December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

Thanks for your replies ladies. I would say it's normal. I didn't put on enough with my daughter (she was 4lbs 9) so I'm trying to keep an eye on things this time.

Mummywanabe.. She is beautiful! What a great picture :)

Very nearly into the third tri! I'm going by 27+2 lol 27+1 today haha


I cannot believe it is third trimester already it's going in so quickly cannot wait to meet our little bundle now hope all you ladies are keeping well and aren't too uncomfortable xx
Does anyone have this constant feeling like they have something stuck in their throat? It's so annoying I think it's all part of the indigestion.

My son just won't let me sleep either. All I do is moan! Arrrggggghhhh!

Yeah I do Tonks and had like cold symptoms for the past couple of days, maybe am run down as not sleeping proper and when I do have awful nightmares again. It really is going so quickly can't believe I haven't any longer than 12 weeks left tomorrow eeeeek. Feeling so many mixed emotions, thinking what if a don't remember how to feed baby change nappies etc, and then on top the anxiety about my section. :( is anyone else having raised anxiety? Xx
I'm really anxious my son was anything but an easy baby I remember crying when he was about 5 days old saying I'll never do this again so I'm a littl stressed but also excited! Especially now I've seen her gorgeous wee face I can't wait to touch her and smell her wee hair kiss her wee feet, my sons labour was very smooth I'm more anxious about this one with having strep b, wondering if it will be really bad this time as although it was painful I don't remember it being horrendous and worried it's still to come
Awww mummy am sure labour will be great for you but a do understand your anxieties. Every labour is different ain't it, and from my experience my 2nd labour was by far the easiest one I've had, turned up to the hospital at 7cm was there 4hours and had my little one without any problems no stitches or anything. The other 2 labours I had was far from a breeze. Would u recommend a 3D/4d scan? I'm still trying to convince other half, we had one done with our 2nd and he said e shunt no what baby looks like before etc. A want one for reassurance too of baby not getting to big where placenta is lying etc my baby was 98th percentile for abdomen at 20 week scan but hospital haven't sempt concerned which worries me a little when e was so big on there ������
I'm extremely nervous for labour :/
With my daughter I was induced, it failed and I ended up with a section.
It was literally the worst and best day of my life. The pain and the stress of it all was horrible.
I would much rather have a planned section if I'm not going to progress again. But I feel like I should at least try and have a Vbac. So in really nervous. I have an appointment with my consultant when I'm 36 weeks to discuss birth so I'm going to make a plan with them.
Regarding baby, I'm not nervous at all. My little girl was really good. I'm hoping this one will be too. But they say you never get two the same haha xx

Icklemoi I've had 4d scans done both times, for personally it's helped me bond seeing their face and little hands and feet and not just a silhouette baby bond do them for £59 of done before 29 weeks
Hi ladies. Have any of you done a newborn photo shoot? Or have one booked? Do you think they are worth the money or are you better waiting? I'm thinking of booking one but it's such a lot of money so wondering what others have thought of them xx
My friends had them done and they were lovely I'm just going to get the wee bounty pic as it was lovely
Hey ladies, feeling rather anxious thinking about c section baby been born etc, I just keep thinking that something terrible is going to happen this time round :/ is anyone else getting scared about labour/sections etc? I've 11 weeks on Tuesday left and it's all getting abit overwhelming tbh. Xx
Ikklemoi im scared to try vbac as I don't want to go through a traumatic birth for it to end in section again. I'm not scared having a planned section (if I decide to) I'm just concerned with recovery and having to walk my son to preschool etc and my husband doesn't drive so we'll be immobile for weeks!
Also my son is so boisterous Ivan imagine him catching me a few times whilst I'm still in pain! Ouch!


I'm the same as tonks. Terrified I won't progress. What will be will be though. Ikklemoi your better having a planned section as its calmer and less rushed (less mistakes) so I'm sure all will be fine :)

Hi girls! I keep reading posts in this thread but hadn't gotten around to joining officially. Thought I should show myself. Hard to believe its tri 3 already!

I have mixed feelings about labour. There is always the nagging worry of what if something goes wrong. We went through rather a traumatic MC before this pregnancy when I haemorrhaged and almost died so that cant help but to make us a little uneasy. I was fortunate to have great labour and birth experiences with our other two though and actually loved the whole thing so mostly I'm quite excited about doing it again.
Sorry to hear that bunny. That sounds dreadful. Not only is a MC a horrible experience but to suffer further. I really feel for you. Glad your so positive though!
I'm trying to stay positive. I'm just trying whatever I can this time to help things along :) (hence my other post lol) xx

I'm mixed feelings I'm excited but worried something will happen to me and leave my son without a mummy and I'm so anxious about stillbirth as my cousin list her son in June because the consultant left it too late to bring her in she had a problem with her liver so was high risk which I am not but it's been playing on my mind a lot. I don't like to talk to my husband about it as I don't want to concern him I'm just hoping and praying we all have smooth labours and are holding our beautiful babies after it!
Awwww mummy so sorry about your cousins still birth must of been very traumatic for your family :( my friend had a still birth at the hospital I'm at, it was there faults as they didn't listen when she went in 3/4 times with reduced movements :( I'm hoping everyone as a smooth birth too and that mummies and babies are well afterwards. Just think Christmas Day with our little bundles of joy making Christmas even more complete :-) I think the elective c section is probli better with everything been more relaxed well not for me I'm a born worrier but for surgeron and everyone. I've been told that my section I have to have a consultant present because of the high risks of something going wrong (very reassuring for someone with anxiety). Is anyone having or had the GTT I've got mine on Wednesday and my 28weeks midwife appointment too seems ages ago since a last saw her, suppose it was at 16 weeks ������. Xx
Is that the diabetes test? If so had mine last week all clear x
Ladies I'm sure all will be fine. We all need to try and relax :) enjoy pregnancy and look forward to meeting our beautiful babies :)

I've been seen several times. I'm classed as high risk and they're treating me as a 'first time mum' regarding appointments.
I'm having extra ones.

I haven't had a GTT sorry ikklemoi. But I know a few people who have had it. From what they've told me you just drink a sugary drink and wait for an hour or so. A couple of blood tests to compare blood sugars.

I've got my 28 week growth scan tomorrow :) plus consultant appointment and bloods. X

Hope all well today! 30 weeks tomorrow where did the time go!!!
Seeing lots of little babies in work today and looking across my tearoom at the maternity ward I'll be in and gettin excited for our little arrival! I've 8 more shift to work over 3 weeks yeeeeha!!!

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