December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

Thanks bunny, it's 3/5 and she said she doesn't think it will pop back out and that it is in a good position but I can see where this is going I won't be able to have a home birth as planned if get induced. I guess it will all depend on where I appear on the growth chart tomorrow as to whether I will be induced or not is that right bunny? Xx
Waiting for SLB baby news!! So exciting now all our babies are starting to arrive, Niamh will be 3 weeks old on Saturday, she's a very content little girl which has been such a relief
Thanks bunny, it's 3/5 and she said she doesn't think it will pop back out and that it is in a good position but I can see where this is going I won't be able to have a home birth as planned if get induced. I guess it will all depend on where I appear on the growth chart tomorrow as to whether I will be induced or not is that right bunny? Xx

If everything is fine on the scan then there is nothing to worry about. If they are concerned about growth there are still options. Some doctors are keen to induce for small babies, others prefer a wait and see approach with extra monitoring if they don't identify any particular problem. Honestly evidence is pretty sketchy as to what the best approach is. If they want to induce I would ask how urgent they feel it is and if it will make a difference to wait a few days with monitoring at least. That will give you the chance to decide on the best course. Obviously they want to make a good choice for you and the baby but for them there are other factors involved too. Monitoring can turn out to be a more expensive and less convenient choice than just inducing for them whereas when the labour ward is busy they might be less inclined to induce unless they really feel it's urgent. I think it's worth informing yourself and making sure you really feel induction is the best way to go if they bring it up. There is a good chance everything on the scan will be fine though.
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I wonder how Sib is... hope she is ok been thinking about her all day and her little princess!! Xx
Yeh, looking forward to an update. Hopefully she is too busy enjoying baby cuddles just now.
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Forgot to update.. sorry ladies.

Well my section went well and I'm proud to tell you all that I've got a gorgeous 8lb 7oz (*shock*) little girl.
Miss Keira Elise...

Both mummy and Keira are doing well :)
We've even taken to breastfeeding quite well :)

I'm up and walking around and as long as things carry on then we will be home tomorrow :) xx

Congratulations! So cute!

Well I am in currently in the bath to see if it will ease the strong BH contractions I have been getting. They are pretty intense and regular and so far the bath is doing nothing so I am thinking that it could be the start of something. Last time I thought that it came to nothing though so not convinced yet.
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Awww Sib she's beautiful!! A lot bigger than you were expecting. Glad you are both doing well!! How are you getting on bunny sounds like your going to be next... hope your ok xx
Omg she's gorgeous SIB well done Hun and congratulations :) glad the section went well for you. I'm gonna try and upload a pic of my little one, well big one. I'm home finally came home yesterday afternoon was told to take my dressing off so I did and my wound is proper sore no and can't get off the sticky. Was only sent home with my blood thinner needles no pain relief they said take paracetamol and ibuprofen like what they gave me there just can't believe that's all that's offered tbh. Logan is so content he barely cries just mutters to himself before he goes wants a bottle. Everyone thought I'd been in ages with him been 9lb 4 he looked a month or two old compared to others.
Well still getting contractions since flashlight but they are still not much stronger, only just painful and not very regular. I managed to sleep on and off and going o try a walk to see if that helps speed things up. Just hoping they don't decide to stop now! If they get going soon we mightactually be getting a due date baby!
Well, had my scan then head to go to daycare to be then told that I can't have a home birth and that they have booked me in for Sunday to be induced as baby is tailed off on the growth chart!! They said it was around 6'4 at the moment. So looks like I need to pack my bag ready for Sunday!! Not what I thought was going to happen this morning!!! Due on Monday anyway but being induced the day before. Xx
Mexico, can you get yourself in to a reflexologist or acupuncture tomorrow, see if it might help kick things off beforehand? Sorry you're not going to get your home birth, but you still have time to try and get things moving before they give you the fake hormones X X
Have you been induced? Just don't want to go to hospital dreading it!! Especially staying in overnight!!! Just want to be t home!!! Don't think I would get an appointment this late on especially with it being Christmas!! Just everything I had planned has been taken away!! Don't like it!!
Sorry things didn't work the way you hoped Mexico. Did they actually give a reason you can't have a HB if you go into labour first?tthey cant tell you that you cant have a HB, only the reasons it might not be wise. Some doctors are reasonable, others will always find an excuse why you 'can't'.

My labour finally seems to be kicking up the pace although I think it's still going to be a long night.
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Oh wow Slb she looks beautiful hun. So glad everything went well!

Ikkle paracetamol and ibrupofen are they serious!! I was given some type of codeine as well to take home which begins with a D. Did you have oral morphine in the hospital? I was on that 1st and 2nd day inbetween the other pain relief. I was so insistent on being topped up at all times that's prob why I feel this section has been so much better than my 1st emergency.
My bruising is a lot worse than my 1st don't know why! I'd expect it to be more painful but it isn't today I've hadn't needed any pain relief and I'm on day10.

Mexico sorry you can't have your home birth but good luck with your induction.

Bunny how exciting good luck Hun, I hope things progress for you soon.


Just said it's not an option the midwife even said I'm even allowed a water birth at the hospital as your only allowed them if your classed as low risk! I can't see why I am high risk though growth scan was fine it was just the fact that the growth has tailed off but it's estimated at 6lb 4 !! Oh I don't know!!! Xx
Mmm it seems a little drastic to me Mexico. I thought they usually do at least two scans before deciding to induce for poor growth, unless of course they actually find an issue. Have you considered a second opinion? Or insisting on another scan? If you feel you have been given good reasons for induction and hospital birth of course you just want what ie best for the baby even if it isn't the birth you had hoped for but it's always your choice not theirs. They have the responsibility to support a home birth if that was still your choice.

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