December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

Announcements: Eliza Jane arrived at 14:53 on 28th December 1 day before her due date, weighing 6lbs 11.5oz :)

We are both so chuffed with our gorgeous girl. Have struggled a fair amount with breast feeding but I am expressing in the meantime and will keep trying.

Shattered lol.

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Ooooh she is adorable! :lol:
Well I'm fairly sure I'll be having a January baby! Who else is still waiting to pop? Xx

Meeeeeee been having twinges since yesterday but nothing more, baby was meant to be here Christmas so I'm assuming we should name it Scrooge ;-)
LOL! @Scrooge! :) Wow you ladies are at 41 weeks. I know you are ready for your babies to get here! I'm ready for T.J. to come too. :)
Hey mummy, how is baby Nimah? Hope she is getting stronger and things are improving. Been thinking about you both xxx
Also thinking of you and Niamh mummy, hope things are improving for her. Xxx
Hope you're all doing well, just to update that my late little December baby arrived on January 4th.

Baby Penelope :-)
Congratulations on the new arrivals Eliza looks so Scrummy. I hope the new mummies and babies are doing well.

I'm thinking of mummy during this time.
Quick update from me - Zachary William Trist was born on Thursday 5th at 7:10am by emergency c-section following distress in labour and a placental abruption. 9lb 5 & 1/4oz of lovely squishiness. We got home last night. I'm feeling pretty useless and immobile but we'll get there! I had a mystery infection after the birth so am on antibiotics and Zachary was treated too for an infection although because his bloods were coming back clear he's been able to come right off them which is good.
Breastfeeding is going OK although I'm very sore so need to get checked out to see what I'm doing wrong.
He's the absolute double of his brother, it's quite bizarre!
Congratulations Cornish he finally arrived bless him! Hope your recovering well. Xx
Quick update from me - Zachary William Trist was born on Thursday 5th at 7:10am by emergency c-section following distress in labour and a placental abruption. 9lb 5 & 1/4oz of lovely squishiness. We got home last night. I'm feeling pretty useless and immobile but we'll get there! I had a mystery infection after the birth so am on antibiotics and Zachary was treated too for an infection although because his bloods were coming back clear he's been able to come right off them which is good.
Breastfeeding is going OK although I'm very sore so need to get checked out to see what I'm doing wrong.
He's the absolute double of his brother, it's quite bizarre!

Congratulations! That's the same weight as our 1st. A nice size :). It sounds like you have had a hard time of it. Placental abruption is quite scary. I am glad you are both okay although I am sure it's going to take a while for you to feel like yourself again. Do they think your issues in labour could have been connected to the infection?
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Congrats Madsticks and Cornish hope your all doing well. Definitely sounds scary what u went through bless you, try and rest after the section ano it's easier said than done, Iv not rested all times I've had a section and this time around it's opened up in a few places still not 100% after 4weeks. X
How is everyone? Can't believe my little munchkin is going to be a month tomorrow where has that gone. I'm finding it really difficult with the lack of sleep at night she seems to be not settling until 2am in the morning and I think she's got evening colic as well which means lots of unsettled crying. Is anyone else finding it really hard. It's my first baby so been a real eye opener. I am still Breast feeding but can't say I am enjoying it!! X
Hi! Knackered, tired, exhausted and tired haha! Can't believe my little one is a month old already either! Time goes so quick! Definitely with you on the no sleep and the night thing. Sometimes my LO doesn't go to sleep till 6am and she can be up all night. She tends to sleep more throughout the morning. This is also my first baby and I am combination feeding but I'm trying to keep positive haha and cherish her while she's so little as she won't be like this forever :(
Haha blondie I know exactly what you mean!! I have called in the help of my retired parents so I can at least get some guaranteed sleep. She doesn't sleep very well and takes a while to settle and she is not really a content baby. So it's hard work! She is 5 weeks on Monday and I am hoping things will start to get easier as she gets bigger!! They say things can never prepare you, god were they right!!! Breastfeeding is fine now but to start with it was horrible. Looks like it's only me and you left everyone else seems to have gone quiet!! Hope your getting more slee blondie!! Things will get better :)
Hi again girls! Sorry I keep popping in but always seem to get interrupted before finishing a post! Our little man is a much better sleeper than our 1st (thank goodness) and even better than our second I think but still feeds pretty much every 2hrs day and night so sleep is never very solid, lol. What is worse is that our other two have been through two colds and a sick bug since he was born so they seem to take turns having sleepless nights. Other than being crazy busy and a bit chaotic just trying to keep up with the daily stuff life is good. Enjoying our little boy.I had forgotten already just how cute newborns are.
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bunny how do you do it!! I'm struggling with a newborn!! I don't have any other children. Things are hard as she has colic and she takes a while to settle after feeds and doesn't sleep for long!! May be you could give me some lessons on how to cope!! You must be a super mum!! Amazing I take my hat off to you as I am struggling with just her!! I have got so much help from my parents as well as I was really struggling the health visitor thought I might have postnatal depression!! Bunny please tell me it gets easier..... she will be 5 weeks on Monday!! X
So it's been a month since I last posted! So much has changed! My girl is golden! Last couple of nights she's been sleeping from 1:30-6 and in her own bed too! Before this she wouldn't really settle in there and preferred sleeping in my bed. The bath, bottle and book routine is definitely working! We've also booked her first holiday for June! How are you all getting on? I can't believe how fast the time has gone!

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