December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

And another...

Mexico.. being a mummy gets a lot easier. It just takes time. I was like you with my first. This time it's a hell of a lot easier. Keira's just fitted into our routine. Try not to worry, you will get there!

Regarding BF.. on day 3 I noticed Keira hadn't passed any urine in 24 hours. So I gave her little bits of formula as Obviously she was getting dehydrated. As soon as my milk came in I stopped supplementing and she's been great since. It takes time and patience unfortunately and is hard until your milks in. But keep going with it xx

Ooooooh she's so adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol: Oh I can't wait for T.J. to be born! :)
Such adorable babies!

I'm jealous of the good sleepers! Our little boy hasnt gone more than 4hrs since he was born and that was only twice :). He is much less work than DD was though so I cant complain too much :).

Our 1st was due in April but went 10 days over so I ended up being the second last 'April' mummy in our group I think. She was actually born May 6th. I know how fustratinf it gets!
Some lovely Christmas babies arriving!
One of my twins is a great feeder but the other is taking longer to learn to latch. The trouble was that all the midwives at the hospital gave us different and sometimes conflicting info!
Managed 2 tandem feeds today although the good feeder now keeps falling asleep!
Thanks ladies a though he'd lost abit of his hair but he's still got a head full bless him :)
He's a little darling hardly ever cries probli 3/4times a day he's such a content baby.
He wants feeds every 4hour but will go back down after nappies changed and burped etc cannot imagine my life without the little man is. My other boys have adapted so well to there baby brother everything is perfect atm :) Us December mummies do have beautiful babies all your ladies babies are gorgeous. :) what a lovely way to end 2016 with our little beauties xx
Well, at least the cat is comfortable

#39weeks #stillwaiting

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Niamh has a suspected milk allergy and has been started on hydrolysed formula and feed thickener for reflux and prescribed rantitidine incase the acid is worse she spent most of yesterday screaming her wee lungs out thankfully it seems to b doing the job, she had a bottle at 1am and didn't wake until 6.30 for the next.....let's hope it continues!

Glad all our other little newborns seem to be doing well! Looking forward to hearing about some more new arrivals soon x
Poor girl. My other two had milk allergy. I was BFing but it effected them when I ate dairy. It seems likely this one is the same. After one night of him having tummy ache and refusing to feed for about 12hrs, which was rather worrying, I gave up dairy and he has improved and is happy and eating well although his poo is still weird. To know for sure it's the dairy I'd have to test eating it again but I don't think it's worth it for a while. It's horrid when they get miserable.
Wow that's amazing how dairy affected them through your breast milk when you ate it. I'll have to remember that because dairy doesn't bother me, but my brother is lactose intolerant , so T.J.might inherit it.
They say that it is rare for babies to be lactose intolerant but a lot of babies havean intoleranceor allergy to the proteins in cows milk. A lot grow out of it by 2 years though. DD is fine with milk now and DS only has mild issues
Merry Christmas ladies and a big merry Christmas from Logan too.
Hope everyone is well. X

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Merry Christmas for yesterday! Going to read back now and see what I've missed whilst bouncing on my ball! Xx
I was wondering about a birthing ball. Do they really help?
I used the birthing ball loads whilst I was in labour I think they are really good and it helped me through!! Xx
I've had mine out since week 20. Convinced that with my bad back it's the only reason I'm still mobile and upright at 40 weeks!

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I find them more comfortable to sit on in the evening when I'm knackered although last night I bounced for so long my bits were hurting when I stood up! Ha ha! Baby was feeling very low at bedtime but waking this morning he feels like he's up in my ribs. Must bounce more!!

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