****Tri 1 Rollcall ****

Booking in app on 16/01/2012, Due date should be 23rd August 2012 :)
EDD 23rd August, booking appointment was last week, 12 wk scan 6th feb

clara x
Great idea!

My booking appt was 11th Jan
My next scan is 23rd Jan with an EDD of 29th July
My EDD is 23rd August and I'm waiting to receive a letter for my scan appointment.
My EDD is 13/08/12 had booking in appointment on 13/01/12 and waiting on scan
Amylize - Booking in appointment 19th Jan (no scan date yet)
Heya I'm due on 11th August but Im still waiting for my dating scan!
So nice of you to do this!

My EDD is 09/09/2012, booking in appointment is 17th Feb and scan is 24th Feb :)

This is lovely :) My edd is 17th August, booking in appointment was 4th January and 12 week scan on 8th February x
Great idea!

My booking appt was 11th Jan
My next scan is 23rd Jan with an EDD of 29th July

Our scan is the same day, and our EDD is one day apart. Your ticker says your 13 weeks though? am only 12 how does date work out the same lol? :) x
Hey Em, the sonographer put me back a week and a day at my first dating scan because she said the baby was a bit small for 12 weeks, she said she'd confirm at my next scan on the 23rd as it could be that the baby will have had a growth spurt.

Because we weren't actively TTC I couldn't remember the exact dates of my LMP, so I could easily be a week out. I'll update my ticker on the 23rd when she confirms the dates. Xxx
Hi my edd is 7/8/12 but my early scan made it 14/8/12 my booking in app is the 18th jan and scan is the 26th jan!
My first scan is on the 10/02/2012 at 10am :)
Hello! Can I be added please? :)

EDD: 29 Sept 2012 (May change at dating scan?)
Booking in appt: 2 Feb 2012
Scan: Unknown as of yet

Thanks :) So excited to be here!!
hey girlies
can i be added on:
edd:24th aug
dating scan 25th Jan
updated x

tinkerbell I have used your original due date for now, can change it after your next scan if needed because I think 12 week scans are more accurate for dates x

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