December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

No tonks never gave me anything other than iborofen and paracetamol, one lot of paracetamol was thru the IV one the first completely shocked tbh that I was only offered that, they said a cope with pain really well, &I was been too "on the go" that I had to rest. The local gp today as given me a prescription for co codramol hopefully that'll work ok
Thanks Mexico can't believe how dark his hair and complexion are.
How are you feeling? Xx
He's gorgeous so cute!! Very nervous about tomorrow I have to ring the hospital at 8am and then be told when to
Go in!! It's just the unknown!!! :( just want the baby to be ok and don't want it to drag on for ages x
Well after a long night and day of light contractions that didn't seem to be going very far things really kicked off with a bang at about 10:30pm and our little boy was born at 2:15 this morning weighing 10lbs 4oz.
Congratulations bunny!! My god he is a big boy!! Sounds like quite a nice labour!! If there is such a thing!!! Have you named him yet? I am glad all is well!! Congratulations xxx
Oh a hope everything goes ok tomorrow are they inducing yoU then?, yeah a no how you feel with me it was the unknown of what was gonna happen etc it's normal to be nervous and worry but your in very safe hands at the hospital. I'm sure it'll go smoothly and not drag on that long for you. Will be thinking about you tomorrow can't wait to see the news that baby as arrived and your bothwell :)good luck Hun xx
Oh wow congrats bunny so pleased your little boy as arrived, he was a good weight wernt he :) hope everything went well for you xxx
Thanks IKk yeah being induced tomorrow got to ring at 8 and then go in!!!its thenpain I worry about don't think I am going to cope very well!!! Xx
I'm sure you'll cope fine with the pain, it's not as bad as people think tbh, well a never thought it was. There's loads of different things for pain relief they'll offer you with a normal delivery. Ask again about the water birth tho if that's what you want. X
Well that's a good start to the day, call up as advised by the midwife to do at 8pm to be told many a different midwife to ring back at 9 as the consultants don't start until 8:30!! Then she says let me just check your in the book first!!!! xx
Congratulations bunny :bunny: what a big baby!!!
Good luck today Mexico. You'll be fine :) just relax don't stress and let your body do the work :p (easier said than done lol)
Congratulations BunnyN on your little sons arrival!! Mexico do not worry about the pain, just take whatever pain relief is on offer if you need it! I'm awful with pain I've been known to stub my toe and cry and sometimes vomit lol but labour I thought wasn't so bad and I've just had gas both times, it's less of a pain more of a pressure with cramps but I've never found it to be as horrific looking as it looks on one born every minute x
Thanks Mummy for your supportive words. It doesn't help when you have some people who have been through childbirth telling you how bloody painful it is!!!! Shut up, your not helping!!! X
Call me crazy but I was laughing through most of my labour and I actually at points enjoyed it lol. It only really hurt at the very very end.
Good luck for today Mexico hope all goes is well you'll be holding your little baby soon eeeek :)
I loved the gas and air, quite sad that a didn't get to use it in my c section. Like mummy said it's more like a pressure and Ones on one born every min do make it look worse maybe it's the way it's edited. You'll do absolutely amazing xx

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