how many weeks will you start to hear the heartbeat? My first scan was internal.

Also, my pregnancy pillow came! It's so huge and comfy :D
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I heart the heart beat st about 9 weeks and some days - I can't remember exactly!

It is so reassuring though. I really like it as I don't need to stress if my boobs aren't quite as sore etc which is nice.

8 days until dating scan

Hi guys hope you are all feeling well? Just wanted to say hello again really!! Had my 1st midweek appointment today which seemed to go really well! Currently 9 weeks 2 days and dating scan on 9th August cannot wait!!!! Had a scan at EPU yesterday which showed babies heartbeat again and also this time it was wriggling around a lot!! Couldn't believe my eyes, really didn't realise they moved so much ah this stage haha like it was dancing lol ��

I'm so nervous about these next 3 weeks now so frightened about anything going wrong �� But I suppose that's normal.. I'm hoping a heartbeat at 9 weeks means risk is reducing but it's driving me crazy the worrying.. anyway I'm keeping busy reading all my pregnancy booklets from the doctors �� Hope you all have a nice evening, love to you all ❤️
Thanks Wednesday, it's awful isn't it.. just want so badly to relax and enjoy but have to keep reigning myself in xxx
Thanks Wednesday, it's awful isn't it.. just want so badly to relax and enjoy but have to keep reigning myself in xxx

9th August will be here before you know it!

I feel like I've been waiting soooo long for 27th July to come around... but down to 8 days now!

Oh wow countdown now!! Can't wait to hear how you get on �� Good luck! 8 more sleeps will fly by ����xx
I haven't seen this bean yet and I'm bricking it to be honest.

I always have some level of scan anxiety (I think most people do) but I'm going to be a wreck leading up to the dating scan.

Wish I'd just paid for an early scan like with my other pregnancies.


Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
Hi guys hope you are all feeling well? Just wanted to say hello again really!! Had my 1st midweek appointment today which seemed to go really well! Currently 9 weeks 2 days and dating scan on 9th August cannot wait!!!! Had a scan at EPU yesterday which showed babies heartbeat again and also this time it was wriggling around a lot!! Couldn't believe my eyes, really didn't realise they moved so much ah this stage haha like it was dancing lol ��

I'm so nervous about these next 3 weeks now so frightened about anything going wrong �� But I suppose that's normal.. I'm hoping a heartbeat at 9 weeks means risk is reducing but it's driving me crazy the worrying.. anyway I'm keeping busy reading all my pregnancy booklets from the doctors �� Hope you all have a nice evening, love to you all ❤️

Hi Baby Ruth my dating/12 week scan is 10th August! I had one last week as my cycle was way out of whack so thankfully got referred early. Was just over 7 weeks and could only really see a peanut and the yolk sac, but heard and saw a heartbeat :-). It was reassuring and now it just feels SO long until the next scan, 3 weeks today!
But I also keep thinking that its a good sign to see the heartbeat early and less of a risk.
I have been on edge with worry too about 'what ifs' and am only torturing myself and at the end of the day I keep telling myself all the worrying in the world won't change the outcome so really trying to keep my mind occupied and think positive. xx
Haven't been around much but all is still good. I'm 9 weeks today and my symptoms have calmed off. I'm told this is normal?

Getting signed off by doctor next week for the foreseeable though. Work seems to think "no stress" means increased stress. Some shady bizniz going on and some lies have been told.

I've decided it's not worth it. Me and baby come first.

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Hey ladies, first midwife appointment for me today too! Scan not until 7th August, wish it was sooner I'll be nearly 13 weeks by then xx
Anyone else's tummy really hard? I have a belly anyway but it's rock hard - and quite noticeable.

Thankfully tomorrow is last day at school (I'll be almost 20w when we go back so there will be no need to hide it) and I'm not at work until after dating scan so I can let them know - don't want people to guess / speculate lol.


Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
Anyone else's tummy really hard? I have a belly anyway but it's rock hard - and quite noticeable.

Thankfully tomorrow is last day at school (I'll be almost 20w when we go back so there will be no need to hide it) and I'm not at work until after dating scan so I can let them know - don't want people to guess / speculate lol.


Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

Mine is firmer than normal. It's kind of annoyingly in the way when I bend over. Guess I need to get used to that

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Yep mine is pretty hard. I was a slim size 8 to start with so I have a very noticeable belly starting!

Hi loveandpeace thank you for your message! That's definitely a good way to think about things I'm going to try and Chanel my inner-positiveness! Let's hope the next 3 weeks fly by and we are there before we know it!!! Xxx lots of luck with yours ❤️Xx
This first trimester is really testing my patience. I am known as THE most patient, laid back person but even hubby is surprised how impatient I am waiting for our scan. Its just under 3 weeks away and I am sitting here hovering over the 'book' button for a private scan for next week.
I have had such a stressful time with my Mum dying and just feel there is no price for peace of mind. I know I should listen to my own advice on thinking positive!

I have no real reason to, I havent had any recent spotting, I still have symptoms and my 7 week scan was only last week and there was a heartbeat, my abdomen is bloated and hard. DH will think I am mad. Its £89 but I dont care about the cost. I have probably saved that amount of money by not socialising these past 2 months anyway lol.
Just thinking what would my Mum say and she would tell me to go for it.
This first trimester is really testing my patience. I am known as THE most patient, laid back person but even hubby is surprised how impatient I am waiting for our scan. Its just under 3 weeks away and I am sitting here hovering over the 'book' button for a private scan for next week.
I have had such a stressful time with my Mum dying and just feel there is no price for peace of mind. I know I should listen to my own advice on thinking positive!

I have no real reason to, I havent had any recent spotting, I still have symptoms and my 7 week scan was only last week and there was a heartbeat, my abdomen is bloated and hard. DH will think I am mad. Its £89 but I dont care about the cost. I have probably saved that amount of money by not socialising these past 2 months anyway lol.
Just thinking what would my Mum say and she would tell me to go for it.

It's a week on and you'll get a better view of baby so why not? Stress is not good for you so if you can afford it, go for it, put your mind at ease and help yourself relax a bit. Xx

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