** Due in February 2018 **

Thank you GG, I booked it!! For next Thursday at 6pm. Its worth every penny. My sister said to do what makes me happy, so I did. Its just what my Mum would advise.

Its my first pregnancy and have been through enough stress (although I am much calmer now!). So after next Thursday I will only have to wait another 2 weeks.

I can already feel myself relaxing now!xx
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Thank you GG, I booked it!! For next Thursday at 6pm. There is no value for piece of mind. My sister said to do what makes me happy, so I did. Its just what my Mum would advise.

Its my first pregnancy and have been through enough stress (although I am much calmer now!). So after next Thursday I will only have to wait another 2 weeks.

I can already feel myself relaxing now!xx

There you go then, sorted. You have 6 sleeps to go xx
Glad you booked it Loveandpeace, I was just coming to on to tell you that you absolutely must book it.

School finishes today. 7 weeks of entertaining a four and half year old and a two and half year old. Woo hoo.

At least I'll be second trimester lol.


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Well done loveandpeace! Sensible move!

6 days until my dating scan... 11+4 today x

4 days until mine and I'm 11w 5d. Time is going backwards lol.


Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
Will be interesting to see how much our due dates change after we've all had the dating scans!

I'm so jealous. All your scans are so close. Mine is not until 14th August. Feels so far away!! I don't feel pregnant at all. Need proof there is something going on in there :)
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Has anyone else's symptoms all but disappeared? Boobs are less sore, nausea has eased off and I feel almost normal. I'm 9+1

Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk
Food aversions are driving me crazy :( I'm off all meat!! I cooked a lasagne for tea and was looking forward to chowing down on some..i took one look at the mince and it turned my stomach and made me nauseous!! :/..so no lasagne for me! :(..i just want a big fat steak without cooking it and then it turning my stomach so much i don't want to eat it :(..

My appetite is gone!!..i can't find anything I want to eat without feeling physically sick at the thought!! :/

I really want my scan to hurry now, I got the letter through this morning and it's definitely seeming more real! It will definitely all fall into place once I see my baby for the first time!, And see the little one responsible for all these food aversions :lol:
My boobs have settled down too ts2573 but still sickly at night, however my tummy is becoming more noticeable however that could be down to the crumpets I'm eating every morning to ease the sickness...

My boys 9 & 7 finished for nearly 7 weeks today... at least it will make it go quicker I suppose xx
I'm not fitting into any of my trousers. I've had to get maternity trousers for work, it's a complete nightmare! I'm 11+5! I thought I'd have a little longer, I definitely didn't get big this early with my son x

I have heard that you show earlier with each pregnancy? It seems to be quite true for me.

I only really started looking very obviously pregnant at 30w with number 1. I can still get away with looking fat for the time being but the tummy has a life of its own at the moment!!

Just realised I only have a week and a day left in Tri 1? Or does Tri 2 start from 14w?


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I think it's 13 weeks for tri 2! I'll be joining you in 9 days hopefully!

Woo hoo to Tri 2 being in sight.


Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
Not long for us now ladies.

I'm in agony with my bloody back, being on holiday isn't helping it. I think I'll need an MRI scan on it when I'm not pregnant. I need my wheat pack and exercise ball :(

12 weeks 2 days for me today.

I managed to move my scan to a week on Monday as well which is good. Though I'm feeling distinctly unpregnant today except from some quite sore boobs.
Food aversions are driving me crazy :( I'm off all meat!! I cooked a lasagne for tea and was looking forward to chowing down on some..i took one look at the mince and it turned my stomach and made me nauseous!! :/..so no lasagne for me! :(..i just want a big fat steak without cooking it and then it turning my stomach so much i don't want to eat it :(..

My appetite is gone!!..i can't find anything I want to eat without feeling physically sick at the thought!! :/

I really want my scan to hurry now, I got the letter through this morning and it's definitely seeming more real! It will definitely all fall into place once I see my baby for the first time!, And see the little one responsible for all these food aversions :lol:

Im pretty much the same sebbiesmum! Off all meat except sausages! The thought, sight or smell of any other meat or fish just makes me heave. Im just eating little here and there of cereal, toast or mashed potatoes and beans and some fruit. I love my veggies usually but i gagged on broccoli the other day and cant stomach it.
Good luck with your scan.x
Im a bit worried, i am sort of showing at only 9 weeks and this is my first. No trousers or jeans fit me at all and im off food so cant blame that. Sick of wearing leggings and baggy shirts/tops. At least in winter can wear tights with dresses. If im this size at 9 weeks what the heck will i be like at 39!
Im a bit worried, i am sort of showing at only 9 weeks and this is my first. No trousers or jeans fit me at all and im off food so cant blame that. Sick of wearing leggings and baggy shirts/tops. At least in winter can wear tights with dresses. If im this size at 9 weeks what the heck will i be like at 39!
Don't be worried. I'm a big lady and feel bloated but would kill to be showing a bit
I want my buuump lol

Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk
Hi ladies,

Funny you should be talking about clothing and bumps: I am 11 weeks today and for about the past 3 days I have suddenly found I have a visible little bump. It's deffo from bloating and the muscles that were stretched before are relaxing again because it's from my belly upwards and not down where my baby actually is. I am lucky enough that all my work trousers still fit but I can't do any of my jeans up and I only want to wear leggings or hareem pants. I am trying to find enough tops in my wardrobe that are loose fitting like tunics etc so that I don't look pregnant but don't look like i'm hiding anything lol!

I have been working lates this week so have been at work until 1am! This is the latest I have been awake since I found out I was pregnant at about 5 weeks. It has been knackering but I must be getting out of the awful tired stage because if you had asked me try and stay awake past 8pm 2 weeks ago I would've cried and been sick!!

How are your eating habits? I am finding I am able to eat a lot more again now but still don't want any fancy foods or anything spicy and at dinner time especially I like stodge like pizza or chips. So glad I am past the evening nausea though.

sending you all love xx
Looks like I'm preggers again ladies which means I really did ovulate on cd9 after an early mc.

So, I won't be with you for the Feb ride but due date is now 8th April, so end of March c section.

Hope you all have lovely healthy and happy pregnancies xxx

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