**** DECEMBER TESTING THREAD (revised) **** Roll up for Xmas BFP's!!!

WOW :shock: Its amazing to look at that first page and see all those BFP's, Congrats everyone, hope I will be joining you all this month :)

Mouse-I think from what I have read is that the luteal phase does generally stay the same but can differ by and day or so on either side on occasion. I have found that mine stays the same at 13. Loads of luck everyone xxxxxxxxx
Good morning everyone
I tested this morning and got a tiny shadowy hint of a faint line so not sure really, hoping that all will be clearer tommorow. 2 days late today. Photo is in my ttc journal (40 and single). good luck to all still to test. Its doing my head in all the waiting and worrying and hoping.
xx Daisy
Good luck Daisy, Im also coming over to take a look :) xx
Wwwooooooo more bfp congrars ladies, loving this month :) :)

Can I be changed to the 28th please due to late ovulation. My lutheal phase seems to be 12 days, hope this is long enough for implantation.

Good luck to everyone still due to test :) :)
hi fi

can you put my :bfp: next to my name - can't wait to see it! lol

clara x
Of course! Sorry I haven't already but I got told off last time lol! X x
Oops that was me wasn't it fi?
Sorry I am still v superstitious
No no don't worry! It's What's right for you not what's right for me x

I didn't take it badly at all, felt a bit guilty if anything lol x
AF arrived so I'm out!
Good luck to others testing for the rest of the month. Hoping for more Xmas BFPs! :dust: to all testing
I'm out too ladies AF arrived today, a few days early, stupid body system! :cry: Oh well suppose I can at least partake in a few festive drinkies next weekend to make up for it. Good luck all those left xx
sorry the witch got you sarah7 and kaw83, good luck for next cycle xxx
Sorry Sarah and kaw83, its so disspointing isnt it.
Im three days late and still no proper line, starting to kick furniture now ,3ww gggrrrr.
Come on the ladies fingers crossed for a big spread of late dec positives. what a big month its been already!
x Daisy
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not been officially trying since the mc in nov but we have had some :bd:'ing around my normal fertile time :shock:

So please can you put me down for Xmas day!! That's when AF due, bummer isn't it? lol!

:dust: to all you other girlies, hope santa is nice to you all :)

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Sorry the witch got you Sarah and Kaw, FX for the New Year!

I was wondering - is it better to calculate due date of af by luteal phase or by typical cycle length?

I am using CBFM so I know exactly when I OV and length of LP.....but when I was using the test predictor thingy on countdowntopregnancy, it didn't take into account my LP, just average cycle length.

I hope that makes sense?!!!

It's just that if I go by LP, af is due today (has hasn't shown up yet - hurrah!) - but if I go by average cycle length then I'm not due til 24th.

This is so confusing!! Hope that this makes some sense....!!

Thanks girlies!!

Really sorry the witch got you both sarah7 and kaw83 :hugs: Hopefully the New year will be lucky for you both and me! :dust: :dust: :dust: x x

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