December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

Lol mummy I drool anyway pregnant or not! Also my boobs are small but I had to buy a 34E today but honestly they still look pretty small! The bra is so much more comfortable though!

I love looking at all these baby bumps.
Babyfrog I was measuring 32 at 31 weeks but nothing was really said about it! Do you think it's a big baby, I've a feeling mines a monster?
When this baby moves it's so uncomfortable I'm just not sure how this baby will stay put for another 8 weeks or thereabouts.

Hey ladies, a don't think the measurements seem right some midwifes measure from different points from pubic bone to top I've found. They said with my first he'd be a small baby he was 8lb 2 lol. This baby is measuring to exact weeks according to the measurements, although on scan at 20week abdominal circumstance was on the 97th percentile ���� I'm exPecting baby to be at least in the 9lbs even tho he'll be 8dsys early. Had a lot of braxton hicks lately and back pain, keep thinking a won't make it till my section date for some strange reason. Carrying him very low tho. How's everyone else? Are you carrying baby high up still etc? X
I have no idea if my baby/bump is high or low! Can you tell from my pic?

I'm not sure I'll have a big baby but I think it will be long as my hubby is tall and always has been! Xxx
I measured small on my last appointment I'm definitely smaller at this point than I was with my son she said she will check again in A couple of weeks before referring me for a growth scan
I have beeen drooling since tri one. I get up in the night and go to the toilet and then get back into bed and wonder who spilled water on my pillow, lol.
I am officially off work until next year and thank goodness it was one hell of a day, 5 patients in from emergency dept before if even had breakfast and another who was very ill and we ended up needing the crash team so to say I'm now glad to be off is an understatement lol
Awwww mummy eeeeeek enjoy your time off goes so fast once the maternity leave comes I think, babies will be here before we kno it ������. I cannot wait at all getting rather uncomfortable in my lower abdomen now feels like he's not a lot of room left to move without hurting me bless him. Xx
Can't wait to finish work even though I've been put on light duties (checkouts) it'll just be nice not to have to go out in the evenings plus it gives me a bit of extra studying time before the baby arrives as I'm doing a course which I'm hoping to get as much as I can done ppre-baby. Had my first of 6 exams this week and it went well but need to focus as much as possible on the ones coming up. 7 weeks left at work. Yay!
On a different matter, we went to the Eden project today to see Andy from Cbeebies (my son was ecstatic!) and for the first time this pregnancy I felt physically done in. We didn't have miles to walk but just pushing him up a few small inclines in the paths did me in. I had to keep stopping, bump was sore, and I zonked out the second I got home (that's nothing new but that's normally because I just love sleep, not because I'm physically shattered!) No work tonight thank goodness! Don't think I could find the enthusiasm!
Hey ladies,
Mummy I've noticed I've been drooling too! Haha think it's because I'm going into a deeper sleep.

Still haven't managed to sort my iron tablets out. The doctors are messing me around :@ I want them in my system before giving birth/having a section as lasts time I lost too much blood. So if I start off with normal iron levels this will help me out.

Anyone else feel baby about an inch or two under your bump?
Like just above the pubic bone. I can feel baby move there. I know she's low, and I need to Wee every 2 mins!

Fundal height can be really off. So can scans though.
This baby is measuring 3 weeks ahead with her legs. Everything else is spot on. Her dads 6"2, I'm 5"7. So none of us are small.

I'm 31 weeks today! Eek! Not long left at all. Baby could be here anytime given the fact my last daughter stopped growing. So I'm panicking slightly. I don't feel as though I've done enough/got enough! Anyone else? Xx

Yeah SIB my baby as always moved around lower but feeling like he's gonna bust out from underneath my pubic bone lately. Awww she might be a long baby bless her, mine have always been smaller in length but chunky I'm 5"3 and partner 5"8. This baby is cheeky already when a feel him move a tell oh to put his hand on my belly as soon as he does that baby stops moving about even does it with my other little boys too, never known anything like him lol. Do u get extra monitoring with your daughter stopping growing? I think as mums we panic that everyThing isn't in for baby ano I keep looking at stuff and thinking it don't seem like he's got loads but been more practical this time around with other boys I went mental on clothes etc. I'm still really scared about c section thinking the worst with it been my 4th section my partner keeps trying to reassure me but no logical reasoning with me when am like this. Got midwife appointment next week she only left it 3weeks between appointments with me been so anxious about things. How long do the iron tablets take to get into system? I've been on them a couple of weeks and just feel physically sick with them, ano it's bad but can only manage two a day not 3 like I was advised to take �� Xx
My fundal height was 4 weeks ahead at 12 weeks, lol. I do have big babies but at that point there is no way it was the baby measuring so big so I think it was just the way I carry. I think I am probably measurinmeasuring 5 or 6 weeks ahead by now, lol.

We got a couple of baby outfits this week. I realised thats actually the first thing we bought specifically for this baby other than some nappies on promotion. We have everything saved from our last two so don't really need clothes or anything. I just wanted a few new clothes to use in babies first few days when all the family will be there taking photos etc. The outfits I got are for a boy so have to still plan to go shopping for a girls outfit or two. The boys ones are neutral enough to pass on a girl. If its a boy I'll just have to pass on the girls outfits so won't get much but feel like having something pink and flowery on hand if it's a girl :).

As far as stuff for baby we really don't need much but we have loads to do in the house. Still fixing up DDs room which needs to get done so we can move her out of our room to make space for the baby. She is excited about the idea of her own room, just hope that sticks once she is actually in it.
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Hope it's not too late to join in here?

I've just posted in the Introduction bit..

Expecting baby boy on 29 December (so 29 weeks) and already have a 9 month old son called Eduardo (Eddie).

Experiencing contraction pains, which I know are not Braxton Hicks, so think I will go early.. just as long as it's not on Christmas Day! Everything else is going well and he is one very active baby, always on the move!!
Oh Sophia welcome and congratulations on the baby :) have you had the contraction pains monitored? X
Welcome sophia! Of course its not to late to join :).

Sounds like a good idea to get the contractions checked if you haven't already. It might be nothing but they do say its important to have any signs of preterm labour checked out. I did have painful BH contractions from about 34 weeks with my first and my MW thought she would come early but she was 10 days late :). My second came 5 days early and totally took me by surprise.

You are going to have a really small age gap! My two are 20 months apart and its hard work but they are really close which is lovely. This time the gap will be 23 months. It would have been closer but we had a loss in between.
I've not seen anyone about the contractions, as had them last time too from around this stage and told that it was normal in pregnancy.

They're not too bad but will keep a check on them and contact my midwife if they get stronger as I'm not due to see her until 32 weeks.

Eddie is sound asleep and think I'm about to do the same... so tired!!!
Just thought I would pop in and say hello. I'm in the Jan thread, but I won't be allowed the go past 30 Dec with these babies. Hope everyone is surviving tri3 xx
Hi Laura! You are welcome to join us here to. Whats your due date?
Official due date is 20 Jan, but identical twins so they'll be born at 34-37 weeks! xx
Awwwwww it's nice our group is growing!

Laura I'm an identical twin (we think just waiting in DNA test to confirm).

I'm having so many braxton hicks. I can't do anything slightly strenuous without tummy tightening like a bullet! It's driving me bonkers.

Some days I have ok sleep and other days I'm tossing and turning beyond belief waking up at 4am!!



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