** Due in February 2018 **

Crinkles those migraines sound awful, sorry.

I haven't bought anything yet but I've seen some cute baby outfits on sale. I bought myself a belly band though for when I can't fit in my jeans. I've also been looking at tandem pushchairs but the prices are crazy
Have been feeling a bit better today so have had a blitz (3 lots of washing, changing all the bedding, batch cooked for next week, helped James make his thank you cards for his teachers, washed up, ironed and baked a cake!!)

OH is now taking them out for a few hours and whilst I might mop the floors, I am going to curl up with a cuppa and some cake and rest.

I just don't know how I'm going to feel one day to the next at the moment so I have to go with it? OH is pretty helpful but had to go and price a job this morning [self employed] and I'd done everything by the time he was back.


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Wednesday.. I have brought a pack of baby vests (couldn't resist) but that is all for now. I would go for the pushchair if worse case scenario you can still get a refund?

Mrs Law.. very expensive unfortunately I remember purchasing an icandy when my middle and youngest were little. Couldn't believe the cost then! And now some single pushchairs/travel systems are retailing at crazy money too.

Carnat.. glad you're feeling better! And managed to get everything done! Hope this signals the end of feeling rubbish!

I am thoroughly looking forward to the summer holidays! I've been signed off work for 4weeks due to the severity of my migraines sonwill be nice to spend more time with the kiddies! Hopefully migraines ease and I can actually enjoy some of my time off!..Hubby and I have decided to renew our vows in either 2019 or 2020 depending on how things go! Going to do it in Jamaica so crazily excited even though it's so far away!

TBH I still can't believe I'm actually pregnant... we have told close family and used the kiddies to do the pregnancy announcement using pictures and my scan. A tad cheesy but it was lovely.
Hi ladies..

Hope everyone is well? I'm feeling mostly ok at the minute. Except from my back which is agony, I have an underlying muscular problem with my back which I see the physio for. It's really getting me down now and is only going to get worse. I have no nausea so I'm hoping we've turned the corner on that front!

I'm off for 2 weeks now to the Côte d'Azur to watch le tour and get some much needed r&r. Enjoy your day people!
Ah sorry you're signed off, Crinkles. I've been off for the last week with sickness and headaches, also palpitations.

Tor - that sounds fun for the next two weeks! Have a great time.

I'm back in work tomorrow. Not looking forward to it as I'm still sick most days.

When are we meant to feel fine?

The only thing I have bought is maternity jeans because they were on sale at £6.99. I am holding back hard on buying anything more! The wait until the 12 week safety stage feels like eternity!

Still having bouts of nausea at different stages, after a few forkfuls of curry last night I just couldn't stomach it anymore and this morning felt so close to vomiting on my way to work.

Looking forward to Tri 2 when its all supposed to ease off and have more energy. Also looking forward to telling people the news, only told very close family so far.xx
First midwife appointment tomorrow!! God this has so dragged getting here!, but finally it's a day away! Going to have a very busy few days! Tomorrow I have a driving lesson in the Morning, midwife appointment in the afternoon, asthma review the day after and my mum's graduation ceremony the day after!! :/..and then back to work on the Friday!..really won't feel like I've had a day off at all :lol:
Good luck tomorrow SebbiesMum. It's been a long time coming lol.

Have a good holiday TORino

Nausea sneaks up on me too. Have come to closest to puking today? I'm over 11w now, this has to stop soon right?


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First midwife appointment tomorrow!! God this has so dragged getting here!, but finally it's a day away! Going to have a very busy few days! Tomorrow I have a driving lesson in the Morning, midwife appointment in the afternoon, asthma review the day after and my mum's graduation ceremony the day after!! :/..and then back to work on the Friday!..really won't feel like I've had a day off at all :lol:

Oooh, good luck tomorrow xx
Good luck today SebbiesMum!!

Finally got my dating scan appointment through!.. 31st July I should be bang on 12weeks!
Good luck today SebbiesMum!!

Finally got my dating scan appointment through!.. 31st July I should be bang on 12weeks!

Ah my dating scan is the same day :) should be 12 weeks 1 day. This whole pregnancy is dragging I just want the little one to be here already :(
What are your opinions on a doppler? I am toying with the idea of buying one, in fact there is one on Gumtree at a town about 40 mins drive away from me for only £5 (including gel) to collect.
Have read a few forums of people saying they would panic if they couldnt locate heartbeat, but others saying that when they do its reassuring............can't make my mind up!
Zoeysfirstbaby Yay!! I can't wait!!! Yep same here looking forward to holding my little nugget!

Loveandpeace I used a Doppler with my first two little ones and absolutely loved it.. I would use it a couple times a month from around 20weeks... with my 3rd I didn't use one.. I have one and have used it a couple times just out of curiosity. For me, I decided to get one so that my little ones get to hear the heartbeat and also other sounds as well as baby moving. They're so excited and I know they'll love it when the time comes. I think Dopplers are good if people use them occasionally and don't rely on them.
I have a Doppler and I absolutely love it... I use it to 2 mins every evening just to check in. It's so lovely hearing the heartbeat so strong.

9 days until dating scan!

I've never used a doppler with any of mine. It would make me too nervous I think? I'm much heavier to begin with this pregnancy anyway so I probably couldn't find HB.

Hoping as it's number 3, I'll be feeling movement sooner rather than later.

My scan is a week today. Eeeeppppp.


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How's everyone feeling today? I'm in a bad mood as they have rung to put my scan back until 4th august, I'll be 13+2. It should have been a week today x
:( I thought I'd enjoy my first midwife appointment but to be honest I didn't! Oh nothing to do with the midwife she was lovely! But I just feel so down with my weight :( because my bmi is hurrendous! I have to have a glucose tolerance test at 28 weeks :( to me it's pointless as my first pregnancy was fine, and no one in my family has diabetes!!

I thought about trying to lose a bit of my weight so my bmi drops so I don't have to have it! :( I can't face the needles! Yesterday I was a mess just from one blood test..two in two hours I'll be a right state as well as having an anxiety about hospitals :(

But in other news..first scan on 9th August :D
How's everyone feeling today? I'm in a bad mood as they have rung to put my scan back until 4th august, I'll be 13+2. It should have been a week today x

I am feeling the usual waves of nausea and fatigue and scan is 3 weeks. I have got used to it and actually in a way having the symptoms are reassuring for me until the scan.
Until then I just want to sleep and rest and eat jelly and pickled onion crisps lol.

Thats annoying they have put your scan back :-(. At least you will be able to see the baby a but more developed than 12 weeks and also means less time to wait until the 20 week one.
:( I thought I'd enjoy my first midwife appointment but to be honest I didn't! Oh nothing to do with the midwife she was lovely! But I just feel so down with my weight :( because my bmi is hurrendous! I have to have a glucose tolerance test at 28 weeks :( to me it's pointless as my first pregnancy was fine, and no one in my family has diabetes!!

I thought about trying to lose a bit of my weight so my bmi drops so I don't have to have it! :( I can't face the needles! Yesterday I was a mess just from one blood test..two in two hours I'll be a right state as well as having an anxiety about hospitals :(

But in other news..first scan on 9th August :D

Aw that sucks for you sebbiesmum, as if you haven't enough poking and prodding coming up already without more tests :-(. You can try to lose weight safely in the first trimester, a friend of mine did it as she was getting married around the 12 week mark. Did you say to the midwife about trying to lose some weight?

Ah lovely my scan is on 10th August!
Hey Sebbiesmum, I'm in the same boat (high BMI means I automatically have to have GTT). I spoke to my MW and she said regardless of me losing a bit of weight I'd still have to have it as it's based on booking weight.

Had to have it with number 2 but that was down to measuring a bit big not my weight. It wasn't too bad. But yeah not ideal if you hate needles...

I'm hating being an obese, geriatric pregnant lady. That is what I an medically termed as!! Although it's not written on my folder thankfully.


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