December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

Mummy I had a colleague at work inform me about the testing for strep B as his father is an obstetrician in London. After being given loads of info from him I've def decided to have the test. I also lost a close friend at school to meningitis so it's something close to home. The midwife has warned me I could test negative but I could pick it up after first testing but as long as I know that risk she was happy for me to do the testing myself.

Oh god I've had the same in meetings too!! People must think what is she doing I'm constantly trying to move limbs out of the way!

I'm so jealous your finishing work soon I've got like 5 weeks left it's dragging so much.

I was just going to get a sound basic one. Only because at some point he will go in with my son and that's on the 2nd floor in the attic room so I want to hear him before he wakes him up. It's probably more like my son will be waking him though as he's a bad sleeper himself! How much are the angelcares though?

I was looking at the Tena pants I'm Asda on Sunday I think I might get them then. I'm being stupid but do you put pants over the top! I don't want to really waste my money buying crap pants as I need loads of nice new ones anyway since I've been pregnant most of my pants rip on a daily basis!! I've Did they say anything to you in hospital about them not being maternity?? I took always ultra night in last time which were fine. But I've read some hospitals check what you have!


No need to wear pants over the top I just bought a couple of packs and they were great, no they never checked anything! I had to cut my underwear last time but haven't had to this time....yet
Hello December peeps :)
Had my 28 week (+1 day) scan today and all looking good :) baby is bang in the middle of my growth chart so really pleased. Got my gtt done too.

Can I ask, did anyone feel ill after theirs? I didn't get anything to eat today until just after 12 and I've been feeling rotten all evening, even though I've had meals since.

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Yeh I felt a bit queazy and shakey and very tired after GTT
Eeek we've booked a 4d scan for the 25th Oct which we're taking my mom and MIL to, it's my mom's birthday and as she doesn't live near us we thought it'd be a nice treat to help her feel involved as she's coming to stay that week
I'll be 30w so may not be great pics but we'll see. My only concern now is have I done the right thing booking it? Hubbyand I were never keen on the idea of seeing the baby's face in detail before its born, but when I mentioned it and said it might be our last baby he seemed ok with it. Now it's booked he's saying he's not sure if he wants to go because of that same reason. Would feel a bit weird going with the moms and not him. Hope he does come but I'm also feeling a bit odd about seeing his fface before he's born. Argh!!! X
We had 4d done both times 29 weeks with this one, 34 weeks with my son, you do see their wee faces but it's nothing compared to seeing it for real when they're born so I don't think it would ruin it for you, I brought my mum and mother in law for the first one as a wee Mother's Day gift.
Hey ladies, hope you're all well.

Just wondering what your hospital bag must haves are?

I'm trying to pack mine and can't remember what I used/didn't use last time.

I need to be prepared this time. My little girl stopped growing so if this baby does the same they will just take me for a section.

I can't believe I'm 30 weeks!

Any of you ladies feeling tired?
I've just had the results of my 28 week bloods and I'm anaemic.. again!
Just wondering how I will feel once the tablets are in my system. I can't make it past 8:30/9pm at the minute haha xx

Started thinking about my hospital bag now that I'm finishing work.
Dark coloured nightdresses (to hide any blood stains) also incase I need a catheter again
1 pair of PJS incase I don't have a catheter.
Tena lady pants, I found them more comfortable than wearing giant maternity pads with normal pants
Toiletry bag
A book/tablet (for when baby does sleep and don't have visitors)
For baby vests and baby grow in a couple of different sizes
Outfit for going Home
Cotton balls (they don't like you using baby wipes on newborns)
Milk and bottles (incase the hospital don't supply the brand you're using and your aren't breast feeding)

That's all I can think of at the moment
I'm exhausted, getting a cold but thankfully finishing work this week, I am starting to get quite sore and cramps, he back and hip pain is becoming unbareable but nobody seems to want to help when I ask, I. 32 weeks on Tuesday so only 8ish to go, next plan is to get the nursery painted and set up and locate old baby stuff such as steriliser etc
I'm suffering with back and hip pain now too. I cant hardly walk whwn I get up in the morning until it loosens up a bit. wasn't that bad in my other pregnancies. I think it has to do with the fact I am carrying this one so low and all out the front. I really do look like I could be due tomorrow.
Thank you.
I needed a catheter last time because I had a section but I was in a hospital gown anyway.
As soon as it was removed I got changed into my pjs.
I'm not a nighty kind of person. I'm just going to buy one to give birth In.
One nighty, two pjs be enough?
Even if I go for a section I plan on coming home the following day. I was gone the following day after having my daughter so fingers crossed.

I don't need to take milk or bottles into hospital. Try provide pretty much every brand at my local hospital. And I do plan on breast feeding for the first few times, if possible. My daughter wouldn't latch on.

My back and hips are fine. My poor ribs have been in agony since about 21 weeks though.. GP said i probably have inflamed ribs. Rest will help but growing a baby doesn't allow that lol

Ladies.. can I see your bumps please?

I'm pretty sure this baby is very low. Her heads resting on my bladder, and I was told at my last scan she was quite low. Xx

This is my 32 week bump, I'm having a girl this time, I'm carrying much later this time compared to my son, he was practically in my lung lol


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Hey ladies, I'll take a bump pic when am back at home, pics don't seem to upload properly via my phone. I don't feel overly big this time around but I'm feeling the tiredness with been anemia feel dizzy and. Breatheless because of it. Think my level was 9 hoping it picks up before my section, I've 9 weeks tomorrow until my little boy will be here that's if e don't make an appearance before hand. With my last section was only in a day, found a nighty easiest with the catheter took he hospital gown off as soon as a was able to, felt uncomfortable in it. I took a few pairs of pjs too as a bled quite heavily after I had little one. X

28 weeks and 4 days :)
Can't believe how close it is.

Posting a bump pic as I got asked today if I was actually pregnant. It was a14 year old kid and when I said I was pregnant he was like "really!?". Made me feel a bit shit tbh, like the rest of me is so huge even a 7 month bump looks in proportion to the rest of me :/

Kids are stupid :(
... said the teacher lol

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I've brought the Tena pants mummy. How many pairs did you take I didn't realise there were only 5 pairs in the packs.

I'm thinking 1xnighty and 2x pjs too.

Mummy I was looking at your pic upside down, I thought your boobies were bump for a moment, lol

This was last week at 31weeks;

Awww everyone seems to be carrying high with there bumps, mine is lowish still, baby as laid low throughout the pregnancy. Do you recommend the Tena pants when you've had a section? Want something that ain't going to rub on the scar etc? X
Thank you. Lovely bumps!. You have reassured me a little. I wasn't very big with my daughter and she was born weighing 4lbs 9. I keep thinking I'm quite small. But looking at some of you I don't think I am as we look around the same size. I'm having another girl.

I think the more children you have the lower the bumps go?

Sorry for tmi! But is anyone else having loose bowels?
Mine seem to be getting looser (like over a period of a few weeks) 4 times today, eurgh! And I'm getting pains when I need to go. Xx

Lol I've never been well endowed in the boob dept tonks haha hmmm didn't realise there was only 5 in the pack I'll buy two packs then, last time after about 2 days I was able to wear normal underwear and a heavy flow pad. I never wear nighties but incase of a catheter I packed two. When my son was born I didn't even get my clothes off trackie bottoms down baby out lol
Not sure about the section because I had natural births but with my other two the flow was really heavy the 1st few hrs and then settled down a lot. I'd bring spare nighties or pjs even if I was only going to stay in hospital for a few hrs after the birth because thats the time I leaked a lot. Black helps of course.

You ladies all have lovely neat bumps. I look huge now and am carrying low. At least I don't get feet in my ribs but it has been bothering my back.
Anyone else started drooling at night lol I literally wake up and my face is soaked, I remember now this happened with my son too! Pregnancy is so glamorous hehe
Hey ladies! So lovely to see all your bumps. Here's a pic we took on my holidays. I was 28 +4.

Just been to the midwife today and my bump is measuring three weeks ahead... Is anyone else measuring big? Xxx


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