December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

Just got phoned by maternity to say my glucose blood test although not abnormal was a little on the high side so have to go on Tuesday for GTT! Ah well fingers crossed I don't have it!
I know it's crazy I'm 30 weeks Wednesday.

I just felt my first proper braxton hick this evening. Belly was rock hard.

Oh no mummy hope you haven't got it!

I completely forgot my active birthing class last night and I was so looking forward to going. They've said I can go to another one in a different area tomorrow night. I'm so scatty at the moment xx

Awwww mummy a hope GTT comes back ok, I've completely mixed up days am at midwife on wed and GTT hursdsy good job a checked my memory is shocking. Been waking up with really bad cramps in my legs but through day finding it more difficult to walk, get like a stitch pain across my section scar I'm thinking it's round ligiment pain. So exciting for everyone I still can't get over how near December is what sempt a life time ago is getting so real ������ xx
27 weeks tomorrow which I assume is tri3... yikes! Seems hard to believe!!! How are you all finding it? Xx
Awwww mummy a hope GTT comes back ok, I've completely mixed up days am at midwife on wed and GTT hursdsy good job a checked my memory is shocking. Been waking up with really bad cramps in my legs but through day finding it more difficult to walk, get like a stitch pain across my section scar I'm thinking it's round ligiment pain. So exciting for everyone I still can't get over how near December is what sempt a life time ago is getting so real ������ xx

Taking magnesium supliments 90% cured the leg/foot cramps for me, might be worth a try.
Can I be added to the dates bit? Baby girl due 16th December :) ive been dipping in and out of these forums for months without saying much! Hope everyone is keeping well!
I'm due the 16th too. It's nice to have company :).
Just at hospital for my GTT and said to midwife that it's scary 4th section is it safe she said well no it ain't really tbh u could bleed lots and ur scar tissue is a major factor arghhh am even more scared now!!!!
Is v bac not an option at all Ikkle?
Try not to worry look at victoria beckham she's had 4 sections, I'm sure there's loads of women that have had more than 3. I guess they just have to be realistic with the risks.

How did your GTT go?

Welcome OhWow.

I'm actually starting to feels bit better the movements I find can be quiet uncomfortable sometimes I feel a lot of pressure in my bum.

I had an active birthing class and I struggled with the positions I was so uncomfortable most of the class I don't remember this with my first pregnancy. Is anyone feeling like me? On a plus note my indigestion is far better than last pregnancy I haven't had it properly now for a couple of weeks! Yay!!


Hi tonks, no vbac isn't an option at all just mad really the way the midwife said it to me, it states a suffer with anxiety and it's not helped at all her saying that. The GTT went good thanks came back normal, but my full blood count showed that my iron is low so got to take iron tablets. Been getting a constant back pain all day and pains around my scar think it's round ligament pains :( awww am glad ur indigestion is better than ur last pregnancy, did the birthing class suggest any more comfortable positiOns for birthing? X
I found being on my knees more comfortable during labour but doesn't mean I will this time
Add me to the list. 29th and team yellow :)

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28weeks today!
Finally it's really kicking in this might actually happen and We get a baby to bring home at the end of it!
Still trying to keep a realists mind about it, but we need to accept it is all going well so far, as literally nothing is ready. We have clothes and a cot, which are still all bagged and boxed up in the spare room. That's about it.

Anyone else had bad Braxton hicks yet? I get it almost every other day, mostly on my drive home from work, makes things pretty uncomfortable. I'll be asking the midwife about that.

Hope you're all keeping well. X
Hi madsticks I've bought a lot of stuff in but not ready to put it up yet, I'm coming up 31 weeks though so starting to think about getting my hospital bag ready!
Awww mad sticks I'm sure everything is gonna continue and be fine for you and you'll have your little baby before you kno it ��. Gosh it's a good job you mentioned the hospital bag I had completely forgot about having to do that ��. I'm u certain how much to pack as was only in a day with my last baby after section, but don't wanna under pack and be left without things a need. My hubby ain't gonna be able to stay full visiting hours with other kids to see too etc. Xx
We dont need a lot because we have a boy and a girl already and kept all their stuff however the house has loads to do. I need to do loads of organising and sorting to make space for the new baby in our already slightly cramped apartment.

I've had loads of BH every day for months now. I start getting them non stop if I get over tired or do too much bending etc so take that as a sign I need to rest a bit more when that happens. Otherwise I think its pretty normal to be having some.
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Just done my GTT get my results tomorrow eeeeek fingers crossed all clear
I don't have gestational diabetes yay!!!!! Now where did I put that dairy milk haha
lol I was the same with my test I went straight back onto the haribo when they said I didn't have it!!

I've been meaning to ask how did they pick up you were strep B positive Mummy? I'm thinking of getting tested privately at 35 weeks. I don't think I have but researching it and obv as you know if untreated baby can get seriously ill and it worries me.

This baby goes apeshit sometimes I wonder what he's doing in there!!

I've actually brought a bit of stuff now just need to sort hospital bag out. I need to get a hood for the bugaboo, baby monitor, an ergo baby carrier, maternity pads and breast pads. I'm sure there must be more and there is loads more I want but in reality I don't need anymore. I need some more clothes especially as whilst I'm on maternity I'll be waking my son to preschool with the baby during winter.

How's everyone getting on? Xxx

With my first son they did a high vaginal swab when they did my sweep it showed up on that, however if it found on a vaginal swab no antibiotics are required, so when I went for my booking in appointment at 12 weeks I mentioned it to the midwife and she said she would send off my urine sample anyway even though there was no indication on the quick test strip.
So it came back positive in my urine which means I'll get antibiotics before baby is born and if I have enough antibiotics in labour baby may not need them which is what I'm hoping for, to be honest if they hadn't tested me I would have paid to have it done my friend works in neonatal icu and she said they would have a few strep b babies in they've all been lucky and made it home but for the sake of a few £ if u can afford it I'd go for it.
My wee woman is dancing to Saturday night fever in my tummy some of the movements are actually quite sore, I screamed during a team meeting on Monday because it hurt so much and the charge nurse said she just saw my tummy fly out lol
I finish work next wed then I'm starting hospital bag and gave a painter coming to do the nursery we are just too tired now to do it ourselves and he's cheap
In terms of baby monitor I totally recommend the angelcare I loved it!!!
I didn't use maternity pads with my son I bought tena lady pants they were way more comfy, didn't ruin my undies either, that was a wee tip I got In here last time which I'll deffo be doing again
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