Diary of an IVFer

Day 45 of IVF Cycle
14 days since Embryo Transfer
3 days to PG test

Went to see the GP last night. Sat waiting outside with OH and I said to him, I bet he says "what can I do for you?" when we go in. We laughed cos GP had asked us to go in to discuss funding.

Went in. GP says "what can I do for you?". :dohh: Seems his message to receptionist was just to book us in if we wanted to talk about it. Anyway answer on funding is still a definite no. He was lovely though and asked how I was since being signed off and after OH's parents. Said that if I needed to I can extend my doctors note just by ringing up and there wouldn't be a problem. That was a relief actually, just to know I can if I need to.

OH's Mum is still on the mend. They had her out of bed for a few hours yesterday and she ate some more. Doesn't look like she'll get off intensive care just yet as her oxygen levels aren't quite right. At least things are looking a lot brighter. OH spoke to his Dad last night who had been to see horrid younger brother of OH and given him what for about not coming straight across when he heard about his Mum. I hate the fall out, but he was obviously not wanting to say anything while things were still a bit worrying with OH Mum. He's had it from everyside of the family now, hopefully he's got the message.

Last two nights, I've woken up thinking about Monday. I keep playing through both possibilities in my mind and it's keeping me awake. I'm terrified of PG tests. I've never had a positive and so they just symbolise misery and dashed hopes for me. I really really hope Monday changes that.



P.S. Wow Dippy! Look at you! :D You're about to pop! How exciting :hug:
Hi Helen,

Just wanted to wish you the best of luck on Monday. :pray: Sending loads of baby dust your way.

ps; Glad to hear your OH Mum is on the mend.xx
Typical doctors! :roll:
Other then possibly tomorrow morning wont be online again until monday, what time is your app so I can be sending you bfp vibes?
Good luck I really am keeping everything crossed I want this for you so bad you really deserve it!!!!! :hug:
I too hope Monday changes your feelings about pregnancy tests :hug:

I'm sorry about the funding... But it will be so worth it in the end!

Can I ask a silly question? If all goes well ( :pray: ) how many weeks pregnant will you be on Monday?

Not long to wait now, only the weekend to go. I'll be thinking of you all on Monday and will be logging on as soon as I get home :hug:
Best of luck on Monday Helen, I have everything crossed for you! What time do you find out?

Hoping & praying everything goes well :pray:
Hi Helen, has the week gone quickly for you or slowly? I can't imagine how you must be feeling, what sort of test do they do? Blood, wee? Do you get the results straight away? It must be so nerve wracking!

Love to you and oh and of course the usual bug hugs :hug:
Good Luck tomorrow helen, am keeping everything crossed for you.

good luck tomorrow Helen, I will race back from school to get an update, I am really hoping for you, keep strong xxx :hug:
Day 47 of IVF Cycle
16 days since Embryo Transfer
Day Before PG test

Thanks everyone for your messages of support. It really is so much appreciated.

I am dreading tomorrow. Appointment is at 8:40am so it will soon be over. I felt quite positive yesterday, although I kept catching myself saying "please, please, please, please" inside my head. I'm not religious so don't really know who I'm asking!

Today I feel a bit flat and just want it over now. In my heart I just don't feel PG. Not that I have ever been PG so I don't know how I should feel, but I thought I might feel something. :? I just can't get it out of my mind.

Went out to retirement do of ex-bosses last night. Everyone was lovely cos I'm still off sick and were asking when I'm coming back. A few folks know what's going on so were wishing me luck (in between telling me how rough I look! :shock: ) Funny how the people how don't know what's going on were telling me how good I look! A few people said I looked really thin, although I feel so bloated at the mo, I can't quite get my top button done up on clothes. The bloating hasn't been as bad the last couple of days. Nor have the sore boobs, another reason why I don't feel that PG. There were a couple of PG women there. Gah!

Free bar and I couldn't drink. I don't mind not drinking or getting fatter if I'm PG, but if I'm not it gets me really narked thinking I missed out. Also recreational BDing has been off limits the last few weeks which is proving somewhat frustrating! :twisted: Hoovering has also been off limits and I won't be happy if that's back in my life! :lol:

If it's negative then I think we'll go out for lunch where I am going to drink a very large glass of wine and then come home and go to bed with OH. The hoover can stay in the cupboard!


good plan Helen!

But remember all pg signs are different, some peoples boobies don't hurt and some people don't even get symptoms. so think positively, as you are almost there!

Love to you and oh xxxx :hug:
I just wanna say good luck for tomorrow... and wishing you strength either way :hug:

good luck for 2moro hun we will all be thinking about you and wishing you all the luck in the world :pray: :pray: :pray: xxx
just wanted to say a MASSIVE good luck for tomorrow i havent posted before on your thread but have read everyone
I really hope you get your well earned BFP tomorrow Helen. :pray: x
:hug: whatever the results, stay calm and good luck x
Our thoughts and prayers are with you very best of luck honey :D :pray:

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