December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

So I am here and the pecessary is in she could get one finger in my cervix just being monitored now!! This pecessary is will last till tomorrow at 12!! Then they will review it again x
Hope it goes well Mexico. I loved most of my first and second labours. The only bit that was tougher to cope with was around transition but that didn't last all that long. Pushing was the best bit, except for the actual birth. I admit once this labour got going it was much more intense and I was wondering how long I could cope with it. I actually asked the MW to check me as I was looking for reassurance the end was close. I was only 5cm and the head was still super high up. I had a moment of panic because with my other two it took hrs and hrs to get from 5cm to birth but a few contractions later I had the sensation of pushing and my waters broke and the the baby was born shortly after! So looking back it wasn't that bad as it was so quick! The first part of the labour was about 20 hrs but active labour can only have been about 4hrs if that. And that was with no drugs at all. In the hospital you have all sorts of options if you need them. Every labour is different and you just have to take it as it comes but you will cope and although I think you tend to hear more about the horror stories lots of women find that it is better than they expected. All of my births have definitely been better than I thought before I had been through it.

It's funny because 10lbs 4oz actually seems small to me after our last boy who was 11lbs! I didn't even need stitches with either so I guess I got off lightly :).
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Aww look at all these gorgeous babies! Congratulations ladies :)
I'mstill hoping we may get an early arrival but no signs at all of that yet and my son was 2 weeks late and induced, he really didn't want to come out!
I'm taking note of all of you that have said labour isn't that bad as sadly my first was very much a One Born Every Minute job...! I'm quite good with pain normally but even now 2.5 years on I still remember how terrified I was and it's making me really anxious and nervous about having contractions again. I hope that was all just down to the induction process and the fact he was back to back that made it like that and that this time it'll happen naturally and I'll have some control over myself and be able to utilise gas and air etc. Still, if all else fails there's always the epidural again! Now come on baby, why not pop out before christmas day and you can have a present from Santa! ;)
Back to back labour is awful, this labour started off back to back for me but thankfully she turned, I'm not sure if it's because of the sepsis and I'd got so ill that I didn't notice the pain as much there was so much going on around me but I never got any pain relief until an hour before she was born I had an oxygen mask on to get my oxygen levels back up so couldn't use the gas til they were happy, and if u have sepsis u can't have an epidural anyway not that I wanted one but going into it I was very apprehensive but it can't have been all that bad I was sending texts to my friends until 20min before I had her and singing rock the boat lol
Good luck Mexico!!

I am so done with being pregnant now. There's no more room. I've forgotten what sleep is. I can't remember what life was like without heartburn. This baby won't settle down and engage, it's still leaping around like it hasn't a care in the world and my skin feels like it's going to explode.

Please tell me it's gets better. If it doesn't come out soon I don't know what I'll do!!
Wow that's big bunny, well done xxx

I hope things have got going for you Mexico.


Good luck Mexico!!

I am so done with being pregnant now. There's no more room. I've forgotten what sleep is. I can't remember what life was like without heartburn. This baby won't settle down and engage, it's still leaping around like it hasn't a care in the world and my skin feels like it's going to explode.

Please tell me it's gets better. If it doesn't come out soon I don't know what I'll do!!
Right there with ya!

How many of us are actually left at this point?

So jealous of all the gorgeous babies :) congratulations mummies!! Xx

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Welll I now have a beautoful baby girl Lydia Grace she was born this morning at 9:12am!!! She's dinky 6lb 9.5 but absoultely beautiful x
Awww congratulations Mexico what a beautiful name, hope you and your little one are ok xx
Congratulations Mexico, amazing news!!!!
There's about 5-6 mummies left to go now, a few haven't been on the forum for a while their due dates have been and gone not sure of the outcome of their pregnancies
Congratulations Mexico! Hope your labour was okay. Small babies are lovely. You get the newborn size so much longer :).
Congratulations Mexico!

Right ladies, what are some things I can do to get this minibeast out of me? I know 'it will come when it's ready' but anything to pass the time and feel like I'm not just sat around being a beached whale, and if it helps coax it out, even better.

I was in tears last night that a friend of mine due at the end of Jan had her baby yesterday. Of course I'm massively pleased and glad her and baby are fine, I just couldn't help be upset that she's got her baby and doesn't have to be pregnant anymore, looks like they'll probably be home for Christmas, which is are all the things I wanted and even though it should be *my turn* as such, it feels like I'm going to stay pregnant and miserable forever. My OH wasn't any help either he got annoyed at me saying I'm weird because I was crying that I'm not having a premature baby - it's due on blooming Sunday it's not like I'm hoping for something dangerous! I just want baby here now. :'(
Thank you!! Good luck to the rest of the mummies left still to have there's!!! Can't get over how hard it is being a mum!! I'm so worried about her all the time is she breathing is she too cold too hot is she hungry!! The breast feeding is the worst as milk isn't it and because she is so dinky I'm worried even more!!! Basically worried all the time!!! Xxx
Unfortunately Mexico the worry never goes away you just stop worrying about one thing and start worrying about something else instead lol
Poor you mad sticks but just think your time will come and it's really only round the corner now.

Mexico I think it does get better, when they are tiny they just look so defenceless and I just want to cry. My sister had her baby yesterday and I just wanted to burst into tears when I was having a cuddle.
Your milk will come in and BF will get so much easier. Think mine was day 4 but I did have section so think it takes a little longer.


For anyone still waiting.....we know how you feel


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Hey ladies!
Congratulations bunny & Mexico!!! Hope you and your babies are doing well.

My little girl is 8 days old already.. :o
Been very busy. Everyone hAs been visiting and I can't put my little Keira down haha

Hope everyone's doing well!

Ikklemoi your little boy is gorgeous!!

Breastfeeding is going really well. So I'm pleased about that :) and Keira is amazing. She sleeps 5-6 hours between feeds :o

Here she is again.. so in love with this beauty!

(I can't help messing around and taking pictures of her <3 )


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