Back from my 12 week scan! Dates have moved and I'm now due 18th February..same day as my nephews birthday!! February sure is going to be an expensive month!! was very fidgety and wouldn't hold still ..roll on 16 weeks..this scan looks so much different to my son's! My son was on the left hand side and this baby is on the right..wonder if I will get my baby girl after all
Awww lovely photos! Back from my scan too xx was amazing! Very active baby with very long legs hahahaha . I've been moved forward 2days so now 12 weeks and 5 days and due on 16th Feb instead of 18th will see If I can figure out how to upload my pics xx
Beautiful scan SebbiesMum!!! Glad all went well!! Fingers crossed for a little girl!!
BabyRuth pleased your scan went well!! As zoey said click the go advanced and the paper clip.. if you're using your phone it may fail to upload.. if it fails just crop the picture and that should fix the issue x
12+1 today and my energy seems to be coming back. I'm still shattered but I'm finding I can do more and more each day before I'm too tired.
Along with the energy came the moody person I became for the majority of DDs pregnancy. I could quite happily stab someone 24/7 and everything irritates me.
So I'm angry cleaning. Hubby never does it right and I've been on rest for so long it looks like it's never been cleaned.
(Disclaimer: it probably doesn't but hormones. Tbf hubby works nights and has held everything else together too and DD has been a complete sweetheart)
13 weeks Today! Can't believe it's the last week in first trimester! Booking my 16 week scan for sometime next month!, so impatient I just want to know so i can go shopping
13 weeks Today! Can't believe it's the last week in first trimester! Booking my 16 week scan for sometime next month!, so impatient I just want to know so i can go shopping
Today, DH told me I'm losing the shape of my waist. Almost cried.
Why are men so insensitive I can't wait to have a proper belly so I look pregnant and not fat.
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