December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

That's awesome, Tonks! Why did you decide to DNA test now? How exciting!

I have not had any BH yet, but I'm wondering how you all know that they are not the real thing? I guess because they don't become regular and they eventually stop. Maybe that was a stupid question haha :) I am a bit paranoid about preterm labour, as I've read about twins often coming early. xx
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Also I've just had a stalk through previous posts on here and just like the Jan group, you've all stayed skinny minnies! I've gained nearly 30 pounds already at 26+3. I was told to expect to gain 30-50 pounds with twins, but I didn't expect that I would. I started off a size 10/12, and I like to think most of the weight has gone onto the expected areas, but I may be kidding myself a little!
When we were delivered they didn't know whether it was one placenta or two merged together, however you can still have 2 placentas if your identical I found out recently. My mum just always thought we weren't even though she had trouble telling us apart!
We joined twin research and they are doing the test on us. No one has ever been able to say whether we are or not as we look very very similar but then we are slightly different. We both have a rare skin condition that's genetic so I think we are.
You can also have half identical the egg splits in half just before each half is fertilised by 2 different sperm and the twins will generally share about 70% of their DNA!

I had loads of BH around 37 weeks with my son the difference when you have contractions is the pain that comes along with them and they obv become more frequent. I went to the toilet and had blobs of jelly with blood in coming out too, so you'll know unless you dilate without pain but I'm sure that's rare lol!

Are you having a natural birth??

God I've put on weight I haven't weighed myself for ages but I know I have. I might weigh myself at the midwife on Monday just to depress myself.
You will ping back into shape - I'm hoping the bf will help me lose weight.


Haven't got on the scales in a while but I'm definitely smaller than the first time round, I'm about same weight though but I'm neater and my shape is different.
Having a lot of weird paranoid dreams about my husband, told him earlier and he felt really crap even though he'd done nothing wrong, my son is also having a lot of night terrors so we're not sleeping very well at night just exhausted at the minute.
I'm not a skinny Minnie! I'm almost 30 weeks and have put about 25 lb on.... oooops xxx
Haha glad to hear I'm not the only one gaining.. I don't really mind so long as I can shift it after. Also hoping to breastfeed so hopefully that'll help, although my mum says she ate "like a horse" when she was feeding us.

Tonks, I knew that separate placenta twins can be identical but I didn't realise that shared placenta ones could be only partially identical! How interesting. I have learnt quite a bit about this twin stuff which I never knew about before. Mine are sharing a placenta but in separate sacks so monochorionic diamniotic as they call it. We found out at a private scan at just 6 weeks. It does seem that the placenta sharers carry a lot of extra risks, so it's been a slightly stressful pregnancy but I do get scanned every 2 weeks to monitor things and so far, so good.

Hoping to have a vaginal birth (I think), although it'll just depend on their positions nearer the time and what the babies decide to do. I am not keen on the idea of induction, so I might ask to schedule a c-section for 37 weeks (the latest they'll let me stay pregnant) and then hope that they decide to arrive a little bit before that of their own accord.

Any other twins on here? There are lots in the January thread, 4 sets I think! So quite a few of us should be out in December. xx
Having a lot of weird paranoid dreams about my husband, told him earlier and he felt really crap even though he'd done nothing wrong, my son is also having a lot of night terrors so we're not sleeping very well at night just exhausted at the minute.

I've had quite a few dreams that mine has left me because he doesn't love me anymore. I feel so sad when I wake up!

Baby hormones are cruel, but luckily my husband is a v lovely guy and constantly reassures me without thinking I'm too crazy! Xxx
Ended up in hospital yesterday as I'm still getting strong like contraction pains, so I was put on a monitor.

They don't know why I'm getting them but Luca is healthy, happy and moving round, so as long as he is doing well, then I'm not too worried.

Now finding it hard to sleep for any length of time as I get bigger and now getting restless legs!
Never had this before, so anything I can do to try and relieve it?

Thankfully my husband is helping out with bottle feeding Eddie, so I don't have to get up for that. He has taken to formula very well which we are very happy with.
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Glad you're all fine, it must have been scary!

Just saw your signature - gosh your little boys will be close in age. That will be lovely for them though :)
Hey ladies from my booking weight to now (31 weeks tomorrow) iv put on 12lb 😏 I don't no if that's a lot or not x
Sophia live the name Luca!!!
Entre I've added you to the list yep it looks like you're our last December mummy :-)
Sophia- glad things are okay. So then don't think they are early labour contractions for sure? I start getting a lot of BH if I overdo it but they stop if I lie down. Glad Eddie has taken to formula well. I breastfed through my second pregnancy but wasn't sure I wanted to do it again so was glad when DS stopped on his own :).

Restless legs are the worst. I have found magnesium supliments have really helped me.
Hi girls just poking a toe in ;-) my official due date is 9th Jan but as it's non ID twinnies we won't go past 38 weeks so is around Boxing Day ek ! X
Hello ladies, hope everyone is well. Had my midwife appointment today and she said I am only measuring 27.5 weeks and I am currently 31 weeks yesterday. I have been referred for a growth scan!! Two weeks ago I was 27 weeks so have only put on .5 and she thinks it should of been more.

Baby is very low but not quite engaged!! It's making me worried has anyone else had this, and to top it off she calls me after and said your iron levels are low should be at least 105 and currently 103 so need to go on iron tablets to bring it back up!

Anyone else had similar? ... xxx
My midwife thought I was measuring a little small she wanted to wait a couple of weeks and compare again and if still small she will then refer me for a growth scan but I have an antenatal appointment next Thursday anyway
Mexico a think the measurements are inaccurate at times, if the same person don't measure from the exact same spot can be out by miles. I've got midwife tomorrow my iron levels have been low but not been able to stomach iron tablets at all today and yesterday :( xx
Don't know the first measurement was from a scan, the second measurement was by community midwife, first measurement 90% height midwife around 70% 2 weeks later, my tummy hasn't grown much but baby deffo feels like she's running out of space, just had a mini OMG moment, baby due in 48 DAYS!!! I've spent so long trying to prepare my son for the changes....I'm not sure I've prepared myself! Eeeeeeeek!!
Hello ladies here's my latest bump 33 weeks today;



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